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Another Medical Scandal in China: Children Injected With Expired Saline Solution

The recent vaccine case dealt a heavy blow to the public’s confidence in Chinese hospitals. In a new development, a hospital recently reported that several children have been injected with expired physiological saline solution.

A child in Jiangxi province was sent to a local hospital due to physical discomfort. The hospital administered him with an intravenous injection. Accidentally, the parents found out that the physiological saline the hospital had injected had expired. The effective period of the solution was until July. Further investigation revealed that more than 30 bottles of physiological saline in the hospital’s pediatrics department are yet un-used. The hospital claimed it was “workplace negligence.”

Another parent, finding out that his child was also injected with expired saline solution, complained to the hospital about the issue. Surprisingly, the hospital, which is not the same as the previous one, responded that it is not a problem.

Although the hospital personnel were swiftly punished, the scandals, breaking out one after another, have resulted in the Chinese people being furious. People have vented their anger on the Internet:

“Where is their conscience? Or is it this their attitude toward other people’s kids?”

“If the expired drug is fine, then inject these unscrupulous hospital personnel with it every day.”

“Absolutely not workplace negligence. The near-expiration and expired medicine is cheap and the commission on sale is, simply, appealing.”

Source: Liberty Times, August 26, 2018

African Swine Fever Virus Outbreak in Jiangsu

The Paper reported that the China Center for Animal Health and Epidemiology confirmed that the African swine fever virus was recently found among pigs on a farm in Haizhou district, Lian Yungang City, Jiangsu Province. Since August 15, 615 pigs have been affected and 88 have died. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs sent a team to Jiangsu Haizhou District after the outbreak and started the emergency response system to prohibit all pigs and susceptible animals and products from entering or leaving the blockaded site. According to the article, at present, the epidemic has been effectively contained.

Source: The Paper, August 19, 2018

College Professor Dismissed for Making “False Political Statements”

RFA reported that on August 16, Guizhou University dismissed a college professor from its School of Economics claiming that the professor has been “making false political statements” for a period of time. On the termination statement, the university asserted that the professor often told the class about content that was not related to the course, published sensitive comments on the Internet, and had a bad influence on the school and society. The Professor told RFA that all he had been saying during his lectures was the truth and that should not have a negative impact on society. He thought the University was not happy with him because he criticized the government, but he will appeal his case. According to RFA, this professor published an article criticizing the government for paying 20 million yuan (US$2.92 million) a year to support party officials. The burden of the cost to society of paying these officials could be as much as 20 trillion yuan (US$2.92 trillion) a year. He also reported that the school leaders were suspected of plagiarism.

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 17, 2018

Epoch Times: Chinese Internet Users Criticize Online Question recently posted a video program under its military segment titled, “If a war were to start, how much of your savings would you be willing to donate to the motherland?” In the video it stated that every time after a war was over, the U.S. economy didn’t collapse but became stronger because the American people actively donated money and supplies during the war and their sons and daughters actively joined the military. The video then posed the following question: “Even though China was able to build an aircraft carrier . . . the problem is that China has a large population. Will that be a driving force or a source of pressure for our national policy? If at that time there was shortage of national financing during a war, would you be willing to donate money and supplies like the Americans have done?” This video has currently been taken down and the responses that were posted were deleted. Epoch Times published a list of screen shots of the responses and below is the translation of some of the responses:
1. Our motherland is so wealthy. Why do you still need me to donate? The corrupt officials are involved in hundreds of millions of funds from corruption and I couldn’t even come up with the down payment for a house.
2. Who would we have the war against and why? Is it for high housing prices, medical expenses, education or a different retirement system?
3. For sure I will donate US$10,000 to the U.S. As for other people, let those people who are among the elite or the special power class or the second generation of the rich and powerful people take care of it. We, the bottom class, have no idea.
4. If we won the war, housing prices would double, earning would be cut in half; if we lost the war, housing prices would be reduced by 80 percent and salaries would double. You decide whether to donate or not to donate.
5. I can’t even afford a loan for housing. Where would I get the money for a donation?
6. I am not qualified to enjoy any benefits. I would be even less qualified if I were to donate. Don’t count on me.
7. What donation? I wish that day would have arrived sooner.
6. Agree! I am willing to be an informant for the U.S. military.
7. I would donate US$1,000 to the U.S. even if I had to sell what I have.
8. Everyone is responsible for the fate of the nation. If the nation is prosperous, you claim the ownership; if the nation is dying, we, the little people, should take the responsibility?
9. We are not the umbrella. When it rains, you bring us out. When it is sunny, you leave us in the corner. If there was a war, those who receive special treatment should be in the front and the public servants should pick up the cost.
10. Looks like everyone gets the point now. I feel relieved.

