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Belgian Reporter and Crew Beaten in Henan for AIDS Story

Belgian reporter Tom Van de Weghe of the Flemish public TV station VRT, his Australian cameraman and his Belgian assistant were in Henan province doing a report on AIDS in China when they were attacked and robbed by eight men recruited by the Henan provincial authorities, VRT said.

The eight men intercepted them while they were on their way to a village and demanded that they surrender the videotape of interviews they had already done. The crew handed over the videocassettes after being hit. Their assailants also took money, microphones and batteries.

VRT has demanded an apology and compensation. The Belgian government has asked the Chinese authorities for an explanation.

Source: BBC Chinese, December 2, 2008

Chinese Lawyers Comment on Yang Jia Incident

A collection of a few Chinese rights lawyers comments on the execution of Yang Jia, a young man who stabbed six Shanghai policemen as revenge for police mistreatment:

Li Jinglin: The socially disadvantaged groups including the petitioners are also learning lessons. In real life, it is impossible for their legal rights to be effectively protected.

Li Xiongbing: The social conflicts such as the Yang Jia incident were solved in an extreme way because there are no other channels [for redress]. The unrest taking place in either Longnan of Gansu province or Weng’an of Guizhou province are inevitable due to the lack of a functioning judicial system. If there exists a fair and independent third party that can act as a mediator, then such violent confrontation will not happen.

Zheng Enchong: The government’s handling of Yang Jia’s case is self-contradictory. As a consequence, people will not trust the law.

Tang Jingling: Without a fair judicial system, it’s impossible for a rights [defense] movement to proceed peacefully. However, the government’s violence always prevails.

Source: Sound of Hope Radio, December 1, 2008

Xinhua: Japan Pursuing Space Diplomacy Is Meant to Compete with China

On November 27, Japan’s Strategic Headquarters for Space Development issued an outline for the future direction of Japan’s space strategy (equivalent to China’s space strategy). “Space Diplomacy” is a new concept proposed by Japan. Specifically, it is to utilize the Japanese government’s economic development aid (ODA) to enhance cooperation with developing countries from the Asian, African, and Latin American regions, strategically provide satellite information and space development technology to these countries in order to gain their understanding and trust.

Currently, under the direction of the Strategic Headquarters for Space Development, Japan has already initiated cooperation in satellite technology with Indonesia, Brazil, and Ethiopia. But from the Japanese government’s perspective, Space Diplomacy can not stop at a few individual countries. It has to expand in scope and form a whole Space Diplomacy System.

The article says that behind the system is a plan to compete with China.

Source: Xinhua, December 2, 2008

Xinhua- susisan Media Says China Will Be the Third Largest Exporter of Multipurpose Fighter Plane

Russian magazine Arms Market published an article analyzing the situation of global market of multipurpose fighter plane during 2004-2013. The article says that global sale of multipurpose fighter planes will steadily increase in the next five years. The United States, Russia, and China will be the leading countries selling new fighter planes.
China’s rise to the third place is mainly due to its contract with Pakistan to provide 183 JF-17 “Thunder (Fierce Dragon)” fighter planes. In addition, other Asian and African countries who are China’s customers of traditional fighters are also potential new users of JF-17 “Thunder.” China’s new generation J-10 multipurpose fighter also has a high ratio of function/price. It is highly possible that J-10 will become a fierce competitor of U.S. and Russia’s third generation fighters in the global market.

Source: Xinhua, December 1, 2008

Sarkozy Said to be Ungrateful for the Favor China Did Him in 2004

French President Sarkozy’s meeting with the Dalai Lama has drawn attacks by media in China.  One example is an article by China Review News which described Sarkozy as a person who has "changed his face too many times and is ungrateful for the favor that China gave to him in 2004".

In the article, Cai Fangbo, China’s former ambassador to France disclosed that in 2004 when he was ready to run for president, Sarkozy, then the France’s interior minister, requested to have a meeting with Hu Jintao during his trip to visit China. Hu granted the request despite the difference in the political ranking. After Sarkozy was elected, he was said to "have repeatedly expressed his gratitude towards the favor he received".  "But in 2008, Sarkozy has held up the anti-China flag and led the France-China relationship downhill.  China has shown great tolerance to him but he hasn’t returned the favor.  Sarkozy uses tactics to gain political advantage and will eventually loss his credibility” the article wrote.

Source: China Review News, November 30, 2008

Deutsche Welle: Dissatisfaction Deepens During the Economic Crisis

An article on the Deutsche Welle China section listed the number of protests held by various groups and warns of the consequences if no serious action is taken by the government.

As those whose houses were relocated, farmers who lost land, workers fighting for unfair wages, taxi drivers, property owners as well as the depressed stockholders join protests, the dissatisfaction towards the government has spread to the middle class now.

The article quoted an investigative report by Yu Jiarong, a sociologist, disclosing that the ever worsening anxiety over the economy has intensified the conflicts between the police and the protesters. Photos and videos spread through the internet are causing the incident to expand. “The expert has warned that if the government does no take any serious action, China will suffer bigger losses as anger continues to accumulate among the protesters.”

Source: Deutsche Welle, November, 26, 2008,2144,3822835,00.html

Xinhua: China’s Foreign Relations Entering Golden Stage

As part of the theme to celebrate the achievement of the open door policy adopted 30 years ago, Xinhua has been publishing a series of articles focused on the subject. On December 1, in its international section, Xinhua published a talk given by Wu Jianmin, a commentator for Xinhua, former Chinese ambassador to France and President of the China Foreign Affairs University who summarized the major changes that China’s foreign relations have gone through in the past 30 years ago.

Wu summarized the major changes in the following three areas: worldwide environment, policy adjustment, and the focus. He said that the world has transitioned from war and revolution towards an era of peaceful development. From 1949 to 1978, China’s foreign policy was focused on surviving the embargo from the western countries led by the US which was aimed at eliminating China. But since 1978, as China has adopted an open door policy and the Party has shifted its focus to economic development, there has been a need to maintain a good relationship with other countries. As a result, the guiding principle of foreign policy has changed to seeking the common ground with other countries. The focus of the policy has also shifted from fighting for survival towards building mutual cooperation since China has a need for it.

“Currently China’s foreign relations are entering a golden stage”, Wu said, “we have formed dynamic relationships with 172 countries that are the giants, neighboring countries, developing countries and maintained the multilateral foreign relations with them.”

Source: Xinhua, December 1, 2008

Hubei Taxi Drivers on Strike to Protest New Government Fee

Since November 24, no taxi has been running in Suizhou City of Hubei Province. The city’s 500+ taxis are parked, with some drivers petitioning in front of the city government.

The strike is said to be caused by a city government directive issued on November 15. It asked for an annual 4,000 yuan “operation fee” from each of the 550 taxi cabs running in the city. The fee is levied for a four year term. If the driver does not pay the money by the end of 2008, the city police will confiscate his license.

Burdened by multiple administrative fees and charges, the taxi drivers are left with a meager disposable income off of which to live. The newly added government charge has become the last straw. The strike has been going on for two days. There is no effective dialogue between the city government and taxi drivers.

Source: Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch, November 25, 2008