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Geo-Strategic Trend - 58. page

U.S. F-15 Fighters Patrolling Airspace Near Taiwan with Live Ammunition

Well-known Chinese news site Sina (NASDAQ: SINA) recently reported, based on a Global Times social media posting, that the U.S. military stationed in Japan dispatched several F-15C fighter jets carrying live air-to-air missiles to conduct combat air patrols in the airspace near Taiwan. Mainland China announced very recently that it would allow the Chinese J-20 stealth fighters to conduct normal combat patrols in the East China Sea. That led the United States to decide to show its muscles and send a military signal to China. Taiwanese media reported that eye witnesses provided pictures showing the F-15C fighter jets of the U.S. Air Force had flown back to Kadena Air Force Base in Japan carrying AIM-120C advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles and AIM- 9 live rounds of Sidewinder missiles. An unnamed source confirmed that the F-15C fighter group, supported by two KC-135 aerial tankers, returned to the Kadena Base after a seven-hour mission. The purpose was to carry out a combat air patrol mission in the airspace near Taiwan. This was the response after six U.S. congressmen visited Taiwan on April 14th and China later announced military exercises. U.S. fighter jets carry live ammunition only when they conduct quick response alerts or actual combat missions. This recent move was rather unusual. Afterwards, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Defense responded by emphasizing that, when defending national sovereignty and security, the People’s Liberation Army has always been brave and good at “showing the sword.”

Source: Sina, April 22, 2022

Luo Siyi: Lessons from the Ukraine War: Counting on U.S.’ ‘Kindness’ Is Pointless

Luo Siyi, a Senior Researcher at the Chongyang Financial Research Institute, Renmin University of China, published an article on (the Observer) discussing the intentions of the U.S.  in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war. Some excerpts from the article follow:

“For more than 20 years, the foreign military expansion of the United States has been obvious. Even so, the occurrence of the Ukraine war also represents a qualitative change in U.S. military policy. Before the Ukraine war, the United States had only taken military action against developing countries that were far weaker in military power and did not possess nuclear weapons.”

“However, the U.S. threat to bring Ukraine into NATO, triggering a war in Ukraine, shows that U.S. military policy is not limited to attacking developing countries that are far weaker than itself. Although the United States knew in advance that its eastward expansion of NATO into Ukraine would affect Russia’s most important interests (a move that clearly crossed Russia’s red line when Russia’s extremely powerful military and nuclear capabilities are on par with the United States),  it was still prepared to take the risk.”

The U.S. is combining its basic political stance (the U.S. insists that Ukraine ‘has the right’ to join NATO) along with the military facts (the U.S. provides arms to Ukraine). It clearly shows that the U.S. has deliberately provoked a confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, even though this will inevitably lead to the United States and Russia being in a direct conflict. Therefore, when assessing the Ukraine crisis, it should be noted that the U.S. escalated its military threats from targeting developing countries. Such threats are unjust but without the direct risk of triggering a world war to targeting a powerful country like Russia, which may lead to a global military conflict.”

”The United States is fully aware that the one-China policy involves China’s most important national interests and is the foundation of U.S.-China relations. To abandon the one-China policy is to cross China’s red line, which is more dangerous than trying to incorporate Ukraine into NATO. So it is clear that the U.S. is trying to undermine the one-China policy in a provocative way, just as it deliberately decided to cross Russia’s red line on Ukraine.

“On the question of whether the U.S. provocation against China and Russia is temporary or long-term and permanent, the clear conclusion of this article is that the U.S. military escalation trend will continue.”

Source:, April 22, 2022

China’s Ministry of Commerce: Companies Should Not Condemn Russia under Pressure

Russian news agency Sputnik reported that China’s Ministry of Commerce asked Chinese companies not to yield to the pressure to condemn Russia.

At the ministry’s press conference on April 14, a media reporter asked the Ministry spokesperson Su Jueting, “According to some China companies, some of their foreign business partners have asked them to state their opposition to Russia’s military actions against Ukraine. Otherwise their normal business cooperation will be affected. Do you want to say something?”

Su responded, “Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict began, some countries have imposed a series of sanctions on Russia. This has disrupted the normal economic and trade relationship between China and Russia. Some foreign companies have violated the normal market principles and threatened Chinese enterprises to pick a side. Here, we reiterate that China always firmly opposes unilateral sanctions and ‘long-arm jurisdictions’ that have no basis in international law and are not authorized by the United Nations’ Security Council. China also opposes undue bans or restrictions on normal economic and trade activities between Chinese enterprises and those of other countries.”

Su also stressed that, according to the Foreign Trade Law and other relevant laws and regulations, in order to maintain a fair and free foreign trade order, companies and individuals must not succumb to external coercion or to make improper statements. China will take necessary measures to firmly protect Chinese enterprises’ legitimate rights and interests.

