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First Lawsuit Filed Against Sanlu Toxic Milk Power Producer

Parents of Xiao Tao, a one-year old victim of melamine-contaminated milk powder, have filed a lawsuit against Sanlu for 150, 000 RMB in damages.  Xiao Tao was taking Sanlu milk power ever since he was born in July 2007.  He has been hospitalized in Beijing in serious condition with his kidney, bladder and ureters filled with stones.  His attorney, Mr. Ji Chen from Beijing’s Heng De Law Group, has collected over 90 emptied packages of Sanlu milk powder from Xiao Tao’s home.  Mr. Ji indicated that the final amount of damages sought will be much higher.  On September 22 the family received notice from Henan Zhenping People’s Court acknowledging the filing of the complaint.

Source: Beijing Youth, September 26, 2008

Bank of China to Purchase AIG’s International Leasing Business

The State’s central bank, Bank of China, is said to have expressed interest in acquiring international leasing business of American International Group for $100 Million, Caihua (Hong Kong) reported.  Earlier Vice President of Bank of China Zhu Min indicated that the bank will proactively seek opportunities to acquire U.S. financial institutions.  In 2006 Bank of China acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Singapore Aircraft Leasing Enterprise (SALE) for US$965 million, and has now become the largest aircraft leasing company in Asia.

Source: Caihua, October 2, 2008

Xinhua Lashes Out Against the Dalai Lama and US Congressman Wolf

Xinhua again criticized the Dalai Lama for advocating “Tibetan Independence” and Congressman Wolf in a September 30 article at its official website.  Xinhua stated that teaching Tibetans science classes in Chinese Mandarin enhances Tibet heritage, not as the Dalai Lama said, destroys the ancient, unique Tibetan language.  Moreover, by advocating Tibetan Independence, the Dalai Lama mixes politics and region, and is in violation of the principle of separation of powers adopted in democratic countries, said Xinhua.  Xinhua rebutted Congressman Wolf’s Congressional testimony which stated the building of Potala Palace Square destroyed Tibetan culture, citing his August 1997 trip to Tibet.

Source: Xinhua, September 30, 2008

Xinhua Reported Successful Spacecraft Orbiting Prior to its Launch

China’s State news agency Xinhua posted on its website on September 25 a news report describing a successful launch of China’s spacecraft Shenzhou 7–before the rocket had even left the ground. The article included direct quotations from a detailed dialogue that allegedly took place between astronauts on September 27. The article was later taken down and Xinhua issued an apology on September 26 stating the September 25 posting of the article was a "technical error" by a technician.

Xinhua, September 26, 2008
Epoch Times, September 27, 2008

Revised Export Control List Released

China released a revised list of items subject to export controls, effective November 1, 2008. The list released on September 25, 2008 covers 85 categories including agriculture, coal mining and washing, textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, telecommunication equipment, computers and other electronics, heath products and others. The list contains 150 kinds of technology. 33 of them are totally banned from export while 117 are subject to export restrictions. National security and public interest have been cited as the guiding principle in formulating the list. The September 25 list is a revision of the December 2001 list.

Xinhua, September 25, 2008
Ministry of Commerce, September 26, 2008

China’s Foreign Minister on Post-Olympic Diplomacy Challenges

China will further develop its relations with Russia, India and Brazil as well as maintain good relations with Western countries, said Yang Jiechi, China’s Foreign Minister in a Communist Party journal, Qiu Shi addressing "unprecedented opportunities and challenges” after the Olympics. “China will continue the good momentum of development with the United States, Europe, Japan and other Western [countries] and properly handle conflicts and differences, and strive to enhance mutual trust and common interests. At the same time we should further enhance the strategic dialogue and cooperation with Russia, India, Brazil, and other emerging great powers to expand the new space of diplomacy for us as agreat power.”

Source: Qiu Shi, September 16, 2008

China Launched Manned Spacecraft Shenzhou 7

The launch of Shenzhou 7 spacecraft serves as a milestone in the increase of China’s national power, said an editorial in the People’s Daily. China launched its third manned spacecraft on September 25, 2008 with three astronauts on board to attempt its first space walk. The People’s Daily editorial continuned that 30 years of reform have provided the guarantee for such a technologally advanced move. Shenzhou-7 blasted off on a Long March II-F carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern Gansu Province.

Source; Xinhua, September 26, 2008

Xinhua: U.S. Intensively Monitors China’s Space Development from China’s Neighboring Countries

The U.S. espionage priority has been the four Chinese space R&D bases of Jiuquan, Xichang, Taiyuan and Hainan, according to a September 24 Xinhua article. 6 of the 12 U.S. espionage satellites are on Asia, particularly China. “Actions” in Jiuquan are clearly under their watch. The electronic survailance bases that the U.S. has established around China serve as the ear on China’s space development. Current there are over a dozen U.S. monitoring stations in Japan and Korea. The U.S. also maintains radar stations and electronic monitoring sites in Central Asia for this purpose. The U.S. National Reconnaissance Office conducts systematic monitoring activities. Located in Pentagon, it has an annual budget of between $250 to 350 million. It has digital imaging spy satellites such as Navy satellites KH-8 and KH-9, and CIA’s KH-11.

Source: Xinhua, September 24, 2008