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Over Twelve Thousand Infants Hospitalized Due to Contaminated Powder Milk

The Ministry of Health estimated that as of September 21, a total of 12,892 infants were hospitalized. 104 of them are in serious condition. Another 39,965 visited clinics. Of all infants receiving treatment, 81.87% are 2 years old or younger%. 17.33% are those between 2 and 3 years old. Those above 3 account for 0.8%. As of September 15, 2008, about 10,000 infants who had been fed contaminated Sanlu powdered milk were examined. 1,253 have been diagnosed with kidney illness. 2 of them have died. 913 were treated as outpatients. 340 remained in the hospital. As the number of victims sharply increases, sources in Hong Kong media indicated that they received instructions from Communist Party Propaganda Department not to report on the incident.

Xinhua, September 21, 2008
Apple Daily, September 24, 2008

Exposure to Lehman Brothers of Chinese Banks Reaching $331 Million

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and Bank of China have total exposure to failed U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers of $151.8 million and $75.62 million respectively, the official Xinhua news agency said on September 17, 2008.  Exposure of both banks accounts for 0.01 percent of their respective total assets.  The exposure consists of Lehman-related bonds and loans, said Xinhua.

Sources in Shanghai indicate the exposure of other major banks.  Industrial Bank has exposure of $33.60 million and China Merchant Bank has exposure of $70 million. Construction Bank is still in the process of assessing possible losses and no figures have been released.  Communications Bank has limited exposure, according to sources from the bank.

Source: Xinhua, September 17 and 18, 2008

More Companies Found To Have Produced Toxic Milk Powder

22 Companies have produced melamine milk powder, the People’s Daily reported.  China’s General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, tested 491 batches of products from 109 companies after the deaths of infants who had taken Sanlu milk powder.  69 Batches from 22 companies were found contaminated by melamine to varying degrees.

Source: People’s Daily, September 17, 2008

Xinhua: Neither U.S. Party Platforms Talk about China Threat

A Chinese government think tank believes the omission of a "China Threat" approach in the platforms of both Republican and Democratic Parties marks progress compared to the use of the term “strategic competitor “ by President Bush, reported the International Herald Leader under Xinhua. However, there are problems, observed International Herald Leader. The Republican platform discussed policies towards China and Taiwan separately. In particular, there is no mentioning of “one China”, clearly leaning toward Taiwan. In contrast, the Democratic platform stated that it upholds the “One China Policy.” International Herald Leader further stated that the Democratic Party favors protectionism and attacks China several times in the past on trade issues, quoting Biden’s remarking on banning toy products from China. It was noted that McCain is against protectionism.

Source: Xinhua, September 16, 2008

More Arrests in Toxic Milk Powder Case

Two more arrests were made according to Hebei authorities’ press conference on September 16, 2008 in connection with the melamine-tainted milk powder recall. As of September 16, 4 people were arrested and another 22 were in police custody. As of September 15, 2008, about 10,000 infants who had been fed contaminated Sanlu powdered milk were examined. 1,253 have been diagnosed with kidney illness. 2 of them have died. 913 are being treated as outpatients. 340 remain in the hospital. "…The number could rise sharply in coming days as more parents take their children for medical check-ups," Xinhua reported, citing Health Minister Chen Zhu.

Source: Xinhua, September 15 and 16, 2008

Preliminary Winners of 2008 Best Self-Disciplinary Chinese Websites

Twenty-one websites were winners in the preliminary contest for Best Self-Disciplinary Websites, according to the Internet Society of China. The winners include,,,,, and The twenty-one winners were selected due to exemplar compliance with the State law and regulations on Internet censorship. Internet Society of China (ISC) was established in 2001 and considered State’s arm in enforcing Internet censorship. In June 2004 its members were “invited” to sign self-discipline pact in order to prevent the spread of anti-government information, porn and anything else that might threaten "national security (and) social stability."

Source: Internet Society of China, September 5, 2008

High Administrative Cost and China’s Political System

The root cause of high administration expenditure lies in the Chinese system and a deep-down system reform is the only way to resolve the problem, said the People’s Daily website. Major administrative and functional coordination is implemented by government or quasi-government entities that extend their control throughout the country via various layers of government entities. Centralized system brings weak local governments that are derivative of the central government. Too many layers of government also contribute to the high administrative cost of the government.

Source: People’s Daily website, September 10, 2008

Xinhua: New Round of Conflicts between U.S. and Russia

The recent conflict between Russia and Georgia was in fact a forceful rebuttal launched by Russia against the United States’ expansion in Russia’s neighborhood, but not likely leading to major confrontation, said Xinhua.  The article listed Russia’s embargo on Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, support of the Palestine’s Hamas, arms sales to Venezuela, Syria and Iran; and cooperation with Iran on civil application of nuclear technology, all as proactive responses to the United States. “From the long-term perspective, if Russia exercises adequate self-control, the situation would not deteriorate and the relationship between Russia and the West would not suffer major setbacks.”

Source: Xinhua, September 10, 2008