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The Epoch Times: Gu Kailai’s Real Reason for Murdering British Businessman Neil Haywood

The Epoch Times, an overseas multi-language media, published an exclusive report on the real reason that British businessman Neil Haywood was murdered. According to the report, Haywood could not be trusted to remain silent about what he knew. A trusted source told Epoch Times that Heywood was killed because of “his involvement in forced live organ harvesting and the alleged sale of dead bodies. He was also involved in assisting in plans for a coup.”

According to The Epoch Times’ source, “Allegedly Heywood was involved with Bo and Gu in the business of organ harvesting in Liaoning Province. This is what sealed his death warrant because Heywood had begun leaking information about their involvement in this atrocity.”

Earlier this year, Epoch Times reported that it had received information from a reliable source in Dalian City that the vast majority of the bodies that were made available to the factories that performed the mummification process were murdered Falun Gong practitioners. The public security bureaus and courts collected the bodies and sold them at a high price to the mummification factories. From there the bodies were shipped to museums around the world for exhibition, generating billions of dollars in annual income.

The Epoch Times article also stated that Heywood knew about Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai’s coup plans and helped with certain activities outside of China. Moreover, Heywood allegedly helped to move the billions that Bo and Gu had acquired through various deals inside China into accounts outside of China.

Sources: The Epoch Times, August 10, 2012

RFI: Why Was There No In-Depth Discussion of Gu Kailai’s Motives in the Murder Case?

After the Gu Kailai murder trial, Radio France Internationale published an article in which the author questioned why, in the trial of Gu Kailai on the charge of murdering English businessman Neil Heywood, there was no in depth discussion of Gu’s motives for committing murder. The article quoted Zhao Xiangcha, a history student who attended the court trial. Zhao stated, “As to the motives for the murder, something that everyone is questioning and which is a key issue in this murder case, both sides seemed to have a mutual understanding and did not have any in depth discussion.”

According to RFI, after the trial, Zhao Xiangcha tried to describe the details he recollected from the trial on, a social network website. However, the posting was immediately taken down.

The article called the murder case a total exposure of the dark side of China’s political circle. It stated that it was horrifying to learn all the details of the murder that were disclosed at the trial, the depth to which China’s political ring was involved, and the cruelty involved in the case. The article also questioned whether there might be other such plots that are hidden and yet to be disclosed. All of these, however, are determined by how the power balance at the upper level plays out, which is a sign of how corrupt the Chinese judicial system has become.

The article concluded: Gu’s trial suggests that it is time to rebuild China’s political lives and its public value system.

Source: Radio France Internationale, August 10, 2012

Politburo Requires Police Chiefs to Exchange Posts

Huanqiu reported that local police chiefs at the provincial, regional, and city levels, who participated in a recent campaign to exchange their posts, have reported to their new positions in different regions. Li Yuanchao, Politburo member and head of the Communist Party Organization Department, stated that “pursuant to the requirement of the Party’s Central Committee, gradually, all police departments will be headed by those from outside the region in which they serve.” The the Communist Party’s Central Committee initiated the post-exchange campaign in order to strength national public security in a bid to prevent corruption and promote upright police enforcement.

Source: Huanqiu, August 2, 2012

CRN: China’s Real Challenges

China Review News (CRN) recently published a commentary suggesting that real challenges lie ahead for China over the next five to ten years. The author expressed the belief that the true issues are not the international environment or military conflicts. Instead, the true issues are domestic social reforms, the financial system, and the Internet. In five to ten years, China will approach the point where the size of its economy is close to that of the United States and China’s power in the areas of science and the military will enjoy major improvements. The author suggested that the U.S. will do the following to maintain its leadership: attack the Chinese currency; control the Chinese financial system by participating in China’s reforms; push “Internet freedom” and promote democracy; support human rights lawyers, underground religions, and political opposition; agitate among China’s allies and neighboring countries; and establish pro-US international rules in a number of areas. 
Source: China Review News, August 2, 2012

SARFT Issued New Guidelines for TV Movie Series Productions

The State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television of China (SARFT) issued guidelines for the production of television movie series. The guidelines listed the following six requirements: on the history of the revolution, establish a clear definition of the “enemy” and of “us”; prevent unlimited intensification of family conflicts; do not allow fake story lines to be used in historic movie series; pay attention to value bases when producing modern commercial movies; do not reproduce movie series that are based on those overseas; discourage rewriting from an online novel and prevent rewriting from online games.

Source: Xinhua, August 3, 2012

People’s Daily: PLA to Ensure Communist Party Remains in Power

People’s Daily published an editorial to celebrate the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA’s) 85th anniversary to take place on August 1, 2012. The editorial stated that the PLA must provide armed forces to ensure that the Communist Party remains in power. “The international situation is unpredictable; the security situation is complex; external risks are unprecedented; and reform and development are tough. In the face of such an internal and external environment, the PLA must serve as an important force for the Party to consolidate its ruling position, provide strong security for national development, and act as the strategic support for safeguarding the national interest …”

Source: Xinhua, July 31, 2012

RFA: Communist Party Branches in Foreign Enterprises – A New Trend

China Economic Weekly carried an article that was originally from a People’s Daily news report. The report stated that it has become a trend for Communist Party branches to establish themselves in foreign investment enterprises in China. It started with the establishment of a Party branch in Wal-Mart in 2006. After that, more and more foreign enterprises have embraced the trend. Radio Free Asia interviewed Tang Jitian, a lawyer in Beijing on his reaction to the article.

According to Tang Jitian, on the one hand, this is a natural reaction for the Party; it is trying to exercise a tighter grip as it is losing control of society. On the other hand, for foreign companies to allow the establishment of Party branches within the company shows that they have chosen to compromise and give in to the hidden rules because they want to survive in China. “… once these foreign companies get deeply involved in doing business in China, they soon realize that, on the surface, they are dealing with some administrative or legal entities. However, the entity that has the real power and is in control is the Party, especially key personnel as well as different Party organizations.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, July 17, 2012

Xinhua: Non-Party Organizations Applaud Key Messages from Hu’s Recent Speech

On July 23, 2012, Hu Jintao gave a  speech at an event held for provincial department level leaders. Xinhua carried an article reporting on the feedback that the democratic parties and members of non-party organizations in China gave after studying the key messages in the speech. The article asserted that those organizations put their trust in Hu’s leadership in leading the Chinese people to overcome both the serious challenges they face and the complicated and ever changing international environment. The article also reported that these organizations applauded Hu’s direction on walking the socialist development path with Chinese characteristics and the scientific development concept and vowed to be united around the leadership head of the Chinese Communist Party.

Source: Xinhua, July 28, 2012