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Study Times: Warning of Mounting Social Unrest

The social unrest in Weng’an is not an isolated incident, said Study Times, the publication of the Party School of the Chinese Communist Party.  The article cited official statistics on the increase of social unrests, 8,700 in 1993, 87,000 in 2003 and over 90,000 in 2006.  “The upward trend of numbers continues.”  The article held that the Weng’an incident is representative of major social unrest in recent years in terms of the number of participants, duration, intensity of conflicts, and their ramifications.”  

On June 28, over ten thousand local residents gathered in front of government buildings in Weng’an County, Guizhou Province, over the investigation of the death of a female high school student.  Angry crowds torched the police station, county government building, and Civil Affairs Bureau building. 1500 anti-riot police arrived on Sunday morning and used tear gas and high voltage batons at the scene. It was reported that at least three people died, 200 people were arrested including 30 middle school students, and 150 injured.

Source: Xinhua, September 8, 2008

People’s Daily: A Powerful China Will Bring Good Sino-Japanese Relations under the People’s Daily quoted an article on the recent resignation of Fukuda as Japanese Prime Minister by Wen Wei Po, a pro-China regime newspaper in Hong Kong.  The Wen Wei Po article dismisses the concerns of a more conservative Taro Aso as successor and holds that the stronger China becomes, the better the bilateral relations, and the easier the issues such as East China Sea will be resolved.  The Chinese website quoted Wen Wei Po as saying the two problems in Japan are the aging of its population and the persistent weakening of its economy which contrasts with a post-Olympic Chinese economy.

Source: People’s Daily, September 5, 2008

People’s Daily: If He Wins, Obama Could Bring Criminal Charges against Bush under People’s Daily cited the U.K. newspaper The Guardian saying that if Obama wins, he could bring criminal charges against Bush.  The official website stated, “Democratic Vice-President nominee Joe Biden said that if his party wins the presidential election, criminal charges could be brought against the Bush administration, hence the strongest stance demanding investigation of crimes during the Bush Administration.”

Source: People’s Daily, September 5, 2008

China Petroleum Plans Massive Layoff

State-own China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is estimated to be cutting up to 10,000 employees in the Beijing area alone by the end of October, reported Xinhua.   This year is considered the most difficult year for both CNPC and Sinopec.  CNPC’s August 28 interim report shows a 39% decline in pre-tax income from the previous reporting period.  On July 25, CNPC indicated that company-wide layoffs would reach 80,000 in the next three years.  The move was viewed as one to control cost and loosen financial pressure.  The company’s Tianjin and Hebei subsidiaries have already started layoffs, with Beijing to follow in October and Shanghai next year.  Northeastern China will be the last since it is CNPC’s major base.  To prevent employee complaints, a group of senior officials close to retirement has been tasked with implementing the downsizing.

Source: Xinhua, September 4, 2008

Study Times Calls for Innovative Thinking in the Military

The publication of the Party School of the Communist Party, Study Times, published an article on September 1 entitled “Take Ideology into the Military Transformation.” The article states, “The key to carrying out and promoting military transformation is innovation. Ideology leads action.  People are the main body of the innovation.”  The article cited U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry, Admiral William Owens and Admiral Arthur K Cebrowski as examples of such innovation.

Source:  Study Times, September 1, 2008

Death Toll from Sichuan Earthquake Reaches 38

As of September 2, 2008, the death toll from a 6.1-magnitude earthquake in Penzhihua, Sichuan Province on August 30 rose to 38, with 589 injured. The official Xinhua news agency reported that 941,000 of the population were affected, 181,2000 were evacuated and 392,000 homes were destroyed. A 7.9- magnitude earthquake hit the southwestern province on May 12, killing 69,226 people and leaving 15 million homeless.

Source: Xinhua, September 2, 2008

China’s Supreme Court on Political Interest over Rule of Law

Judges must develop political wisdom as well as legal thinking to serve justice and political interests, said Zhang Jun, Deputy Party Secretary of the Supreme People’s Court of China at a national conference for judges.“ Zhang emphasized that judges must identify themselves with Chinese style socialism politically, ideologically and emotionally.  “Interpretation and application of the law by itself will not resolve legal issues presented in cases.”

At the conference, President of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region High Court made a presentation entitled “Safeguarding National Security and Social Stability Is the Primary Political Task of the Xinjiang People’s Court.”

Source: Xinhua, August 28, 2008

China to Import Russian Tornado Rocket Technology

Russian Defense companies are ready to transfer to China the "Tornado" multi-rocket technology, reported People’s Daily citing Kommersant. China hopes with Russian technology, it will complete the research and development of A-100 long-range rockets. Although A-100 is meant to mimic the "Tornado" system, its technical performance lags behind the latter. In particular, the Chinese experts could not develop comparable fire control system to match the flexibility of a rocket.

Source: People’s Daily, August 26, 2008