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Pakistan Sold China a 40 Percent Stake in Its Stock Exchange

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that Pakistan and China just inked an agreement that allowed Chinese buyers to acquire a total of a 40 percent stake in the Pakistan Stock Exchange. The price of the deal was US$85 million. China Financial Futures Exchange, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange will jointly receive 30 percent of the shares. The Pakistan Investment Company and Habib Bank of Pakistan will hold five percent each. Pakistani Finance Minister Ishaq Dar will attend the official ceremony set to take place in January. The Pakistan Stock Exchange will be the first foreign stock exchange organization in the Chinese “One Belt, One Road” strategy. This recent deal brings new capital, management experience, and financial products to Pakistan. Experts expected the Stock Exchange will offer more new products such as futures.

Source: Sina, December 26, 2016

People’s Daily: India Launched Agni-V ICBM Again

People’s Daily recently reported that the Indian Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) announced a test launch of its Agni-V intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The Agni-V claims a range of 5,000 kilometers with an effective weapon load of one ton. Since the range is far enough to cover all of China if launched in the northern part of India, Indian domestic media widely believed this is the best weapon to counterbalance China. According to DRDO, this is the fourth test launch of the Agni-V, and they are still examining the data collected to validate the correctness of the design. Experts expressed their belief that this launch seems to be the final acceptance test for the Agni-V. Once passed, the next step may be final ground tests before production. Indian media have been bragging about the coverage to Stockholm, Sweden, and Harbin, China, if launched from Amritsar, thanks to Agni-V’s mobility feature. However, the swift mobile launch capability they have been dreaming about may not actually be available any time soon. Thus, the real “threat” that China must pay attention to is yet to be formed. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on the launch. It stated that the UN Security Council has already made a clear resolution on whether or not India can develop an ICBM that can carry nuclear warheads.

Source: People’s Daily, December 27, 2016

BBC Chinese: How Many Chinese Are Working in Indonesia?

BBC Chinese recently published a report on the ever-growing fear in Indonesia of the Chinese workers’ “invasion” into the Indonesian labor market. The number of Chinese workers in Indonesia has been a debate topic for many years. Some even said this number is around ten million. However, the Indonesia’s Ministry of Labour and Employment showed that the total of Chinese workers is 21,271. At least this is the number of Chinese workers with valid visas. Some Indonesian congressmen are planning to issue official inquiries to the government to find out whether Chinese visitors with tourist visas are working in the country or not. Congressman Muslim Ayub said he visited many cities and found a large number of Chinese workers. He doesn’t believe the Chinese workers have a headcount of ten million, but he is quite confident that the number will be much larger than 21,271. Ayub estimated that there are potentially up to one million Chinese workers in Indonesia. Some research studies showed that the government lacks an effective way to manage work permits for foreigners.

Source: BBC Chinese, December 23, 2016

“Remove Kim Jong-un” Slogans Appear on North Korean Paper Currency

DailyNK, a South Korean news site focusing on North Korean activities, recently reported, based on its own sources, that tens of 5000-yen paper currency bills were discovered in North Hamgyong Province having slogans on them such as “Remove Kim Jong-un” and “Down with Kim Jong-un.” Not long ago, people found similar fliers in Yanggang Province and North Hamgyong Province. The newly discovered currency bills were found near popular markets in the City of Hoeryong early in the morning. The local police kept the news as top secret and mobilized all available intelligence sources to trace the source. The work of checking the handwriting is also underway. Sources from government insiders suggested that this latest development showed there could be some coordinated anti-Kim activities across the provinces. In North Korea, this level of crime, if caught, could result in a death sentence to not only the individual who conducted the actives but also to his parents and children.

Source: DailyNK, December 19, 2016

People’s Daily: Japanese and U.S. Military Aircrafts Spied on China’s Air Combat Capabilities

People’s Daily recently reported that Chinese Air Force aircraft encountered close interference from Japanese aircraft as they flew over the Miyako Strait during routine open-sea exercises. Two Japanese F-15 fighter jets launched jamming decoys against the Chinese aircraft. Another eight Japanese F-15 fighter jets as well as two U.S. electronic warfare aircraft covered the two Japanese fighters. Chinese military experts expressed the belief that Japan and the United States were jointly spying on China’s air combat capabilities. In response to China’s complaint, the Japanese Ministry of Defense refused to admit the launching of the decoys and called the Chinese description of the situation “unreal.” According to reports that the Taiwanese media published, the Japanese did mobilize ten F-15 fighters and the U.S. deployed one EP-3 and one RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft.

Source: People’s Daily, December 14, 2016

RFA: China Has Become the Largest Fake Product Source for Canada’s Online Market

Radio Free Asia (RFA) recently reported that statistics showed China is now the largest source of counterfeit products for Canada’s online market. The International Anti-Counterfeit Coalition called for stopping the fake products at their origin. With the increasing popularity of online shopping, the counterfeits are being delivered via small express mail packages rather than traditional wholesale shipments, which significantly worsens the situation for Canadian law enforcement. According to lawyers who specialize in anti-counterfeiting cases, around 80 percent of the counterfeits are from China, although more and more manufacturers are moving to places like Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines. The International Anti-Counterfeit Coalition is working with the supply-chain level Chinese platform vendors such as Alibaba and Taobao to stop counterfeit transactions within 24 hours of receiving complaints.

Source: Radio Free Asia, December 7, 2016

The Global Times Editorials on North Korea’s Nuclear Issue

Over a period of time, Global Times has written a number of editorials which show a consistent response to the North Korea nuclear issue. The following are representative of that viewpoint:

• 社评:新制裁压向朝鲜,突破僵局不取决中国 11-30-2016
Breaking the Deadlock of North Korea Nuclear Issue Does Not Depend on China
• 社评:韩美日与朝鲜若要对撞,中国拦不住 09-20-2016
If Korea, U.S. and Japan collide with North Korea, China Can Not Stop
• 社评:朝鲜核试“中国应负责”是歪理邪说 09-12-2016
“That China Should Take Responsibility” for North Korea’s Nuclear Test Is Nonsense
• 社评:朝鲜核弹搅局够,战略威慑差得远 09-09-2016
North Korea’s Nuclear Test Can Achieve the Effect of Making Trouble But Is Far Away from Strategic Deterrence
• 社评:朝鲜提炼核武钚,请美韩多着着急吧 08-19-2016
North Korea Refines Plutonium for Nuclear Weapons; The U.S. and Korea Should Worry
• 社评:给制裁朝鲜获得成功留些时间 03-11-2016
Leave Extra Time for the Sanctions against North Korea to Succeed

Source: Global Times, March 11-November 30, 2016

Hong Kong Ranked Number One in Human Freedom Index Report

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that Hong Kong once again ranked at the top the list in the newly released Human Freedom Index Report. The Canadian Fraser Institute also ranked Taiwan number 26 in the same 2016 report. This is the sixth consecutive year Hong Kong won this honor. The ranking is based on personal freedom and economic freedom, under which there are tens of sub-categories for detailed evaluation. China ranked 141 in the Index, very close to the bottom three: Iran (157), Yemen (157) and Syria (159). The Report reflected the research that Fraser conducted; it publishes the freedom study results annually. The report also indicated that the freedom level is heavily related to the democratic system the country/region has. In its comment on Hong Kong’s ranking, the institute pointed out that the index may be lowered if the Mainland breaks the “One Nation, Two Systems” structure. The United States is ranked at 23 in the Report.

Source: Sina, November 29, 2016