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People’s Daily: First China-Laos-Thailand-Malaysia Rapid Freight Train Begins Operation

On April 30, the first “China-Laos-Thailand-Malaysia” all-rail rapid freight train departed from Chengdu International Railway Port in Sichuan Province, headed for Port Klang, Malaysia. The rail system expanded to Malaysia six months after the debut of the first “China-Laos-Thailand” all-rail rapid freight train.

The train started from Chengdu, passed through Vientiane, Laos and Nong Khai, Thailand, and then arrived at Port Klang, Malaysia. This route can ship goods from Chengdu to Thailand within 5 days and to Malaysia within 8 days, saving half of the time compared with the traditional land-sea combo route. It is expected to save about 20% of transportation costs. Moreover, the all-railway transportation process is more stable [than the alternative land-sea route].

Source: People’s Daily, May 2, 2024

Chinese Attempts to Export Military Equipment Fall Through Three Times in a Row Despite Xi Jinping’s Involvement

According to a report by the South Korean media Chosun Ilbo on April 30th, Beijing has failed in three attempts at arms exports since last year, even with the intervention of its leader Xi Jinping.

The report stated that China originally planned to export the “S26T” (also known as the 039 “Yuan-class”) diesel submarine worth $300 million to Thailand. However, the contract was canceled in October last year because Beijing’s attempt to import German-made engines was blocked by the EU’s embargo on China. Subsequently, Beijing proposed to install domestically-made diesel engines of the same class, but Thailand rejected the proposal.

After Argentina began to introduce light fighter jets into its military, Xi Jinping proposed to then-President Alberto A. Fernández a delivery of 34 Chinese JF-17 fighters, offering low prices and financial support. After Javier Gerardo Milei was elected president of Argentina in November last year, however, Argentina decided instead to purchase 24 second-hand F-16 fighter jets from Denmark for $300 million.

In addition, in a competition for short-range ballistic missile orders in the Middle East earlier this year, the “Fire Dragon 300” rocket artillery produced by China North Industries Corporation (a.k.a. Norinco) was defeated by the Korean Tactical Surface-to-Surface Missile System (KTSSM).

Source: Epoch Times, April 30, 2024

China’s Three Major Airlines Sign Contract to Buy Chinese-Made C919 Planes

China is building and promoting a domestically-manufactured commercial airplane, the C919.

On April 29, 2024, China Southern Airlines signed a purchase agreement with Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) to buy 100 C919 aircraft, with deliveries scheduled from 2024 to 2031. Air China signed an agreement on April 26, 2024 for 100 C919 aircraft, with deliveries also scheduled from 2024 to 2031. China Eastern Airlines was the first airline to order C919 planes. It placed an order for 5 aircraft in 2021 and another order for 100 aircraft in September 2023.

Source: Xinhua, May 1, 2024

People’s Daily: Growing Trade and Transport Links between China and Latin America

“Chilean salmon, Ecuadorian white shrimp, Peruvian blueberries, Argentine beef, coffee from Brazil and Colombia, …, are becoming common treats on Chinese dining tables,” reported People’s Daily.

The newspaper accredited the new development in Chinese culinary fare to the increasing maturity of transport routes linking China and Latin American countries. Sea freight routes between China and Latin America are mature, reported the article, covering most of the important ports in Latin American countries. Air freight routes have developed rapidly over the past five years, mainly in the two major Latin American cargo distribution centers in Mexico City, Mexico, and São Paulo, Brazil.

From 2000 to 2022, the total trade volume of goods between China and Latin America increased by a factor of 35, while the trade volume between Latin America and other parts of the world only increased by a factor of 4 during the same period. China remains the second largest trading partner of the Latin American region as well as the largest trading partner of several Latin American countries including Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay.

Source: People’s Daily, May 2, 2024

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on Fatah and Hamas Dialogue in Beijing

At the routine Chinese Foreign Ministry press conference on April 30, a reporter asked: “It is reported that recently, the two factions of Fatah and Hamas in Palestine held consultations in Beijing on internal reconciliation. Could the spokesperson provide some detailed information?”

Lin Jian, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, answered: At China’s invitation, representatives of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah) and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) came to Beijing for consultations, engaging in in-depth and candid dialogue on promoting internal reconciliation in Palestine. Both sides fully expressed their political willingness to achieve reconciliation through dialogue and consultation. They discussed various specific issues and made positive progress, unanimously agreeing to continue the dialogue process, striving to achieve Palestinian unity at an early date. Both sides highly appreciated China’s firm support for the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights, thanked China for its efforts to strengthen internal unity in Palestine, and reached consensus on the next steps of the dialogue.

Source: Xinhua, April 30, 2024

China’s Growing Community Worker Force: Surveillance, Stability, and Economic Realities

In early April, Li Jing from Jiangsu Province encountered community workers visiting her home for the tenth time since early 2023. Following the routine inquiry about household members, they casually mentioned her son working in the United States. Li Jing revealed that she was planning to visit the US in May to see her son and daughter-in-law. The workers were curious about her plans, politely wished her a safe journey, and reminded her to beware of scams abroad.

