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Chinese Government: Stay Out of Liu Xiaobo’s Case

Chinese writer and scholar Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to 11 years in prison on December 25, 2009. He was charged with "inciting subversion of state power" for his role as the primary author of Charter 08, a call for increased democratic reforms and greater freedom in China. When Charter 08 was released in 2008, more than 300 scholars and writers signed it; since then, 10,000 Chinese citizens have done so.

Liu Xiaobo has been detained since the eve of the release of Charter 08. The international community and foreign governments have repeatedly asked China to release him. Prior to his trial, the Chinese government warned the European Union and the U.S. not to interfere in Liu’s case. On December 29, the spokeswoman from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed that Liu’s trial completely followed China’s law and legal proceedings. She requested foreign organizations and countries not to interfere in China’s internal affairs.

1. VOA, December 15, 2009
2. China Website, December 29, 2009
3. LA Times, December 28, 2009

British Drug Trafficker Sentenced to Death despite UK Government Pressure

British citizen Akmal Shaikh was executed on December 29, 2009 in China. Shikh was found carrying four kilograms of heroin into China in 2007. According to Chinese law, the death sentence is given to people smuggling 50 grams or more heroin.

The British government, the media and other international human rights organizations appealed repeatedly to the Chinese government to reduce his sentence, citing psychological sanity concerns. The Chinese government stated that Shikh didn’t show signs of mental disorder, and that the trial was carried out following Chinese law and judicial process. Chinese media and judiciary experts consider the effort to save Shikh an attempt by the British government to exert undue influence on the Chinese judicial system.

Source: Xinhua, December 24, 2009

Xinhua: Innovative Management of Mobile or Hidden Party Members in Hunan

Hunan, one of the largest provinces providing migrant workers in China, has 181,200 CCP Party members who are on the move, also called mobile or “hidden” members. Xinhua reported on December 6, 2009, that, in order to find those hidden Party members, organizations in Hunan are providing employment information and job skills training for the mobile Party members.

In the past three months, all kinds of service organizations for the Party members in Hunan have re-registered 25,336 mobile Party members, and found 8,926 “pocket” Party members, those who keep their Party member identification to themselves after having retired, graduated from college, or left their original work unit or the army. Meanwhile, 1,503 new low-level Party organizations have been established. 807 of them are in private enterprises or associations and 126 of them are in society, such as in newly built residential neighborhoods, commercial buildings, flea markets and construction sites.

Source: Xinhua, December 06, 2009

China’s National Defense Mobilization Law — 2nd Reading

A draft law that allows the Chinese government to mobilize most of its adult population for defense duties was up for a second reading at the People’s National Congress Standing Committee session on December 22. The draft law emphasized that the State Council and the CCP Central Military Commission hold joint responsibility for national defense mobilization. It included that the National Defense Implementation Plan should be in sync with the Emergency Response Plan, which calls for Emergency activities that include command, the application of force, information, and supply.

The draft law also defined the reserve system. Reservists are to be part of the active-duty forces, reserve forces, or militia. It also included a section calling for the medical and health aid system to be active in peace and war situations. When national defense mobilization occurs, medical staff, medicine, and medical equipment will also be mobilized for wartime use.

Source: Xinhua, December 22, 2009

Li Changchun: Improve the Ideological and Political Work for the Cause of the Party

The Chinese Society of Ideological and Political Work (CSIPW), also called the Chinese Association for Culture Construction (CACC) when dealing with foreign countries, opened its ninth conference in Beijing on December 15, 2009, according to Xinhua.

Li Changchun, a Political Bureau Standing Committee member of the CPC Central Committee, delivered a speech, stressing that ideological and political work should constantly create new content forms and methods to deal with new situations and tasks, so as to provide a strong spiritual power and ideological guarantee for the new development of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Ideological and political work should be done to support the development of the Party. The mass media, especially the Internet, cell phones, and other communication means should be used to continuously broaden the ideological and political work channels.

Source: Xinhua, December 15, 2009

80% of Newly Elected Academicians Are Officials

A recent Xinhua report shows that among the 35 newly elected members of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 80% hold administrative positions in universities or research institutes; among the 48 new Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) members, the proportion runs as high as 85%. In China, there are few private universities and research institutes. 

In 2001, a Minister of the Railroad was elected into CAE; in 2003, a Minister of Construction and Deputy Minister of Agriculture, together with some businessmen made their way into the nation’s highest body of scientists. 
In recent years there have been calls to set up elections for Academicians for the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Many opposed the idea, however, seeing the rampant corruption in the education system. In an article, a scholar from Yunnan Province said, “A number of politicians have stolen the professorship. … How will such a high honor of Academicians not be tarnished by politicians?”
Source: Xinhua, December 17, 2009

Argentine Judge Issues Arrest Warrants; Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan charged with crimes against Falun Gong

On Dec. 17,a Judge in Argentina issued arrest warrants for two retired Chinese Communist leaders for their crime of persecuting Falun Gong.

In the historic ruling, federal court judge Octavio Araoz de Lamadrid charged former president Jiang Zemin and his Police Chief Luo Gan with crimes against humanity. Luo Gan is the former head of the "610 Office," the extra-constitutional agency that carries out the persecution.

“This is the true reality of the creation of a Chinese Gestapo with the objective of exterminating thousands of innocent people [including women, the elderly, and children] under the control, direction, supervision, and coordination of Luo Gan, the accused … .” Judge Lamadrid wrote of the 610 Office in his decision.

Source: The Epoch Times, December 19, 2009

H1N1 and Dissemination of Information During Crisis

The widely usage of Internet and Web2.0 media enables the public to use blog postings and text messages among themselves to disseminate H1N1 information, says Globe, a biweekly magazine published by Xinhua. People don’t rely on the traditional media, which is more rigid in reporting the epidemic situation, any more. Thus the crisis of H1N1 also becomes a crisis for the media.

Globe also argued that China should improve its influence over international public opinion, as currently the Western media have led China by the nose on major news. “Therefore, how to explain China to the world and seek international support during a crisis should be an important link as the government improves the dissemination of information during a crisis.”

Source: Xinhua, December 14, 2009