Source: Sputnik, April 14, 2022

Chosun: South Korea May Join the Anti-China Siege Network

South Korea’s largest newspaper Chosun recently reported, in its Chinese Edition, that Hong Nam-Ki, South Korea’s Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Planning and Finance, said at the 6th Foreign Economic Security Strategy Conference that the discussions on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) will be more concrete and accelerated (than previously). South Korea is positioned to move toward an active and engaged direction. IPEF is an economic alliance that the the United States is building along  with allies and partners in the Asia-Pacific region to reduce its dependence on China in the fields of the global supply chain, infrastructure, the digital economy, and renewable energy. Hong Nam-Ki’s remarks may actually mean South Korea has decided to join the IPEF. Regarding CPTPP (The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership), which does not include the United States, considering that most of the member countries are agriculturally developed countries, it is expected to cause a considerable blow to South Korea’s agriculture. Thus the South Korean government is formulating corresponding support plans. With the recent expansion of Covid-19’s  spread in China, major cities such as Shanghai have been closed down and there has been a major supply chain impact from China. Hong Nam-Ki expressed that he was worried about the related impact on production lines in South Korea and he suggested to improve the country’s preparedness for the need to respond.

Source: Chosun, April 17, 2022

Indonesians Regard China as their Top Security Threat

Singapore News Network recently reported that, according to the result of a survey that the Australian Lowy Institute conducted, the Indonesian people identify China as their biggest security threat. The survey showed that only 43 percent of Indonesians believe that Chinese investments are beneficial to Indonesia. That figure is down from the 54 percent in 2011. A whopping 50 percent believe that China’s goal is to dominate Indonesia. The survey also showed that China has replaced Malaysia as the country considered by the most Indonesians to be a potential aggressor Also, about half of the respondents believe that China will pose a security threat in the next ten years, which is an increase of ten percentage points from the previous survey results. However, only 55 percent of the respondents expressed trust in Australia, down 20 percent from 2011. Fifty-six percent of respondents said they trust the U.S., down 16 percent. Around 65 percent of those surveyed trust Japan, but this is down 15 percent from the past. Survey results clearly showed Indonesians have little trust in big powers. Evan Laksmana, a senior researcher at the Center for Asia and Globalization at the National University of Singapore, who participated in this research, said that, for the Indonesian people, China is no longer seen as a mere economic opportunity, but as a series of challenges.

Source: Singapore News Network, April 7, 2022

Beijing Planned to Build Naval Base in Solomon Islands in As Early As 2020

Recently Australia and New Zealand expressed security concerns over Communist China’s working with the Solomon Islands government on treaties having to do with economic development, police training, and a military base (see Chinascope briefing: China and the Solomon Islands Deepen their Police and Military Ties.

Sky News Australia obtained a letter from a large state-owned enterprise in China. It showed that Beijing planned to build a naval base in the Solomon Islands. It was dated back as early as 2020. The letter, dated September 29, 2020, was from China’s Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) International (AVIC-INTL) to former Governor of Isabel Province Leslie Kikolo. The first paragraph of the letter read:

“We, AVIC-INTL PROJECT ENGINEERING COMPANY, in partnership with CHINA SAM ENTERPRISE GROUP LTD, present this letter to demonstrate our intention to study the opportunity to develop naval and infrastructure projects on leased land for the People’s Liberation Army Navy in Isabel Province with exclusive right for 75 years.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, April 7, 2020

Taiwan Government Issues Wartime Survival Handbook

On April 12, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense released a National Defense Handbook, a wartime survival manual that provides the necessary information in the event of an impending war or other disasters. The move highlights Taiwan’s determination to improve its defense capabilities against the backdrop of continued tensions across the Taiwan Strait and growing voices inside mainland China calling for an armed attack on the island.

Liu Tai-yi, an official of the ministry’s All-Out Defense Mobilization Agency, said that the Handbook follows the practices of Sweden, Japan and other countries. It includes sections such as “Emergency Response QR Code,” “Air Raid Alert and Fire Evacuation,” “Building Collapse and Fire Response,” “Power Failure Response,” “Water Failure Response,”  “Medical Emergency,” “Shortage of Necessities Response,” “Disaster Prevention (War Preparedness) Materials and Rescue Preparation,” “Basic Knowledge of Survival,” “Emergency Reporting Line,” and “Reserve Military Mobilization Information.”

The handbook contains illustrations and references that suit people of different age groups. It also provides Q&A with the design of various wartime real-life scenarios, as well as the division of responsibilities of the central and local governments.

Source: Deutsche Welle (Chinese channel), April 12, 2022