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Xinhua: The Party’s Loyalty Education Needs to be Institutionalized

Xu Xuejiang, the deputy chief editor of Xinhua News Agency, wrote a commentary calling for beefing up the Chinese Communist Party’s loyalty education, in the run up to its 90th anniversary. 

According to the article, betraying the Party lands on those members who have lost faith in the Party and are against the Party’s policies. It says “A small number of Party members, full of complaints, are dissatisfied with the Party and the government. They are always bad-mouthing the country and socialism. They always feel that China is neither free nor democratic, making a mockery of the People’s Congress system and the CCP-led democratic consultative system with multi-party cooperation. They nakedly advocate the implementation of the Western multiparty system. A few sneakily hope that the Eastern Europe’s ‘color revolution’ and Middle East and North Africa ‘Arab Spring’ are staged in China.” 
Xu suggested five measures to institutionalize loyalty education: 1) Upon joining the Party, new members should sign a written guarantee not to go against the Party’s initiatives or to be corrupt. 2) The Party’s routine activities are to include annual loyalty education. 3) Loyalty education shall also occur on the anniversaries of the Party’s significant dates. 4) The Party School shall include loyalty education as a required course. During each session, students should receive no less than one week of loyalty education and must write an experience sharing paper afterwards. 5) Qualified members should be actively recruited and Party membership should be firmly discontinued for those who are against the Party’s initiatives, constantly spread messages of distrust among the masses, and are unwilling to alter their opinions.

Source: Xinhua, June 10, 2011

NPC: No Legal Grounds for Independent Candidates

According to the official China Central Television, by the end of 2012, 2 millions seats in the grassroots versions of the National People’s Congress, China’s rubber stamp legislature, will be chosen by 900 million voters in more than 2,000 counties and over 30,000 villages. 

Recently a handful of citizens decided to run in local elections as self-proclaimed independent candidates. However an official at the Legislative Committee of the NPC asserted that the so-called “independent candidates” have no legal grounds. “Candidates at counties and villages can only be nominated by various political parties, people’s groups, and voters via legal procedures, and then determined as ‘official deputy candidates’ after discussions, negotiations, or pre-elections. There are no so-called ‘independent candidates,’ and there are no legal grounds for ‘independent candidates.’"
Source: CNTV, June 8, 2011

Online Media Executives Organized to Visit Red Homeland

On June 8, 2011, more than 40 Chinese online media’s senior executives participated in a “Beijing Online Media Tour of the Red Homeland.” They visited the historic places where the Chinese Communist Party grew and where it rioted against the ruling Kuomintang government in the 1920’s. One stop was the conference site of the CCP’s first National Congress in 1921 in Shanghai; another stop was the South Lake in Jiaxing City of Zhejiang Province, where the conference transferred into a boat to avoid arrests. The tour was organized by the Beijing city government’s Internet Propaganda Management Office (BIPMO) and the Beijing Association of Online Media, a self-claimed nonprofit organization headed by BIPMO’s deputy chief. 

Li Yanhong, CEO of China’s No. 1 search engine, Baidu, said during the tour, “At the red starting point, we welcome the CCP’s 90 year anniversary. We have a great responsibility and a long way to go.” Cao Guowei, CEO of, the largest Chinese infotainment web portal, said, “(The 90 years of revolutionary history) is the driving force for the development of online media. From the conference site we see the historic choice of the revolutionists; today’s Internet entrepreneurs should also think about their historic choice.” 
A “Red Boat Statement” marked the conclusion of the tour: “We should cherish the red culture created by the CCP during its history … and use it as the foundation for the development of the industry, to shoulder social responsibility, and be conscious of the culture.”

