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Xinhua: Naked Officials” Forbidden to Hold Chief Positions within the Party and Government

In order to monitor “top leaders,” on November 25, 2009, the Shenzhen City CCP Committee and Municipal Government promulgated “The Provisional Regulations on Supervision of the CCP and Government Chiefs,” which forbids “Naked Officials,” those whose spouses and children have moved out of China, from holding chief positions within the Party and the government or acting as members of important departments’ leadership teams.

[Ed: The problem of “naked officials” is known to have existed in China for many years. “Naked officials” abuse their power to get money illegally and then transfer it to their family members overseas. If they are investigated, they can easily manage to escape from China, since they are just by themselves.]

Source: Xinhua, November 25, 2009

Party to Expand Its Presence in CPA Firms in 2010

The State’s China Institute of Certified Public Accountants announced its goal for 2010 at a Party training workshop: to establish Party branches in every accounting firm in China. There are over 7,500 accounting firms in China with close to 90,000 practicing certified public accountants and close to 300,000 employees. However, only 14% of the accounting firms have Party branches and 11% of the employees are Party members. On October 18, 2009, a Party Commission was established for China’s CPA industry. Deputy Ministers of Finance have urged diligence and online courses in establishing a Party presence in the CPA firms.

Source: Huanqiu, November 23, 2009
See also:

Xinhua: Chinese “Culture Deficits” Do not Match China’s World Position

Wang Chen, Chief of the Information Office of the State Council, recently suggested that China has a very large “culture deficit” in its international exchange and distribution of culture. Chinese culture’s international power of influence is significantly behind China’s current world position and level of economic development. He delivered a speech at the Sixth Members Conference of the Translators Association of China. Wang believes translators have the “glorious” mission to deliver on the Party’s call for the enhancement of China’s “soft power” and the improvement of China’s international influence.

Source: Xinhua, November 15, 2009 

Li Changchun: Vigorously Propagandize Our Success in Coping with the International Financial Crisis

According to Xinhua on November 22, 2009, Li Changchun, who is a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Political Bureau, made a speech during his visit to Guangzhou, Dong-wan, Shenzhen, etc. where he was accompanied by Wang Yang, the Party secretary of Guangdong Province from November 18 – 22, 2009.

Li Changchun stressed that the propaganda and ideological battlefront staff must conscientiously implement the Party Central Committee’s decisions, and propagandize our country’s successful practices in coping with the International financial crisis and in maintaining stable & rapid economic development, so as to mobilize and inspire a majority of the cadres and the masses to make an effort to achieve this year’s economic and social development goal.

Source: Xinhua, November 22, 2009

People’s Daily: Li Changchun Summarizing “Precious” Experience in Propaganda Work

People’s Daily recently published the full speech that Li Changchun gave at the Tenth Chinese Reporters Festival. Li is a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party. He summarized the experience gained over the past 60 years: (1) Sticking to Party principles, always aligning with the Party Central Committee; (2) Always taking the “right public opinion guidance” as top priority; (3) Tightly combining the Party’s policies with the people’s thoughts; (4) Establishing a positive international “public opinion environment” by integrating internal and external propaganda; (5) Keeping up the reform of methods used to “occupy new battlefields” such as the Internet; (6) Enhancing and improving the Party’s control over media and making sure the media leadership is “tightly controlled” by the ones who are loyal to the Party.

Source: People’s Daily, November 9, 2009.

Communist Party to Expand in Non-State Sector

The Chinese Communist Party issued a directive calling for all to promote the establishment of grass roots party branches in the non-state sector. Especially, party branches must be established in non-State economic organizations where there are three or more Party members. If there are fewer than three party members, the party branches may be established by affiliating with the State’s chamber of commerce, trade unions, or trade associations. The directive emphasizes the appointment of strong leaders for the Party branches in the non-State economic organizations. “Party branches in the non-State economic organizations are important areas for party building. In recent years, there have been vigorous efforts at party building in non-State economic organizations, but overall this area is still relatively weak, and the coverage of Party branches is not as wide.”

Source: Xinhua, November 16, 2009

The CCP Started a New Round of Ideology Campaign Using Role Models

Hu Jintao recently advised posthumously honoring Song Wenbo, Political Instructor of the Dongkou County Firefighting Group, Hunan Province as “Model of Loving People.” At the ceremony, at the Great Hall of the People, Zhou Yongkang stated that “(the party should) vigorously propagate Comrade Song Wenbo’s touching deeds and inspire the public with his heroic noble spirit” and wished that “his relatives turn grief into strength,” and that “his daughter inherit her father’s mandate.”

Zhou also started a campaign in the Political and Law organizations to learn from Luo Dongning and Yang Zhufang. The Ministry of Education started another campaign to learn from 15 Yangtze University students.

(Editor’s Note: Using a “Role Model” was a propaganda method from Mao Zedong’s era whereby a deceased person’s heroic deeds were exaggerated or even made up to create a perfect example for people to follow.)

1. The website of the Central People’s Government of PRC, November 8, 2009
2. China News Service, November 10, 2009
3. China News Service, November 10, 2009

Obama’s Town Hall Meeting Includes Fake Students With CCP Credentials

Not only were the meeting and the script of the October 16 meeting between President Obama and Chinese university students censored, but Chinese participation was also reported to have been staged.

 Chinese netizens discovered that at least two questioners in the audience were not bonafide students. The first “student” Cheng Xi is the Executive Vice Director of the Research Office of the Communist Youth League of Fudan University: The second “student” Huang Lihe is the Secretary of the Communist Youth League of the School of Foreign Languages, Tongji University: [Ed: A search found that this was posted on many blogs and forums in China, although some were later removed.]

A CNN reporter saw a student reciting a question in English from a piece of paper. Liu Yufen, 21, a student from Shanghai Jiaotong University said that he and his fellow classmates went through “training” for a whole afternoon prior to the meeting.

1. website, Nov 17, 2009
2. Google Groups, Nov 16, 2009
3. Epoch Times Taiwan, Nov 17, 2009