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People’s Daily: Three Died in Conflict at Chinese Copper Mine in Peru

People’s Daily recently reported that a conflict between farmers and the police caused three deaths and seventeen injured in Peru, where farmers living in Cusco and Apurimac opposed the copper mining operations to be developed by a Chinese owned copper company. The China Minmetals Group bought Las Bambas Copper Mine this August for US$7.4 billion. According to Peruvian President Humala, this copper mine will become the largest of its type in the nation. Local farmers were very much worried that the mine would pollute the local water sources that they depend on. They asked the Chinese company to adjust its environmental protection plan. In addition to that, they also demanded that the company hire more locals for mining jobs. The government defended the police by explaining that the police had to use lethal force for self-defense. 
Source: People’s Daily, September 30, 2015

People’s Daily: China Opposes Tsai Ing-wen’s Visit to Japan

People’s Daily recently reported that Hong Lie, the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented in a press conference on Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party’s chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen’s planned visit to Japan. Hong communicated that the Chinese government is seriously concerned and strongly opposes Tsai’s visit. He also called for Japan to stick to the “One China” principle. Hong asked the Japanese government to keep its promise of not providing anybody, using any excuse, room to spread the idea of an independent Taiwan. Tsai Ing-wen is currently running for President of the Republic of China in Taiwan. She was appointed Vice Premier under Premier Su Tseng-chang, who served until 2007.
Source: People’s Daily, September 25, 2015

Global Times: President of the Philippines Laughed at China’s South China Sea Policies

Global Times recently reported that, during a TV interview, the Philippine President Aquino III publicly “laughed at” the Chinese South China Sea policies. Aquino commented that China proposed a “joint development” plan for the South China Sea resources while claiming sovereignty to all strategic regions. He called this “they are mine but we’ll share with you” plan “a joke.” In the interview, Aquino also refused one-on-one negotiations. He indicated that all other parties with sovereignty claims, such as Vietnam, should be present at the negotiations. In the meantime, Aquino highly praised the new national security bill Japan passed recently and reaffirmed the strategic partnership between Japan and the Philippines. Chinese analysts thought that China invited all parties to the joint-development plan with an open heart. However, the Philippines has been trying to further complicate the situation by refusing one-on-one negotiations. 
Source: Global Times, September 24, 2015

New Zealand Vetoed a Chinese Commercial Acquisition Deal

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the New Zealand government officially announced that it vetoed a proposal that a Shanghai-based Chinese company acquire a farm in New Zealand. The Chinese company told the media that they were very much surprised by the announcement and were disappointed too. The company does not plan to give up immediately and is working with a consulting firm on the next step. The New Zealand government stated that the denial was based on the public’s concern about foreign capital owning land. The same Chinese company was stopped when it attempted to buy farms in New Zealand in 2012. There was a court ruling then. There have been reports saying that the opposition party, the New Zealand Conservatives, insisted that the Chinese deal was not in the best interest of New Zealand. 
Source: Sina, September 18, 2015

The Philippines Is Concerned about China Made Voting Machines

The well-known new Chinese news site The Paper recently reported that the Philippine Election Committee announced that the voting machines to be used in the national election next May will be the ones made in Taiwan. The current voting machines were made in China. The Committee explained that the decision was based on the concern that the Chinese government may attempt to disrupt the coming election. The Election Committee Chairman, Christian Robert Lim, called China “the biggest threat” to the election, hence the switch in the supplier of voting machines. Lim claimed in a congressional hearing that intelligence revealed that “someone is planning to destroy the election.” Voting machines used to be manufactured in the City of Suzhou, China. The spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines called this whole thing, “groundless nonsense.” He promised that China will stick to its policy of not interfering with other countries’ internal affairs. 
Source: The Paper, September 17, 2015

A Sampling of How Xinhua’s International Sphere Reports World News

International Sphere, an online magazine under Xinhua, is dedicated to reporting on international topics under a major theme in each issue. It has published 615 issues so far. Below is list of the titles of the most recent issues: 

09/09/2015 [issue 615]: Can the U.K. and France’s Bombing of IS Solve the Refugee Crisis? [The Answer is no.] 

09/08/2015: “Opening the Door” for Refugees. Will Europe Be Able to Resolve the Crisis? 

09/07/2015: The Death of a Little [Boy] Refugee Raises Questions about U.S. Tyranny and Indifference 

09/06/2015: The World’s Praises: China’s Military Parade Is All for Peace 

09/03/2015: Behaving Willfully. What Is [Shinzo] Abe’s Administration Up to?  
09/02/2015: The European Refugee Crisis: The Struggle between Morals and Ability 

09/01/2015: A Million People Protesting. Is Abe Deaf? 
08/31/2015: What Is Japan Hiding behind the “Revival” of the Warships That Invaded China? 
08/28/2015: With the Backing of the U.S., the Philippines Can Act at Will? 

08/27/2015: What Is the Intention in Making Irresponsible Remarks about the China-Russia Military Exercises? 

Source: Xinhua, September 9, 2015

Xi Jinping Called for Resumption of the Six-Party Talks

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping called for resuming the halted Six-Party Talks, which included North and South Korea, China, Russia, Japan, and the United States. Xi made the suggestion when he met with South Korean President Park Geun-hye. Xi also said that China is against any activity that will intensify the situation on the Korean Peninsula. He emphasized that China sticks to the denuclearization of the Peninsula and to the process of using dialogue to resolve conflicts. All parties should make an effort to resume the Six-Party Talks. President Park Geun-hye’s office issued a statement advising that the situation on the Korean Peninsula remains tense.
Source: Sina, September 3, 2015

Xinhua: What Does Japan Intend to Do with Its Continual Revival of Invasion Battleships?

Xinhua published a series of articles in its magazine Global Sphere commenting on Japan’s intention to resurrect its military. Below are some quotes from the articles. 

“Recently, Japan officially launched the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force’s newest quasi-carrier ‘Kaga.’ It has the same name as the main ship known as the ‘devil ship’ aircraft carrier ‘Kaga’ that invaded China. In 2013, Japan’s quasi-carrier ‘Izumo’ followed the name of the old warships that invaded China. The Abe government’s excuse is very simple, ‘This is only the name of the ancient nation.’ There are so many names of ancient nations. Why pick the name of the battleship that was used for aggression in World War II and more than once. Japan used this name [of the battleship] again, totally ignoring the feelings of World War II victims. It adds insult to injury for the World War II victims. It is to summon the spirit of militarism and create more obstacles to Sino-Japanese relations.” 
“Japan expert Yuan Yang from the Chinese Military Academy said that, many times, Japan has been like a bad child, constantly challenging the adults’ bottom line with petty actions. Adults do not care about him but feel somehow bothered. If we took him seriously, he would feel aggrieved. This approach seems to have become a strategy in Japan. Jin Canrong, Vice President of international relations at Renmin University of China, believes that the fact that Japan chose the 68th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima to launch the "quasi-carrier" into the water has a special meaning. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hopes to use the nation’s emotions towards the tragedy to support his militaristic ambitions of rearmament. Jin said that now the U.S. military is financially weak; it is reducing its military budget. The U.S. military deployment in the Asia-Pacific region must rely on Japan. This gives Abe the opportunity for the massive development of military power.” 
Source: Xinhua: Global Sphere issue 608, August 2015