Source: Xinhua, June 8, 2011

Cultural Exportation” as a Means to Ensure Cultural Security

In an article originally appearing in Chinese Social Science Today, a publication of the state think tank, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the author, a former National People’s Congress standing committee member, proposed “cultural exportation" as a means to ensure cultural security. “In the past, people often paid attention to the influence that foreign cultures had on our cultural security in the process of ‘cultural importation,’ while overlooking the effect of ‘cultural exportation.’ Actually, the strategy of international promotion of our culture is not only a cultural strategy, but also a political strategy and an important initiative for China to vie for its voice in an era of globalization.” “It … also includes intangible culture values. The latter is … how to spread and unfold the mainstream culture values of today’s China, namely our socialist core value system and corresponding cultural, artistic, and social science products.” 

Reprinted on the Chinese Communist Party’s central committee’s Qiushi journal, the article adds, “To increase cultural soft power, … (we must) fully utilize the roles of civil and social organizations, and fully utilize the Internet, TV, and other new venues to spread our culture and values, as part of national strategic planning.”

Source, Qiushi, May, 2011

Lawyers Organized to Effectuate the Party’s Rule of Law

A government sponsored lawyer’s group has been established to “assist” lawyers without licenses in counties and cities. The Party’s United Front Work Department and the Ministry of Justice are sponsoring the "One Heart Legal Services Group,” which consists of 48 lawyers who are not Party members. According to Chen Xiqing, Deputy Chief of the United Front Work Department, establishing of the group is “an important measure to effectuate the rule of law, protect the less developed regions, and share the results of civilized society under the rule of law; to better "work the masses" under the new situation and maintain social harmony and stability; to build up the brand name of ‘one heart’ for the Party’s United Front Work Department and strengthen its political foundation; and to deepen the United Front Work on persons who have newly joined China’s social elite, and strengthen the importance of training and educating non-Party representatives.” 

[Editor: The Party’s United Front Work Department is a CCP agency to “unite” nongovernment groups and individuals so that they will carry out the Party’s agenda.]

Source: Xinhua, May 30, 2011

Politburo Study Session on Social Management

On May 30, the Chinese Communist Party’s Politburo, a group of 25 of the most senior cadres, held a study session on “strengthening and innovating social management.” The meeting, over which Hu Jintao presided, emphasized that “strengthening and innovating social management matters for consolidating the ruling status of the Party and is important for the nation’s long term stability and for people’s livelihoods.” “China is now in an important period of strategic opportunities, and also in a period with prominent social conflicts. The task of social management is heavier and more arduous.” “(We need) to firmly grasp the general requirements of maximally stimulating social vitality, maximally increasing harmonious factors, and maximally reducing disharmonious factors.” 

The structure of social management was reiterated at the meeting. It views the CCP committees as the leadership, with the government taking responsibility, and the communities and the public participating and coordinating.
Source: Xinhua, May 30, 2011

Party Members Warned Not to Spread Political Rumors

In an unusual, harsh tone, People’s Daily published an editorial warning that “The Party’s discipline does not allow Party members to spread political rumors.” The editorial states that safeguarding the Party’s political discipline is a serious political struggle. It further alleges that a very small group of Party members and officials make irresponsible remarks on major political issues and act on their own, that some overtly agree but covertly oppose the Party’s decisions, and that others make up stories and tarnish the image of the Party leadership. The editorial said that the Party’s disciplinary authorities have “seriously punished a number of CCP members and cadres who disobeyed the political discipline.”

Source: People’s Daily, May 25, 2011

Public Security Minister Urges China’s Riot Police to Increase Their Ability to Protect Beijing

On May 13, 2011, Meng Jianzhu, the Public Security Minister and Chief Political Commissar of China’s People’s Armed Police, addressed China’s riot police in Beijing when they conducted a demonstration exercise. Meng urged the riot police to be mindful of potential dangers and increase their ability to safeguard Beijing’s security. “[The People’s Armed Police] must further strengthen their ideological and political development and lay a solid ideological foundation by holding high the [ideological] banners, following the Party’s commands, and fulfilling their mission, and must resolutely follow the directions of the Party’s Central Committee, the State Council, the Party’s Central Military Commission, and President Hu Jintao.” Over 5,000 riot police participated in the exercise.

Source: Xinhua, May 13, 2011