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China Review News: Pakistan-China Economic Corridor Will Unite Europe and Asia

A recent China Review News commentary addressed the issue of the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor (PCEC). It stated,"The economic corridor that China and Pakistan plan to build between them offers the first strategic sea port in China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ plan. … China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ plan and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will rekindle the thousand-year old dream of uniting Europe and Asia together." 

The commentary said that the PCEC will connect China’s Kashgar to Pakistan’s Gwadar and will include roads, railways, and energy and commercial trade routes. Pakistan will serve as a bridge to connect China to Central and South Asia, forming an economic zone population of 3 billion people.

"This corridor allows China to connect directly to the Arab Sea, giving China the shortest path to connect to Europe, Africa, and the Middle East." "The shipping of energy and cargo in and out of China will be shortened by 4,000 miles. It will take only 10 days, instead of 45 days [via the Malacca Strait], for China to ship its goods to the Middle East and Africa."

Pakistan also offers the best channel for China to connect to Islamic countries. It is China’s firmest ally. It is also the only Islamic country with a nuclear capability. Its military cooperation with China can stabilize the relationship between the two countries and reduce the risk of the "One Belt, One Road" zone.

Source: China Review News, May 3, 2015

China News: ASEAN Leadership Summit Took a Stand on the South China Sea Issue

China News recently reported that Hong Lei, the Spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, held a press conference in which he commented on the position the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) took at its 26th Leadership Summit. ASEAN expressed its deep concern about China’s land reclamation activities, which may “undermine peace, security, and stability in the South China Sea.” The Summit Statement also “reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace, stability, security, and freedom of navigation both in the South China Sea” and in flights over it as well. The Statement urged the speedy conclusion of a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea. Hong said China is “gravely concerned” about ASEAN’s position and rejected ASEAN’s authority over this issue. Hong stated that the South China Sea issues are not issues between China and ASEAN. Instead, China has been directly working with the involved countries to resolve conflicts through bilateral negotiations. Hong called the Summit Statement an example of “a few countries’ taking the entire ASEAN hostage.”

Source: China News, April 28, 2015

People’s Daily: Where is This Three-way Relationship Going?

People’s Daily issued a special editorial about Abe’s trip to the United States. According to the editorial, in international affairs, the Sino-US relationship carries more weight than the US-Japan relationship. The Sino-US relationship goes beyond a bilateral relationship and has a global impact, while the Sino-Japan relationship has a regional impact. 

“In the foreseeable future, Sino-US competition and cooperation will coexist. Strategic competition will not suffocate pragmatic cooperation. Japan does not have much room between itself and China in which to further its own gain. The extent to which the United States has strategic restraint over Japan remains largely dependent on the development of the Sino-US relationship. China cannot make the United States ignore its alliance with Japan and take sides with China. In the competition of comprehensive national strength between China and Japan, the United States uses Japan as a ‘pawn’ in its China strategy but it cannot change the trend and path of China’s rise.” 
Source: People’s Daily (overseas edition) reprinted by Qiushi, April 28, 2014.

China Became Australia’s Largest Foreign Investor

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that, last year, China surpassed the United States to become Australia’s largest foreign investor. The investments, however, were concentrated mainly in real estate. As the Chinese anti-corruption movement deepened, Chinese investments in Australia also sped up. According to the latest report that the Australian Foreign Investment Review Bureau (FIRB) released, half of the approved Chinese investments last year (around US$22.1 billion) were for real estate. Chinese investments took a 17 percent share of all foreign investments in Australia. Australian real estate market experts expressed the belief that the demand of the investors from China and other Asian countries is still on the rise. If the Australian dollar depreciates more, Australian real estate will become even more attractive to Chinese buyers.

Source: Sina, April 30, 2015

China Daily: Australia Put a Hold on Significant Investor Visas

China Daily recently reported that the Australian government announced on April 24 that it had put the Significant Investor Visa (SIV) program on hold. It will review the program and adjust it in the next two months. The SIV program is to grant permanent residency to significant investors who meet certain government established financial criteria. According to the numbers that the Australian Bureau of Immigration published, among the SIV immigrants who applied and have already been approved, 89.1 percent are from China. The SIV program started in 2012. So far, 1,600 applications have been filed and 751 visas have been granted. Australian media reported that the revised program will be shifting the investment focus to venture capital and start-up companies. Some reports also indicated that the government may be trying to cool down the real estate market, since the housing market is now considered a high risk field associated with money laundering. Based on the recent 100-person red international warrant that the Chinese authorities recently issued, North America and Australia have become the top destination countries for the Chinese who have amassed a large amount of money through corruption.
Source: China Daily, April 24, 2015

China News: China’s Response to India’s UN Plan

China News recently reported that Hong Lei, the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented at a press conference that China supports the reform of the UN Security Council and the idea of an ncreased representation of developing countries. Not long ago, Indian Prime Minister Modi stated that India has the right to be a Security Council permanent member due to the significant contributions India has made to the UN’s world peace mission. He mentioned that China did not demonstrate its support for this claim. Hong commented that China recognizes India’s importance and understands India’s willingness to make more contributions; however, the UN Security Council reform must consider many factors. These may touch on the key interests of a large number of member countries. China called for a wide and democratic discussion to seek global agreements. Hong also expressed the belief that the UN has many other reforms on its agenda, in addition to the reform of the Security Council.
Source: China News, April 13, 2015

Huanqiu: The U.S. and Japan Are Wrong

Huanqiu published an editorial on U.S. Defense Secretary Carter’s trip to Asia. The editorial stated that,  considering China’s economic approach in establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the U.S. and Japan are wrong in their strategy of engaging in military development. 

The editorial stated, “It is certain that the deployment of the U.S. high-altitude defense ‘Sade system’ in Korea will deal a heavy blow to the good will that the Chinese public opinion has built over the years toward Korea and will weaken the foundation of the bilateral relationship. Seoul should not take any chances.” 
The editorial expressed that the communications between Carter and Japan about the Diaoyu Islands and the South China Sea assume, directly or indirectly, that China is their adversary. 
The editorial stated that the U.S. is bucking the trend as it is strengthening and expanding its military alliance in the Western Pacific. “China has embarked on a win-win cooperation path in Asia and the world. We have established the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, rendering traditional geopolitics useless and without direction. It is time for the U.S. and Japan to do some serious reflection.” 
Source: Huanqiu, April 10, 2015

CCTV: China Worked with a Yemen Governor on Its Evacuation Operation

After China’s Linyi Warship evacuated 225 peoples from the Aden port in Yemen on April 2, 2015, CCTV did an interview with Jiang Guoping, the commander of the operation.

All the people who were rescued were foreigners. They were from 10 different countries, including Germany, Pakistan, and Singapore. In his interview, Jiang mentioned how they obtained local support, “To make this operation work, China’s Consul General in Aden City used his personal connections to get to the Governor of the Aden Governorate. That governor asked a favor of him, namely, that the Linyi ship take one of his relatives out. Thus, [China’s Consul General] did a favor for that governor and the governor did a favor for him. Then they gathered all of the people [to take out].” Jiang didn’t mention how those people were selected.

Source: People’s Daily Online, April 6, 2015