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CCP Calls for Reorganizing “Weak and Lax” Rural CCP Branches

Xinhua reported that Xi Jinping, the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, presided over the 7th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reform, reaffirming the push for the implementation of major reform measures.

The meeting also called for “solidifying grassroots Party organizations and reorganizing the weak and lax rural Party organizations.”  The 7th meeting passed several Party directives including the “Guidance on Strengthening and Improving Rural Governance.”

That is, the meeting emphasized strengthening and improving rural governance.  It is necessary to establish a modern rural social governance system that the Communist Party heads, to solidify a strong grassroots Party organization, to reorganize weak and lax rural Party organizations, and to appoint strong leaders to the rural Party organizations.

The Central Comprehensively Deepening Reforms Commission, formerly known as the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms is a policy formulation and implementation body set up under the Politburo of the Communist Party of China in charge of “Comprehensively Deepening Reforms.”

Source: Xinhua, March 19, 2019

CCP Party Official: Religious Teachings Must Be Interpreted According to China’s Laws and Regulations

During his inspection tour from March 19th to 20th,  Yu Quan, Secretary of the Central Committee of the CCP Central Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, said, “The CCP must maintain its leadership when working with the religious people in China.”

According to Yu, it is necessary to guide religious people to interpret religious teachings in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations.  [Local governments] must lead the religions in China with socialist values and make sure religions are in line with the socialist society.

Yu further stated that grassroots CCP organizations must effectively improve their ability to do a good job in religious work, increase their manpower working with religious people, and unite religious people around the CCP.

Source: People’s Daily, March 20, 2019

Top Lawmaker: China’s GDP Not Credible Due to Data Fraud

According to Yin Zhongqing, deputy director of the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), the total amount of all local GDP added together is greater than the national GDP due to data fraud.

“There is a discrepancy between regional and national GDP figures and it has negatively affected the credibility of the government,” said Yin at a press conference on March 10 during the second session of the 13th NPC. “Some local governments tend to cook their books, inflate some statistics, or conceal some data to stand out from the competition.”

According to Yin, a number or factors contribute to data fraud. First, people do not comply with the law and data fraud persists despite repeated crackdowns. Second, local governments, businesses, and residents are overburdened with data calls from different government agencies. Third, many government agencies apply different standards, resulting in inconsistencies in the data collected. Fourth, punishment over data fraud is “too light.” Fifth, a lot of statistical indicators are still defined according to the planned economy and do not reflect actual development.

Source: Beijing News, March 10, 2019

Nanjing Military District Accelerates 5G Pilot Application in Military-Civilian Integration

On February 26, 2018, Nanjing Military District Commander Li Bin visited Unicom (Jiangsu) to learn about the application results of Unicom (Jiangsu) in new technologies and new fields such as big data, cloud computing and the Internet of Things. Li Bin had exchanges on how to promote the application of 5G technology in military-civilian integration.

Commander Li Bin said that 5G will not only change society but will also shape future wars. The widespread application of new combat warfare such as unmanned reconnaissance, unmanned vehicles, and autonomous combat will rely on the 5G ultra-high-speed information transmission. Both the military and local civilians should implement the concept of the integration of military and civilian development; they should strengthen cooperation in the areas of mobilization, construction of new quality militia, dynamic management of the militia, and mobilization of auxiliary decision-making zones; and they should actively explore the in-depth use of information technology in the field of national defense mobilization.

Source:, February 27, 2019

CBIRC: China Faces High Financial Risks

Wang Zhaoxing, Vice Chairman of the China Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) spoke recently about financial risks. Wang said that, to prevent and resolve financial risks, it is necessary to be ready for a good fight as well as to be prepared for a protracted war. He indicated that China should always focus on the following five major risk areas.

First, China should continue to increase its efforts to dispose of the non-performing assets of banking institutions and, at the same time, to control the growth of new non-performing loans.

Second, China should beware of the liquidity risks of small and medium-sized bank insurance institutions during economic downturns and financial market fluctuations.

Third, China should continue to watch out for shadow banking activities such as regulatory arbitrage, “passageway business,” and increased leveraging that includes inter-bank investments, interbank financial management, entrusted loans, and “passageway trust loans.”

Fourth, China should continue to focus on real estate financial risks and implement prudent lending standards for real estate development loans and personal mortgage loans. In particular, it should impose strict control over speculative real estate development and personal loans, and prevent major problems related to real estate financial risks.

Fifth, China should continue to coordinate among other government departments in the disposal of local government debts, especially the disposal of hidden debts of local governments.

Source: The State Council Information Office, February 25, 2019