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Population to Be Relocated to Fill the Ghost Town of Ordos

Ordos, a major subdivision of Inner Mongolia in China, is known for its coal production and lavish government projects. One is the new City of Ordos, a large city with abundant infrastructure that residents seldom use and which has frequently been described as a "ghost town." 

In 2012, developers completed the construction of about 4.33 million square meters. However, the demand was weak. For example, in one development, since the second half of 2010, only two of the 25 completed buildings have been available for sale. The Ordos government has taken action to establish non-coal industries and to re-locate its rural population to the city. The entire population in Ordos is about two million. The authorities estimate that if all are relocated to the city, it would create a demand for 6,000 square meters of housing, assuming a usage of 30 square meters per person. 
Source: China Securities reprinted by Xinhua, September 12, 2013

New Guideline: Social Media Users May Face Jail Time

On September 9, China’s Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, issued a joint guideline defining the criteria for convicting and sentencing persons who use the Internet to defame, provoke and instigate, blackmail, or engage in illegal business. Under the guideline, these activities are defined as criminal offenses punishable by imprisonment. 

For example, Article 2 (1) provides that the use of the Internet to share information that is defamatory is considered to be a serious infraction. If their posts are viewed 5,000 times or forwarded 500 times, such users faces up to three years in prison. 
Article 3 provides that Internet users who share information that is defamatory are considered to have “caused serious harm to the social order and to the national interest” if such activity caused a mass incident, disturbed the public order, incited ethnic and religious conflicts, defamed multiple people, had an adverse social impact, or damaged the State’s image and severely harmed the national interest. The article also includes “other similar cases that have caused serious harm to the public order and the national interest.” 

Source: People’s Daily, September 9, 2013

Huanqiu: The Chinese Style Represents Universal Values

Huanqiu published a commentary on understanding the advantages of the Chinese system. The commentary said that the Chinese style represents universal values. 

“Nowadays many people in China talk about universal values. In fact, they are nothing but Western stuff packaged like instant noodles. … To outsiders, the ‘universal values’ that the West preaches are [like Wuhan noodles] too dry to swallow. … Chinese need to govern their country. Americans need to govern theirs too. It is universal, but there may be different approaches on how to govern. It cannot and need not be generalized. … Americans have American ways. One cannot ignore the unique ways of the Chinese. Understanding the need to value diversity is the universal value.” 

Source: Huanqiu, August 30, 2013

Beijing Daily: Do Not Leave Space for Universal Values

On September 2, 2013, Beijing Daily published a commentary titled advocating ideological education.  Major State media immediately reprinted it under the title “Beijing Daily: Do Not Leave Space for Universal Values.” 

The Beijing Daily commentary warned that, if China does not engage in "ideological struggle," it could disintegrate and perish, in the same manner as the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Block. 
"Especially for those people who preach the so-called ‘universal values,’ ‘constitutional democracy,‘ ‘freedom,’ and other fallacies, we cannot give any space or assistance at any time to those malicious attacks on the Party’s leadership and the socialist system, to speeches that distort the history of the Party and the country, and to information that spreads rumors. We must take action to control what must be controlled, and punish those who violate the law. “ 

“Today, the Internet has become the main battlefield for ideological struggle. The Western anti-China forces seek to advance this ‘biggest variable’ to ‘topple China.’ Whether we can hold up and win in the battlefield directly relates to the security of our ideology and the ruling Party’s power. … We do not see gunfire in this ideological struggle, but all the same – it is a matter of life and death. … Dare to fight and dare to show the sword. That is the choice we must make now!"  

Source: Beijing Daily, September 2, 2013

Huanqiu: China Should Not Be Bullied by Small Countries

On August 27, 2013, Major General Wang Haiyu, a senior advisor at the China Institute for International Strategic Studies, published a commentary on Huanqiu on establishing strategic buffer zones around China. 

On North Korea, Wang stated that, compared to the time of the Korean War, North Korea’s military value to China has greatly decreased, while its geo-strategic value remains. China should “not only strive to maintain stability in the peninsula … and urge North Korea to completely abandon its nuclear program. … It should also firmly stop any attempt by external forces to create chaos on the peninsula.” 
In addition to North Korea, China should establish a strategic buffer zone to the west of China. When its dignity is challenged, China should “dare to impose necessary ‘discipline’ and should not continue to tolerate the ‘small country bullying a large country’ phenomenon. Otherwise, China cannot successfully build strategic buffer zones needed for safeguarding its national geopolitical security.” 
Source: Huanqiu, August 27, 2013

Bo Xilai: Jiang Zeming Ordered the Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong

In an exclusive special report today, Epoch Times released a recording of a conversation between Bo Xilai and a Chinese diplomat in Hamburg, Germany on September 13, 2006, in which Bo implicated Jiang Zemin in the harvesting of organs from live Falun Gong practitioners. Statements excerpted from the recording follow:

"First Secretary: Because it is related to the meeting tomorrow, they [the Germans] wanted to clarify a matter relating to when you were the Liaoning Governor. That is, when you were the Liaoning Governor, did President Jiang issue the order or did you have anything to do with this harvesting of the organs of live Falun Gong practitioners? Was it your order or Jiang Zemin’s order? 

Bo: Jiang Zemin!" 

Bo was in Hamburg as part of the Chinese delegation headed by then Premier Wen Jiabao. 

Source: Epoch Times, August 29, 2013                                                                                

Qiushi: China’s Internet Would Have No Future without Basic Requirements

Qiushi published a commentary which continued the theme of correctly handling China’s Internet. It reprinted an article, first published in China Youth Daily, which advocated that Chinese netizens must adhere to basic requirements [dixian] on China’s Internet. 

The commentary stated that Internet self-discipline has fallen far behind the expansion of the Internet. “For example, the authenticity of information should be a basic requirement. It should be a generally accepted rule that no one should fabricate and spread rumors. However, there is no consensus on this. Some people take pride in fabricating and spreading rumors rather than feeling ashamed. They even use excuses such as ‘rumors force the truth’ [to surface] in order to whitewash their disinformation. In this case, to advocate the ‘authenticity of information’ is highly necessary."
The commentary concluded, “Without a clear basic requirment [dixian], the Internet would have no future. The only result would be self-destruction amidst chaos.” China Youth Daily is an official newspaper of the Communist Youth League of China. 
Source: China Youth Daily reprinted by Qiushi, August 19, 2013

Xinhua: Bo Xilai Denies Bribery Charges

On August 22, 2013, Xinhua reported that the first day of Bo Xilai’s trial on charges of accepting bribes, embezzlement, and abuse of power began in the Shangdong Jinan Intermediate People’s Court. 

“Bo Xilai appeared in court to be tried. Relevant witnesses provided testimony in court. The defendant’s family members, members of the People’s Congress, members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, media reporters, and about one hundred people from all walks of life attended the trial.”
“Under the auspices of the presiding judge, defendant Bo made statements about the allegations of bribery set forth in the indictment. He denied the allegations. … Both the prosecution and the defense had a full opportunity to cross-examine the witnesses. The court consented to all of Bo ‘s requests to speak. The defendant and his counsel fully expressed their views.” 
“During the trial, defendant Bo Xilai was emotionally stable and his physical condition was normal. The courtroom and audience maintained good order.” 
Source: Xinhua, August 22, 2013