Source: Epoch Times, August 13, 2018

China’s Religious Czar Emphasizes Party Control over Religion

Wang Zuo’an, deputy chief of the Chinese Communist Party’s Department of United Front Work and director of the State Administration of Religious Affairs (SARA), published an article in the official Qiushi magazine, asserting that foreign forces are not allowed to dominate China’s religious affairs; he called for “Sinicization.”

The article stated that there is no affiliation between Chinese religions and foreign religions. Chinese religious groups and religious affairs are not subject to foreign influence. “When dealing with religious relations, one must uphold the leadership of the Communist Party, insist on the separation of church and state, and make sure religion must not be involved in administrative, judicial, and educational functions.” “It is necessary to persist in resisting foreign forces that use religion as a means of infiltration.”

According to the Union of Catholic Asian News (UCA News), by the end of this month, all Catholic parishes in China must submit a five-year plan to the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association (CPCA) and the Bishops’ Conference of the Catholic Church in China (BCCCC) and report on the work of “Sinicization.” The CPCA and the BCCCC also drafted a five-year national work plan with the objective of accepting the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. All measures of “Sinicization” ought to be under the leadership and supervision of the CPCA and the BCCCC. UCA News expressed the belief that the plan and measures are intended to control and deal with opposition from nonconforming Catholic followers in China.

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 19, 2018

“Student Officials” on Chinese University Campus

In July, the Student Association of Sun Yat-Sen University, one of the best universities in southern China, issued an “Announcement of the Appointment of Cadres for the 2018-2019 Academic Year.” Among the nearly 200 positions, there were 23 secretarial organizations, 12 functional departments, and 144 working offices. In addition to the sheer size of the student union, the school’s announcements mimicked the rankings of the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese government officials, such as “ministerial level” and “deputy ministerial level.” This invited ridicule from many netizens. An example of some online posts are below:

A. It is not a naive imitation. It is the quintessence of the real society.

B. Cultivating officialdom worship at a young age. This is truly great.

C.  … haven’t learned much knowledge, but perfectly grasped the bureaucratic stuff!

D. When administrative power can so easily infiltrate into student organizations, one can imagine how full of administrative stuff their daily operations must be.

On August 17, the Chinese Education Daily newspaper carried an opinion article that criticized this phenomenon. “On the campus, young students are keen on inter-personal relationships, playing the bureaucratic jargon, and vying to be a student cadre. This is a revelation that a few young people have the mentality of officialdom worship, that they are so skilled at calculation that they pursue an official position, and that they have an incorrect understanding of power.”

Source: Education Daily, August 17, 2018

Epoch Times: Personal Reports from P2P Victims Who Went to Beijing to Petition

Recently, large numbers of P2P sites (Peer to Peer online Lending sites) have been shut down. This has resulted in hundreds of thousands of investors losing their investments overnight. The victims planned a petition in front of the China Banking Regulatory Commission in Beijing on August 6 but the Beijing Police Force blocked them. Nevertheless, over 2,000 victims successfully arrived at the China Banking Regulatory Commission or at a nearby location. Epoch Times published an article which provided a first-hand account of P2P (Peer to Peer Landing) victims who were at the scene. The article contains photos and videos that the victims took. Below is the translation of two of the victims’ personal stories.