Recent directives from the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council emphasized strengthening the “community worker workforce.” Official media have covered this topic extensively, highlighting the government’s continuous efforts to upgrade “grassroots information collection and supervision.”

Li Jing described her encounters with the young community workers who asked detailed questions during their visits. She regretted disclosing her son’s recent marriage and job details, sensing heightened interest from the workers afterward.

In another region, Han Yue, working as a community worker in Qingdao, shared a story about his employment situation — he had changed from working a sales job to doing community work due to economic instability. Despite being a contractual job, the community work offered stability compared to fluctuating sales income. Han Yue described his job as varied, involving mundane tasks as well as monitoring overseas relations and familial visits.

Recruitment of community workers has intensified amid China’s economic downturns, with young people seeking stability. These workers handle various tasks, from overseas relations to mundane chores, reflecting the government’s multifaceted approach to “grassroots stability and information collection.”

The recruitment of community workers reflects China’s extensive surveillance apparatus, involving millions of informants. While advanced technology like the Skynet surveillance system exists, the real strength of China’s surveillance apparatus lies in the complex organizational structure and large workforce involved in monitoring the populace. This workforce includes various roles, from part-time informants to full-time government staff, contributing to a formidable surveillance network aiding different government departments.

Source: Voice of America, April 24, 2024

China’s Security Chief: Intensify “Five Oppositions” Struggle to Safeguard National Security

Chen Yixin, China’s Minister of State Security, published an article in the Study Times emphasizing the need for China’s state security apparatus to intensify its “Five Oppositions” struggle against subversion, hegemony, separatism, terrorism and espionage in order to safeguard national security.

Regarding opposition to separatism, Chen stressed promoting reunification, strengthening patriotic forces, and building public support for peaceful reunification. On countering espionage, he called for launching strong offensives, continually carrying out anti-espionage operations, deeply implementing the new Anti-Espionage Law, and resolutely “removing eavesdroppers and eliminating traitors.”

Regarding relations with foreign countries, Chen stated that China must erect a “Great Wall of steel” to defend its political security, vigilantly guarding against Western hostile forces’ attempts to westernize and divide China. Regarding China’s internal matters, Chen called for rooting out sources threatening political security, defending ideological fronts like the internet and universities against “erroneous trends.”

On opposing separatism, Chen vowed to thwart any “Taiwan independence” separatist plots, counter foreign interference, and legally punish “Taiwan spy elements” serving as accomplices to separatism, in order to uphold sovereignty and national interests. He also emphasized the promotion of reunification through strengthening patriotic, pro-unification forces and public support.

Chen advocated launching powerful offensives against espionage, continuously carrying out counter-espionage operations, improving coordination mechanisms, fully implementing the new Anti-Espionage Law to enhance legal deterrence, and resolutely “digging out eavesdroppers and eliminating traitors” while enhancing all-round counter-espionage efforts.

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), April 29, 2024

Chinese Media’s Critique of US Student Protests Supporting Gaza

Protests by American university students in solidarity with Gaza have intensified, resulting in clashes and over a hundred arrests, sparking global interest. Chinese state media have seized on the incident, repeatedly expressing “concern” and leveraging the protests to criticize alleged American double standards and suppression of free speech.

Students nationwide have rallied against the escalating conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has lead to mounting casualties. With the current academic term drawing to a close, nearly a thousand arrests have been made on campuses across the United States. Protests have also surfaced in other countries, including France and Canada.

The demonstrations in the U.S. have become a focal point internationally, with Chinese state media consistently commenting on the unfolding events. Chinese media have critiqued what they say is an inconsistency between American democratic values and the curbing of students’ freedom of expression within the U.S.

An article from the People’s Liberation Army Daily’s Weibo account, “Jun Zhengping Studio,” accuses authorities in the U.S. of meting out violent repression in response to students’ legitimate demands. The article questions the disparity between the rights that students are taught they have and the treatment of the students when they attempt to exercise those rights.

China Daily, the flagship newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party, published an English commentary backing the student protesters. The article condemns what it sees as the Biden administration’s indifferent response to the protests and to law enforcement’s crackdown on demonstrators.

A video released on the People’s Daily’s WeChat account, “Island of Heroes,” suggests that the protests stem from dissatisfaction with America’s perceived double standards and pro-Israel bias.

In addition to stances published by China’s state-run media, many Chinese netizens have shown “spontaneous concern” about the events. Netizens have left comments on the official Weibo account of the US Embassy in China, expressing anti-American sentiments as well as support for students’ freedom of speech.

China’s criticism of alleged American violations of free speech and human rights has also garnered pushback. Zhang Xiaogang, a board member of the Democratic China Front in Australia, suggests that China may be manipulating nationalist and anti-American sentiments to divert attention from its domestic governance challenges.

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), April 30, 2024