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Xi Jinping Speaks on Reading the Classic Works of Marxism

At the commencement ceremony of the second session of the spring semester of the Central Party School, the highest training institute for Chinese Communist Party officials, Xi Jinping, China’s Vice President and the President of the CPS, delivered a speech emphasizing reading the classic writings of Marxism. “Our leading cadres should correctly judge the situation, keep a clear mind in the face of complex changes, maintain steady ideals and faith, scientifically analyze the opportunities and challenges, and comprehensively look at major and secondary issues, conflicts, and problems. You cannot do without the guidance of Marxist philosophy and the methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism.” 
Xi gave specific instructions on reading the Collected Works of Marx and Engels, the Collected Works of Lenin, and books by Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, as well as Hu Jintao’s “Concept of Scientific Development.”

Source: People’s Daily, May 13, 2011

Li Changchun: Further Improve Understanding of the Importance of Socialist Culture

When Li Changchun, a member of the Chinese Communist Party Politburo Standing Committee, was on tour visiting Shanxi Province, he emphasized that culture is the wellspring a nation’s cohesion and creativity; it is an important factor of overall comprehensive national competitive power; and it is an important support for economic and social development. Li called for attentively studying the CCP central committee’s policies regarding the development of culture, profoundly understanding the importance of culture, promoting the great development and prosperity of [socialist] culture, and constantly opening up new development avenues for socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.

Source: Xinhua, May 10, 2011

China’s Top 10 in the 100 Million Yuan Corruption Club, the website of Caixin Century magazine, published a chart that listed the top 10 government officials in the “100 million yuan Corruption Club.” Yu Zhendong, the former head of the Kaiping City branch of the Bank of China (BOC) in Guangdong Province, ranked highest with total embezzled funds of 4 billion yuan (US$616 million). Wang Shouye, the former deputy navy admiral and lieutenant general, whose graft money reached 160 million yuan (US$24.6 million), ranked number 10. Of those on the list, Xu Manyong, the former mayor of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, ranked number 7 with 213 million yuan (US$32.8 million).

Source:, May 5, 2011

China’s Red Song Singing Contest Expands Overseas

On May 3, 2011, the government kicked off a national singing competition The “Red Song” Singing Contest. The contest focuses on singing “Red Songs” composed for the purpose of glorifying the Communist Party. This year, in addition to last year’s Australian and New Zealand sites, a new site will be added in Great Britain. The contest will mainly be broadcast on TV. However, more channels will be introduced this year, such as text messaging, the Internet, and microblogs. The contest has been going on for five years. The first international site, which was San Francisco, was introduced into the competition in 2009.

Source: China News Service, May 3, 2011

The Party’s Loyalty Campaign for the Young Generation

The Communist Youth League (CYL) is the youth movement that the Chinese Communist Party runs for young people between the ages of 14 and 28. The ongoing nationwide campaign to glorify the Party’s rule also includes education programs for the younger generation so as to reinforce their allegiance. 

The headquarters of CYL recently issued a directive to carry out activities between May 4 and July 1 – forums, conferences, visits, ceremonials, cultural performances – at all levels to “study the Party’s history, understand the Party’s situation, and follow in the Party’s footsteps.” The Party established May 4th as Youth Day as it is the date that the anti-imperialist, cultural, and political movement grew out of the 1919 student demonstrations in Beijing. July 1, 2011 marks the 90th anniversary of the CCP.

Source: People’s Daily, May 5, 2011

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Recruits Communist Party Members from Haigui

"Haigui," or sea turtle, is a Chinese language slang term for Chinese people who have returned to mainland China after having studied abroad for several years. 

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a top public research facility in Shanghai, has stepped up efforts to recruit haigui. Currently the Ph.D. haigui faculty members account for 12.8 percent of the teaching positions. At the same time, the Chinese Communist Party committee of the university has made recruiting Party members from haigui a “strategic priority.” The committee regularly sends Party members to talk with haigui faculty members so as to “understand their thoughts”; have CCP faculty members “partner with” the haigui so as to exert daily influence; and carry out training session for the haigui to “help them understand the country, the Party, the city, and the university.” In the last two years, 6 haigui professors have joined the Party.

Source: People’s Daily, May 5, 2011

China Establishes the National Internet Network Information Office

On May 4, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice about establishing the National Internet Network Information Office (NINIO). The office’s main responsibilities include: enforce the Internet network information broadcast policies; advance legal control over Internet network information; direct, coordinate, and monitor corresponding offices on Internet network information control; review and monitor businesses such as online news; oversee corresponding offices on planning and developing the network entertainment industry, covering online games, online video, and online publishing; plan and develop key news websites; organize and coordinate Internet propaganda work; take punitive action against websites that violate the law; and direct corresponding offices on overseeing the work of IP address distribution, website registration, and other Internet management activities from telecom companies, ISPs, and URL registration and service providers. Wang Cheng, the current director of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) will head NINIO, which will not have its own office, but will reside in the same building as SCIO with an added name plate.

Source: Xinhua, May 4, 2011

Zhou Yongkang: Build a Population Information Database

On May 1, 2011, in an article that appeared in Qiushi Journal, Zhou Yongkang, a member of the Politburo standing committee and the Party’s security czar, proposed establishing a national population information database, coded by each and every resident’s ID number. Traditionally the government’s control of the population has been based on registered households (Huko) and workplace. “Now, there is an urgent need to establish a dynamic management system that covers the whole real population,” said Zhou. Zhou asked for consolidation of related information sources from various government agencies including the police, social security, housing and urban construction, civil affairs, education, transportation, taxation, and the authorities on statistics, so as to be clear about the situation for the entire population and exert tight control.

Source: Beijing Times, May 2, 2011