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US-China Relations - 116. page

Xinhua: Around Ten Thousand Students Took the SAT in Hong Kong

Xinhua recently reported that, on January 25, around ten thousand students from mainland China participated in the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) offered by the U.S. College Board and hosted by the Hong Kong AsiaWorld-Expo. The U.S. SAT is widely recognized in China as the equivalent of the Chinese National College Entry Exam. Over the past several years, more and more Chinese students have decided to go to the United States for their undergraduate college education. It has become a “hot trend.” The SAT currently has no designated testing location in mainland China. Therefore, Hong Kong became the nearest and the top location choice to take the test. Hong Kong AsiaWorld-Expo is the largest location and it is the only location that can house ten thousand test-takers. 
Source: Xinhua, January 27, 2014

Xinhua: China Can Only Choose to Fight Back When Faced with U.S. Military Deterrence

Xinhua republished a commentary article originally from China Review News, a pro-Beijing media located in Hong Kong, with the title “China Can Only Choose to Fight Back When Faced with U.S. Military Deterrence. “Below is an excerpt from the article: 

“Following the United States’ strengthening of its military deployment in the Asia-Pacific region, China has strengthened its military presence in the region. The U.S. has accused China’s military action of being military coercion. 
“As we all know, after proposing its rebalancing strategy in the Asia-Pacific in 2012, the United States adopted a series of measures to strengthen the U.S. military presence in the Asia Pacific region. The United States also enhanced its deterrence efforts against China by improving the military forces of countries that have maritime territorial disputes with China, such as Japan, the Philippines, and Vietnam. The United States also gathered related countries in the South China Sea and the East China Sea to conduct ever expanding joint military exercises. These U.S. practices have been a serious threat to China’s homeland security. It is an indisputable fact. 
“When faced with such U.S. military deterrence, China has no alternative but to choose to fight back. Whether China announces in high profile the establishment of maritime power, gradually increases its defense force in the South China Sea and the Diaoyu Islands, holds joint naval exercises with Russia, or establishes an air defense identification zone, China has to deal with the U.S. military deterrence using its own way. From this perspective, it is because of the U.S.’s military buildup in the Asia Pacific and engaging in an arms race with related countries that China has been forced to increase the strength of its military power.  
“The U.S. accuses China of military coercion in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, but the intensification of the South China Sea and the East China Sea disputes are, to a large extent, all related to the United States’ fanning the flames [in the region]. Since implementing the strategy of returning to the Asia-Pacific, the U.S. has sharply increased military aid to the countries that have maritime territorial disputes with China. Also, regarding these disputes, the U.S. does not advise these countries to [resolve the dispute], but groundlessly accuses China of ‘displaying a tough stance.’ This attitude will only encourage the related countries to increase their determination against China and make the problem of territorial disputes more complicated. The security situation in the Asia-Pacific is getting worse. 

"The United States’ approach, however, may bring another possibility: China will become more determined and stronger, increasingly deviating from the United States’ envisaged development track.” 
Source: Xinhua, January 17, 2014

Li Jie: U.S.’s New War Strategy of Air Sea Battle Is Looming toward China

Li Jie, the chief expert at the Marine Research Center of the Three Strategies Institute (a “non-governmental” military think-tank in Beijing) published a commentary article in which he discussed the U.S.’s new war strategy; the “Air Sea Battle” against China. 

The article said, “In recent years, the ‘Air Sea Battle’ has been kept in low-profile, but at the beginning of this year, the United States again started to talk highly about it. The U.S. military declared that it will increase funding to develop the ‘Air Sea Battle.’ The remark and new developments have revealed at least two pieces of information: First, since early 2009 when this concept was first introduced, the United States has never stopped for a moment doing research, demonstrating, testing, and perfecting the ‘Air Sea Battle.’ Now it has matured, and is becoming the core of military theory for the United States’ ‘return to Asia’ and ‘strategic rebalancing’ strategy. Second, in recent years, the United States has developed a large number of new weapons, which have come out one after another. Almost all of them were first deployed and applied at the forefront of East Asia and are continually undergoing experiments and being tested. This fully demonstrates that ‘Air Sea Battle’ is entering the ‘window of opportunity’ to be applied in real combat. 
The article warns that “[China] should make sure forever that it does not to forget that the U.S.’s ‘sword of Damocles’ — the ‘Air Sea Battle’ — is looming toward us.” 
Source: People’s Daily, January 15, 2014

Xinhua: Chinese Real Estate Buyers Are Second Largest Group in the U.S.

