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Xinhua: Western Media Overstate China-US Conflicts

China’s experts on US-China relations believe the western media are exaggerating recent conflicts between China and the United States. “The reported ‘new cold war’ between China and the U.S. is clearly an exaggeration.”

On February 6, the Japanese Sankei Shimbun outlined five key issues for this round of China-US conflicts: China hacking Google, arms sales to Taiwan, Obama meeting the Dalai Lama, RMB appreciation, and Iran’s nuclear development, based on which Sankei Shimbun concluded that the foundation for a booming China-US relationship has been eradicated.

Source: Xinhua, February 8, 2010

Chinese Expert: India Should Stop Its War Talk

People’s website published a commentary on January 24, 2010, criticizing India’s talk of being at war with both China and Pakistan, on two fronts. It stated that China has no interest in other country’s territory and blamed some Indian’s for having a hidden agenda to promote a "China Threat."

It stated, "India has a territory dispute with almost all its neighboring countries and was in a war situation with Pakistan in the past more than once. Now, it wants to have wars on "two fronts." What good will it do for India to disturb its neighbors 

Source: People’s website, January 24, 2010

China is Carrying Out a Round of Senior Official Adjustment

During December 2009 and January 2010, there were significant changes in the minister and provincial level officials, and from the Central Committees of the Communist Party of China to the State Council’s several core agencies, including provinces. 

Xinhua republished a report from China News Weekly stating that the focus must be on official retirements and appointments. The focus includes: consideration of age (younger) and education (with advanced degrees); switching between local (province) and the central government; and promoting females. This cycle of official changes is also a dry run for the newly published “2010-2020 outline plan to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system.”

Source: Xinhua, January 20, 2010

Li Yuanchao: Strengthening Propaganda Work for the Organization Department

Li Yuanchao, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, called for a significant focus on the propaganda work of the Organization Department. Li made the speech at the conference on propaganda for organization work on January 26, 2010. Li stressed strengthening and improving the propaganda work in order to develop public opinion support for the Organization Department’s work and innovation.  

Li laid out a new direction, which includes propaganda work as part of the routine work of the Organization Department. The directive includes establishing a spokesperson system, improving media planning, monitoring and analyzing public opinion, strengthening policy interpretation and role model advocacy, actively responding to societal issues, and improving the ability to use media to its best advantage, which allows the development of a good public opinion base.

“News media is the indispensable voice, ears, eyes, and window for organization work in the current environment,” claimed Li.

Source: Xinhua, January 26, 2010

Xinhua: Antimissile is China’s Required Course

Xinhua recently published an article detailing some of the aspects of the Chinese land based antimissile experiment successfully conducted on January 11. The experiment was a “mid-stage” interception, which refers to an exoatmospheric interception that happens in, roughly, outer space. The report described the basic flight lifecycle of an intercontinental missile. The “mid-stage” is the stage after the first level engine and the warhead separate. The report indicated that the United States immediately responded upon the completion of the experiment. The US response was believed to be a “side confirmation” of the success of the mission.

The report compared the experiment with the US GMD system, which is considered a strategic missile defense system instead of a tactical system represented by the Patriot antimissile system. Components of the GMD system such as EKV, GBI and the X-Band Radar were covered by the report. The article also briefly introduced India’s PAD system, which was based on Israeli technology.

Source: Xinhua, February 3, 2010

Ten Steps to Strengthen the Chinese Movie Industry

The State Council recently developed a strategy to strengthen development of the movie industry: (1) Improve the quality while keeping the growth of quantity; (2) transform the state movie producing companies into shareholding enterprises; (3) grow cross-regional theater lines; (4) establishing more digital theaters; (5) increase financial support for movie industry; (6) push technological innovations; (7) implement digitalization in the countryside; (8) enhance international influence with the “go out” strategy; (9) improve the governing laws and policies; (10) enhance the work of building a talent pool.

Source: Xinhua, January 25, 2010

More Work Needed to Change China’s Economy from “Large” to “Strong”

Xinhua recently published an article reviewing the Chinese economy in 2009. The article started with mentioning a strong GDP increase of 8.7% which translates into RMB 33.5 trillion. “Almost the beacon that shines and leads the world economy,” the author claimed. He believed China’s accomplishments symbolized the fact that China is now a major economy in the world. This may get “some old capitalist countries” really worried.

However, the article also reminded that the Chinese per capita GDP is still below US$3,000, which is far behind the countries with tens of thousands of dollars for the same number. Therefore, any attempt that overstates China’s actual economic strength to increase Chinese responsibilities is unfair. As a rising world power, China needs to turn the economy from a “large” one to a “strong” one.

Source: Xinhua, January 25, 2010

Guangzhou Daily: Deeply Hidden Motive to Harm China in the West’s “G-2” Ploy

On January 24, 2010, Guangzhou Daily published an article on the “China Model” and “G2-Chimerica.” The key points are listed below:

“As China’s economy is thriving in the financial crisis, the so-called “China Model” is again heatedly discussed in the international community. China is believed to be able to ‘save the world’ with such a model…. At the same time, Western media are promoting the idea of the ‘G2’ model, viewing the world as the ‘Chimerica’ era. In accordance with the West’s logic, China should take more of the world’s ‘responsibility’ since China has an equal status with the United States.”

“However, Westerners’ deeply hidden motivation behind the hot topic of the ‘China Model’ is to request China to assume responsibilities beyond China’s own capacity. Frankly speaking, this is to ‘kill China with flattery’.”

News Source: Guangzhou Daily, January 24, 2010