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Geo-Strategic Trend - 226. page

Guangming Daily: The Damage Caused by the U.S. Debt Crisis

Guangming Daily published an article analyzing four areas in which the US debt crisis caused damage to the world’s politics and its economy. 1) The downgrade of the U.S. credit rating significantly harmed its reputation and the trust in U.S. treasury bonds around the world. Moreover, the economic crisis also reflects its political crisis: both parties as well as the administration and Congress have shown they are incapable of solving the problems themselves. 2) As the U.S. is the most influential country, the debt crisis had a deep impact on the rest of the world. The downgrade of the U.S. credit rating caused the world market to fluctuate drastically. The recovery of the world economy has stalled, thus greatly affecting U.S. global influence and resulting in other countries having less trust in and reliance on the U.S. 3) As the world’s top superpower, the U.S. carries the responsibility for the rest of the world. However the way the U.S. handled the debt crisis shows it has been extremely irresponsible. The U.S. solution was to use the superior status of the U.S. dollar, transfer the risk to other countries, and let other countries carry the burden. 4) Coordination is needed in facing the crisis. No doubt the U.S. should take the main responsibility. However, in order to pull through the crisis, the rest of the countries such as the G20 Finance Ministers and the Governors of Central Banks should also work together.

Source: Xinhua, August 10, 2011

The Blue Book on Oversea’s Chinese Language Education

Huaqiao University and Social Sciences Academic Press recently published the first “Blue Book on Overseas Chinese.” According to People’s Daily Oversea’s Edition, the Blue Book highlighted the development in recent decades of Chinese language and cultural education outside of China, along with the challenges it faces. According to the statistics in the Blue Book, there are currently over 5,000 Chinese language schools and 20,000 Chinese language teachers overseas, including 3,000 Chinese schools in Asian countries alone, and 500 Chinese schools and 68,000 students in the U.S.

The Blue Book highlighted the challenges oversea’s Chinese educational development faces. "There is an imbalance in the allocation of resources; the quality of teaching is inconsistent in different regions; effective coordination can be improved; and communication between foreign Chinese language promotional agencies and education entities is lacking. … The challenges have affected the branding of ‘China’s image’ … and diminished China’s ‘Cultural soft power’" The Blue Book suggested there is a need to increase the efforts and resources devoted to the development of Chinese language education and to the development of a global Chinese language education system.

Zhao Yang, the Deputy Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council disclosed that China will increase its investment in training oversea’s Chinese language teachers and will support the development of a Chinese language education system. According to the article, currently there is a training class held in Kunming University for Chinese language teachers from Burma. Another will be held in Wuhu City of Anhui Province in December to train teachers from Indonesia.

Source: Xinhua, August 19, 2011

Beijing Daily: The U.S. Sees the Downfall of Its Empire

Beijing Daily published a commentary on the downgrade of the US credit rating and suggested the measures that China should take. The commentary stated, “The downgrade of the U.S. credit rating from AAA is a historic and symbolic event. It should be viewed as a major turning point in the decline of the country’s national development. The decline of the U.S., already a global consensus, necessarily means great changes and strenuous adjustments in the world order. The East Wind prevails over the West Wind. The center of gravity of world power is shifting to emerging countries. The world’s political and economic structure will end the era in which the West makes the call. This is determined by the reality and trend of the global development of productivity. Facing this major adjustment and change, China needs to have a clear understanding and a conscious response.” 

The commentary noted that the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating sends a strong signal of alarm to China. “All along, China has been on high alert for political pressure, ideological infiltration, and even military intervention coming from the U.S., but we underestimated and were inadequate in coping with the flaws and risks of U.S. democracy and economic policies. During the U.S. debt ceiling crisis, China, as its largest creditor, could only watch the manipulations in U.S. domestic politics and bear the bitter fruit of the risks emanating from the U.S. economy. … The facts have taught us that there was nothing to the so-called “Chinamerica” or “G2” but each country’s self-interest.” 
The commentary also suggests that “against the backdrop of the great adjustment of the world order, China should be proactive and do great things. In a complex international environment and intense international competition, it is useless to worship the U.S. dollar, worship gold, or worship the West. … For China to maintain a good situation for its long-term development and to better take responsibility for world peace and development, the primary task is to do our own things well. In this way, we will not fear any risks or be perplexed by any interference, but will firmly and proactively drive future development.”