Xinhua recently reported that Chinese real estate buyers spent US$12.3 billion in one year in the U.S. real estate market, becoming the second largest international buyer group after the Canadians. For example, a private Chinese investor spent US$725 million to acquire One Chase Manhattan Plaza, a 60-story office building located in downtown Manhattan. Facing the New York Federal Reserve building, it was built by David Rockefeller and has been used by JP Morgan Chase since 1961. The continuous appreciation of the Chinese currency is making real estate in New York and San Francisco look cheap. Chinese investors are also pouring money into stocks, bonds, trust certificates, intellectual property and patents. However the article also reminded the readers that the last time a Japanese investor bought the Rockefeller Center, it ended with a miserable loss and “in tears.”
Source: Xinhua, January 5, 2014

Xinhua: Abe Enshrines the “Ghosts;” Japan and U.S. Play Duet again

Shortly after Japanese Prime Minister Abe’s visit to the Yasukuni war shrine on December 26, Xinhua wrote a commentary on the visit. Below is an excerpt from Xinhua’s commentary:

The Japanese Prime Minister’s “out of line” action was premeditated. It indisputably shows that the Japanese right-wing militarism has a deep root and has a big market. There are two main reasons for this: 
First, Japanese society has been making a right turn. Its purpose is, through wiping out the history of aggression and revising the pacifist constitution, to remove the hat of being the defeated nation and get rid of the shackles of the post-World War II international order so that it can become a "normal state" with the ability to develop a regular army, send troops overseas, and realize the goal of being a "big political power." 
Military expert Peng Guangqian said, "In the past (many) think there were only a handful of Japanese right-wingers, but the facts show there are a large number." 
Zhang Huanli, a researcher from the International Affairs Institute of Xinhua News Agency and a senior reporter residing in Japan for many years, said, "China has always advocated ‘Sino-Japanese friendship,’ and ‘good-neighborliness.’ The Japanese did not believe in this. [We] must be realistic and carefully look at the real Japan.” 
Second, the United States has shifted its strategic center eastward. Japan believes that this is an opportune time. As America’s most effective ally, Japan diligently collaborates with the United States, strengthens the Japan-U.S. alliance, and vigorously promotes the policy of containing China. It shows an unprecedented tough diplomacy toward China and carries out military deployment and exercises against China. 
Although the United States expressed disappointment following Abe’s enshrining the "ghosts," anyone with a clear mind can see that the U.S. and Japan are actually “singing a duet.” 
Source: Xinhua, December 29, 2013

Luo Yuan: China Is Not a Lamb That Others Can Slaughter at Will

Chinese Strategic Culture Association Executive Vice President and Secretary-General Luo Yuan had a discussion online on People’s microblog [under the website of People’s Daily] with the Netizens about the recent developments in the situation of the Diaoyu Islands.  

Some asked: "Recently, it has not seemed to be peaceful in China’s surrounding waters. How do you think about the China-U.S. naval confrontation incident in the South China Sea earlier this month? Does it mean that China will no longer just tolerate everything blindly in its territorial waters?" 
Luo Yuan said that, in dealing with the surrounding hot issues, China has maintained a great deal of restraint and tolerance. It can be said that we have been tolerating again and again. Now it is becoming intolerable. While we were conducting normal naval training in the Western Pacific, a Japanese missile frigate intruded into our exercise area for reconnaissance at a close distance. While our aircraft carrier battle groups were in the South China Sea for normal research and training, the U.S. cruiser also came close to our aircraft carriers. No sovereign state allows this. It was a legitimate defensive measure that we sent amphibious landing ships to drive them away and guard ourselves. We didn’t cause any threat to any country. The issue now is that the United States came close to our doorstep with its cruiser; it was not China’s warships going to the United States to provoke. It is the United States interfering with China’s normal military training, not China interfering the U.S.’s normal navigation. The U.S. cannot be too tyrannous and cannot go too far bullying people. China is no longer the lamb to be trampled upon and insulted. 
Source: People’s Daily, December 24, 2013

Xinhua Commentary: The U.S. China Relationship is Delicate and Sensitive

Xinhua published a commentary which stated that the U.S. China relationship has entered into a time frame that is both delicate and sensitive. On the one hand, the U.S. China economic relationship remains strong, but, on the other hand, the U.S. is still on guard and distrusts China. At the same time, occasional military conflicts have taken place between the two countries from time to time. The article cited three reasons for the complexity of the relationship between the U.S. and China. The first reason is that the base for the U.S. China relationship developed out of the confrontational relationship during the cold war and thus is weak. Secondly, the relationship between the two has involved broader aspects. The third reason is that the power between the two shows that the U.S. is getting weaker while China is getting stronger. The article ended by pointing out that, if both countries can handle the relationship well, it will mean not only that the U.S. China relationship is growing stable and mature, but also that it has a significant impact on the international situation and the world’s security environment.

Source: Xinhua, December 20, 2013

U.S. Secretary of State Targets China by Throwing Money to Vietnam

Xinhua published a report from Beijing Youth Daily about U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to Vietnam. On December 16, Kerry announced a pledge of US$18 million in aid to Vietnam to strengthen Vietnam’s coastal patrol. Kerry said this assistance had nothing to do with the South China Sea issue. 

 The report said that Kerry gave a pretty name, “maritime security assistance,” to the aid but the U.S.’s intentions were quite clear. The report, citing Associated Press, said that the United States is directly targeting China by aiding Vietnam. It said that Kerry also spared no effort to meddle in the East China Sea issue. He mentioned Japan-China relations at a news conference, urging both sides to "strengthen dialogue and diplomatic efforts" to resolve their East China Sea-related differences. 

Source: Xinhua, December 18, 2013