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Party Organizations Established in over 85% of Guangdong Law Firms

According to the Guangdong Provincial Department of Justice, it has achieved “three complete coverages” in the Party membership build-up. All of the 27 lawyers associations now have established Party organizations. All of the 1,268 law firms in Guangdong with Party member lawyers have established Party organizations and all of the 197 law firms that do not have Party member lawyers now have Party liaisons in place to establish Party organizations. Of the 17,241 practicing lawyers in Guangdong Province, 5,766 are Party members.

Source: Xinhua, September 15, 2009

Tianjin Government Holds Conference for Overseas Chinese Media to Foster “A Common Understanding”

The Tianjin government held the 2nd Overseas Chinese Media Conference on September 15, 2009. Over 20 overseas Chinese media attended the conference. Ha Wenlong, Director of the Tianjin Overseas Chinese Affairs Office said, “Currently there are more than 500 Chinese-language media around the world. They transmit information, keep in contact with overseas Chinese, build up Chinese sentiments and have played an important role, especially when it comes to today’s world economic integration process and the process of raising the Chinese voice throughout the world.” The Xinhua report states that domestic and overseas Chinese media “reached a common understanding to deepen cooperation and join hands in accepting the challenge.”

Source: Xinhua, September 15, 2009

New Regulations Prohibit Receiving Satellite Programs

The Chinese State Administration for Radio, Film and Television passed a new ordinance, “Regulations on Managing Ground Reception Equipment for Satellite Television Broadcast” and “Temporary Measures for Installation Service of Ground Reception Equipment for Satellite Television Broadcasts.” This regulation dictates new rules concerning the sale and installation of satellite dishes and decoders. Only government authorized manufacturers and retailers are allowed to manufacture and sell such equipment. Imports need government consent and an individual is not allowed to bring such equipment into or mail them to the country. Installation also needs government authorization. Any unlicensed person is not granted permission to install the equipment. (Ed – Satellite dishes allow Chinese people to view non-government television and radio programs. The Chinese government has been highly aggressive in stopping people from viewing such programs, including New Tang Dynasty Television and other US-based independent TV networks).

Source: China News Agency, September 15, 2009

Chinese Post-90s Generation Calls for Patriotic Black Out of All “Antirevolutionary Websites”

A Website alleging to represent the post-90s (Ed – people born in the 1990s) declared that this group of people will “black out” all antirevolutionary websites inside and outside of China, as their gift for the 60th anniversary of the communist region in China, according to the Global Times. The declaration said that the post-90s are also patriots and there are many forms of patriotism. They want to change people’s perception that the post-90s advocate individualism, are selfish and aren’t loyal to their country. They want to define “Hacker” with a positive meaning.

Source: Global Times, September 9, 2009

Renmin Bao: H1N1 Flu Strain Spreading Widely in China

Influenza H1N1, commonly known a Swine flu, is spreading widely in China, according to Renmin Bao. Liang Wannian, the Deputy Director of the Emergency Office, Ministry of Health estimated that the number of infected people in China might have reached several dozen million. The swine flu epidemic is in full breakout and infected people have been found in all provinces. It is also spreading among soldiers stationed in Beijing.

On the night of September 11, Xiong County, Hebei Province an urgent internal order was passed to all towns, townships, and districts, requiring complete silence on the actual numbers of people infected. According to higher-level orders, this is to ensure a great celebration of the 60th anniversary of the communist regime. The order reads that no one is allowed to report any such cases, forbids giving any medical confirmation of the H1N1 flu strain infection; requires treating all infections as regular flu; and all must report less or provide no reports about the H1N1 epidemic (Ed. – this is just as Beijing handled the SARS breakout — complete silence).

Source: Renmin Bao, September 13, 2009

Xinhua: A Forum on the Media Force Building Exercise Held in Beijing

Xinhua reported recently on a forum held in Beijing on deepening the Three Items of Education exercise. The forum was sponsored by the Party’s Central Propaganda Department. The “Three Items” are as follows: the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics; the Marxist View of Journalism and Professionalism; Work Ethics. As part of the “education” exercise, 100 young reporters and 100 core journalists from 18 national level news agencies visited multiple “old revolutionary base areas” during July and August. It was concluded in the forum that the “education” exercise should become “routine.” It served as a very good exercise to experience how to better feed the Party’s messages to the general population.

Source: Xinhua, September, 7, 2009.

Xinhua: GAPP Hit Hard on Lowbrow Net Games

Xinhua reported recently that the General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP) was undergoing a major operation to hit “lowbrow” Internet based games. There have been more than 200 games investigated since June. Among them, 45 unauthorized foreign games such as America 1930 were closed down.

GAPP believes the main issues are: (1) some gaming companies carry foreign games without permission; (2) some domestic games did not register with the authorities; (3) some games added porno, gambling and violent content after registration; (4) some did not set up a government required anti-addiction control system; (5) some games used lowbrow language for marketing.

Source: Xinhua, August 31, 1009.

Xinhua: Central Government’s New Arrangement for Stability

Because of the widespread international financial crisis, China has a much greater social stability problem to deal with, especially when there are more and more “sensitive periods.” The following points summarize some of the successful experiences: (1) Trying to solve important issues people have their focus on; (2) Establishing a risk assessment system; (3) Enforcing the responsibilities of leadership on all levels; (4) Enhancing grass roots work at the base level ; (5) Responding quickly on sensitive incidents with press “guidance”; (6) Firmly and artfully fighting the hostile forces’ penetrations.

The current two biggest “tough battles” are maintaining stability in Xinjiang and maintaining the safety of the 60th anniversary celebration. Social stability is now considered the top responsibility of the leaders of the Party and of the government at all levels.

Source: Xinhua, September 7, 2009.