Source: Beijing Daily, August 12, 2011

Xinhua: Libyan Rebels Embarrassed the West

Xinhua recently reported on the assassination of the Libyan rebel’s military commander. The report emphasized that the victim died as a result of infighting. It quoted Gaddafi’s spokesman as saying “For the U.K. this is a resounding slap in the face.” The timing of the event was very unfortunate for the U.K. since it happened only 24 hours after the U.K. diplomatically acknowledged the rebels. The BBC reported the assassination as “totally exposing” the internal disagreements among the rebels. Despite the infighting among the rebels, on July 30, NATO bombed the Libyan National Television Station. The article referred to several newspapers in Egypt, Hong Kong, and Russia whose comments questioned whether the rebels can actually control and manage post-Gaddafi Libya.

Source: Xinhua, August 1, 2011

People’s Daily: China cannot Commit to Giving up Military Option in South China Sea

People’s Daily recently published its own commentary (in addition to other media) on ASEAN’s (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) attempt to get China to sign the “Guidelines of Peaceful Conduct in the South China Sea.” The commentary suggested that this is a new attempt by Vietnam and the Philippines to force China to acknowledge their actual occupation of some islands. The author expressed the belief that these two countries are, wit U.S. help, testing China’s bottom line. This new attempt seeks an agreement on binding guidelines which were designed to eliminate China’s military option. The U.S. support called for all parties to follow the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; however, the U.S. Congress itself has not approved it. The commentary suggested that, at the end of the day, there will be no win-win situation and the military option must remain on the table. The author also suggested that attacking pirates and conducting rescue missions could be used as excuses to maintain a military presence in the South China Sea.

Source: People’s Daily, August 4, 2011

Chinese Foreign Minister: China will Continue to Support the EU and the Euro

During his visit in Poland, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told the media that China pays close attention to the sovereign debt crisis in Europe. China supports the measures that the European Union and the International Monetary Fund have taken to stabilize the situation. “China continues to have confidence in the Euro zone and the Euro. In recent years, China has increased its holdings of Euro bonds.” Yang said that China will continue to support Europe and the Euro.

Yang also hoped that “the United States adopt a responsible monetary policy,” and that “the U.S. implement practical measures to insure the safety of other countries’ assets in the U.S.”

Source: China News Service, August 5, 2011

Xinhua: China Cannot Promise to Give Up the Use of Force in South Sea Conflict

Xinhua published an article by a scholar from Xiamen University, stating that China should not promise to give up the use of force in the South China Sea conflict. The article says, “The essence of the Philippines and Vietnam asking to sign a binding document with China through ASEAN on peaceful actions on the South China Sea issue is that they are attempting to force China to acknowledge their occupation of the South China Sea islands … and to nullify China’s ability to use armed force.” The article claims, “For a long time, China adopted a friendly policy toward its neighbors so as to win time for its economic development. However, in the South China Sea conflict, there is no win-win outcome. China must be prepared for military action. China is the party whose sovereign rights are violated. If China unilaterally promises to solve the conflict only through peaceful means, it will … allow the de facto occupation of the South China Sea islands by the Philippines and Vietnam. The Philippines and Vietnam will not need to worry about being attacked by armed force. Considering the arrogant attitude of the Philippines and Vietnam, the possibility of regaining the occupied islands in the South China Sea through peaceful means is quite minimal.”

Source: Xinhua, August 3, 2011

Xinhua Commentary: Japan’s Defense White Paper Deliberately Raises Tension

Xinhua published a commentary blasting Japan’s newly published defense white paper. The article says, “The 2011 defense white paper that the Japanese government released … extensively describes China’s military force in large volumes and even fans the flames to stir up a tense atmosphere. The Japanese action severely damages Sino-Japanese relations.” “This year’s defense white paper not only makes irresponsible remarks about China’s normal development of its national defense but also incites dissension and transmits aggressive and invasive intentions in the text.” “Additionally, what’s ‘new’ in the white paper is the claim that China is starting to show a ‘forceful manner,’ while Japan is starting to display a posture of ‘caring for’ its neighbors.”

The article further states that there are two reasons for Japan to make such comments in the white paper. “First, Japan has been constrained by a cold war mentality for a long time; trapped in the Japan-U.S. ally’s mythology; and embedded in a milieu of ‘China threat’ and ‘containing China.’ Second, Japan has a strong invasive desire to get rid of the restrictions on its defense policy that its peace constitution imposed after the war (World War II).”

Source: Xinhua, August 4, 2011