One victim, Mr. Li arrived in Beijing on August 5. He stayed in a family hotel about 10 minutes away from the Banking Regulatory Commission because it didn’t require personal identification during check in. After they arrived, Mr. Li and another victim who is a college professor walked around to check out the surrounding situation. Mr. Li told Epoch Times, “August 6 was intense as they were waiting for us, which brought us little hope.” On the morning of August 6, they left around 7:30 am in the rain. The rain had almost stopped by the time they arrived across the street from the China Banking Regulatory Commission. He observed that there might have been a whole army of police officers around the financial street, with one police officer every three steps. The atmosphere was very tense and very scary. At the intersection, they saw a large number of police officers wearing gray-black raincoats interrogating pedestrians, especially those carrying backpacks. The police told them to stop and show their ID cards and swept the ID cards with the machine in their hands which contained a blacklist of petitioners’ names. They were quickly able to determine whether the person was a P2P petitioner, and then the petitioner was taken to dozens of buses parked on the street. Mr. Li and his friend found a corner to the right side of the Banking Regulatory Building and waited there for more petitioners to arrive. By 10:00 am, they realized that most of their fellow petitioners had been stopped at the train station, bus station, airport, or their home before they could leave. “There was a wide range of delays in trains and planes in Beijing on August 6. All of those were planned to target us,” Mr. Li said. He saw that the police used force to take many petitioners away from the scene. Eventually, shortly after 10, Mr. Li and his friend were also arrested. They were taken to a bus which took them to the Jiujingzhuang Petition Office in the Fentai district of Beijing. After they arrived at the petition office, the police first scanned their IDs and then sent them to individual rooms where the police or work unit from their hometown could pick them up. The guard at Jiujingzhuang told them there were over one thousand petitioners who had arrived on the buses. Beijing Police prepared 120 buses to transport the petitioners on that day, but Mr. Li thinks that the number of arrested petitioners was larger than that. One person with inside information posted a message on social media stating that over ten thousand police officers had been dispatched to deal with the petitioners. Another Petitioner Ms. Jin told Epoch Times that she was arrested at the Beijing train station while waiting for other petitioners. She was warned ahead of time that they couldn’t go to the government agencies in Beijing to file a petition but she said she still went because she was desperate. Ms. Jin said that, at the local police station, they were treated like criminals. They were told that they were inciting and spreading rumors and could be detained for crimes at any time with no explanation. Ms. Jin told Epoch Times that she went to Beijing to find out the truth. The Banking Regulatory Commission was supposed to have managed their investments. The government was supposed to have backed them. Where did the billions of dollars go? Mr. Li said the crash of the P2P lending site was a clear violation of citizen’s rights. He pointed out,“They took our money and then wanted to silence us. We were raising our voices as citizens to protect our own property.”

Source: Epoch Times, August 7, 2018

People’s Daily: Child Birth Is Not Only the Family’s Business; It Is Also a National Matter

Because China faces issues related to its aging population, it has changed its one child policy to encourage the younger generation to have more children. However, recent statistics show the childbirth rate is slowing down. People’s Daily published an article calling for the government to establish plans to ease childbirth concerns; it has been saying, “Childbirth Is a National Matter.” However People’s Daily’s statement drew a fair amount of criticism over the Internet.

According to the People’s Daily article, in the 1980s, China’s one child policy resulted in 400 million fewer newborn babies, which eased the resource and environmental pressure. In 2013, the policy was changed to allow parents who are the only child in their family to have a second child. By 2015, to deal with the aging population issues China was facing, the policy was changed to allow all couples to have a second child. The statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics revealed that there were 17.23 million newborns in 2017, down 63,000 from 2016. The childbirth rate was 12.43 percent, down 0.52 percent from 2016. Many cities and provinces issued policies to increase the rate of childbirth. In urban regions, however, many young couples still chose not to have children due to the high cost of raising a child, including education, medical, and public services. However, the decrease in the childbirth rate is having a negative impact on society, including an aging population, higher labor costs, and an increase in the pressure on social security. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the government needs to come up with a plan that will ease the concerns of the younger generation so they will be encouraged to have more children.

Following the People’s Daily‘s statement, people responded with criticism over the Internet. One posting stated, “Having a child is a basic right for a human being. The party wants to manage everything. They didn’t allow more than one child before. Now they want people to have more children. The situation is that people could afford more than one child back then, but the reality is that now, they can have a baby but are unable to afford raising the baby.” Another posting commented that there were so many tragic incidents when the Party forced women to abort their babies and never took any responsibility. “The Party never cares about the livelihood of the people.”

1. People’s Daily, August 6, 2018
2. Epoch Times, August 13, 2018