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Information/Technology - 82. page

Beijing Justifies Internet Control by Referring to Western Practices

In a lengthy article published by its official Xinhua news agency, China enumerates many examples of how Western governments control cyberspace, with a view to defending China’s own control of the Internet.
The article starts by pointing out, “Many Western countries advocate freedom of speech. At first glance, they seem to exert no control over the Internet.” The article goes on to give examples of government regulations in the U.S., Germany, Australia, Korea, and Japan. They include U.S. intelligence agencies’ strikes on Internet hackers, the German’s Information and Communication Service Act, Japan’s Adolescent Internet Environment Readiness Act, and Korea’s enforced real name online registration.
An analysis of the examples, however, reveals that they do not, in actuality, greatly restrict citizen’s freedom of speech.
Source: Xinhua, July 23, 2010

SARFT: Not Allowed to Have a Radio, Film, or Television Festival without a Permit

On July 26, the State Administration of Radio Film and Television re-issued a directive that any institution that does not have a Radio and TV Program Production License should not participate in any radio, film, or television festival.
The notice demanded that all organizers of radio, film, or television festivals rigorously review the qualifications of the participants and bar any unqualified ones from participating.
Source: Xinhua, July 26, 2010

Xinhua: Chinese News Information Standardization Committee Established

On July 15, the Chinese News Information Standardization Committee met for the first time in Beijing and announced the worldwide release of 2 new Chinese standards: Chinese News Markup Language and the Classification and Coding of Chinese News. This is an attempt to unite and streamline the “information orphan islands” scattered around the globe that include domestic and international Chinese language news media. The goals of the committee include improving Chinese language competitiveness in the global information product market, improving China’s international information distribution capabilities, and breaking the “public opinion monopoly” of the West. Xinhua News Agency officially governs the Committee. The immediate next step in the Committee’s mission is to turn the standards into something that the Chinese lanuage media follow across the world.

Source: Xinhua, July 15, 2010

Shenzhou Spaceship Chief Architect Talks about Carrier Rockets

Dr. Qi Faren, who is the former Chief Architect of the Chinese Manned Space Operations Project and an Academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, recently announced that, in the year 2014, China will launch high-thrust rockets that can carry 20 tons of weight. Today, China can only send a few tons of cargo into outer space. High-thrust rockets have difficulty with land transportation due to their large size.

He also suggested that next year, China will send the 6-docking-port core portion of the Tiangong-1 space station into orbit and will launch Shenzhou Eight, Nine and Ten spaceships to dock with it. The plan is to complete the Chinese space station’s construction before the year 2020.

Source: Guangming, July 5, 2010

Xinhua: Hainan is not the Largest Source of Internet Attacks

Xinhua recently published a report suggesting that China is becoming the victim of U.S. fictitious claims about evil sources of Internet attacks. The U.S. organization Medius Research published a report earlier on Chinese Internet spies and U.S. national security and pointed out that Hainan Province in China is the biggest source of attacks. The Xinhua report called this conclusion a lie and said it is very hard to trace true internet IP sources. Also, the Xinhua report quoted data from various sources such as some Symantec reports to prove that the U.S. is the largest source of all Internet attacks. It was concluded in the report that this is another example of thr U.S. taking advantage of its Internet monopoly position to interfere with other countries’ internal affairs.

Source: Xinhua, July 14, 2010

Xinhua: CNC World English Channel Is the Party’s Mouthpiece, Ears and Eyes

On July 5, 2010, Xinhua published an article titled “China CNC: Adapts itself to the BBC, CNN Stage.” China’s Xinhua News Agency launched its English language TV service, CNC World on July 1, 2010, broadcasting English news programs 24 hours a day for overseas audiences. The Xinhua article restates that an important mission of “the red press” Xinhua is to be “the mouthpiece, ears and eyes of the Party and the people”.

“CNC’s branching out represents Chinese media’s moves onto the international stage. Its birth is not completely for business competition, but more for the purpose of disseminating China’s own voice to the entire world.”

CNC board chairman Wu Jincai said that the U.S.’s CBS and the U.S. News Corporation will be the two cornerstones to support the growth of CNC.

Source: Xinhua, July 05, 2010

China’s New Media Blue Book Bashes Twitter and Facebook

China’s New Media Development Report (2010), a.k.a. China’s New Media Blue Book, published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, criticizes the political function of Twitter and Facebook. The report states that social networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter are used by western intelligence agencies to overthrow other governments. In particular, it accuses Facebook of being the “cluster point” for Uyghur separatists, who colluded with overseas organizations in the 7.5 Urumchi riot last year. The report asks for immediate regulation, as Facebook plans to enter the China market this year.

Source: Radio Free Asia, July 7, 2010

Xinhua: Screening of Internet Trade Entities to Start

Starting on July 1, the Interim Administrative Regulations of Internet Trade and Related Services will be enforced. The State Administration of Industry and Commerce is planning a full screening of all online trade entities to establish an “Internet economy registry.” The State Administration is asking all local branches to implement the screening and build a database of the number, scale, distribution and categories of all trade platforms in corresponding local regions. This is becoming the focal point of work in local administrations. The Interim Administrative Regulations were announced and went into effect on June 1, 2010.

Source: Xinhua, June 29, 2010