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US-China Relations - 118. page

People’s Daily: For the U.S. Government to Preach “Freedom of the Press” Is Hypocritical

An article appearing in the CCP’s mouthpiece, People’s Daily, made some comments about the U.S. freedom of the press. “Even with the ‘protection’ of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and even though it is regarded as the ‘gold standard’ of America’s soft power, the so-called ‘sacred inalienable’ ‘freedom of the press’ that the U.S. government preaches is, after all, hypocritical.”  As evidence, the commentary cited the Committee to Protect Journalists’ report which states that how the U.S. government dispenses harsh punishment to those who leak information and how it monitors reporters’ survey data poses a threat to freedom of the press. 

The article stated, “The relationship of the U.S. government to the media has never been cool. Sometimes [the government] applies more ‘soft intervention,’ such as making up some hidden news for the media. Sometimes it imposes ‘hard monitoring,’ such as suppressing some media and reporters. Even more common is the use of both together. Such intervention and monitoring have never stopped and will not be reduced in the future.” 

“Why is Washington so keen on exporting the concept of freedom of the press to other countries and even getting involved in promoting freedom of the press by itself? In addition to the consideration of adding the ‘superior system label’ to the United States, an important objective is to demonstrate the U.S.’s ‘political correctness.’ Once this so-called political correctness is combined with its powerful economic and military strength, it is not surprising [to see the U.S.] playing tricks, being preemptory, and using extortion.” 

Source: People’s Daily, October 22, 2013

Xinhua Commentary: Japan-U.S. Alliance Is Moving Farther and Farther down a Dangerous Road

Xinhua published a commentary on the "2 +2" meeting of Japan and the U.S. held in Tokyo on October 3, 2013. The article said, “Japan and the U.S. expressed that they will cooperate in space and cyber-space, as well as in other new strategic areas and will complete the revision of the Japan-U.S. defense cooperation guidelines before the end of 2014. In addition, the United States welcomed the Japanese government’s amendment of its interpretation of the Constitution on collective self-defense, the implementation of its national security strategy, and the increase in its defense budget. One can see that Japan and the U.S. are intending to further strengthen defense cooperation and enhance the level of military integration. This indicates that the Japan-U.S. alliance is moving farther and farther down a dangerous road.” 

The commentary continued, “Needless to say, following the revision of the Japan-U.S. defense cooperation guidelines, the Japanese self-defense force (SDF) and the U.S. military will further implement military integration. SDF and the U.S. military will enhance cooperation in joint training, intelligence sharing, joint use of bases, and in other traditional areas. The scope of the Japan-U.S. alliance will also be expanded to new strategic areas in cyber-attacks and space cooperation. This means that the Japan-U.S. alliance will be greatly expanded both in depth and breadth. 

“The Abe regime has been seeking a major breakthrough in defense. … In this context, that the United States is adding fuel to the flames makes one wonder about its [ulterior] motives.  
“… Japan and the U.S. not only have not abandoned the Cold War mentality; on the contrary, they continue to strengthen military alliances, posing threats to regional peace and stability. This cannot help but cause people in the world and the Asia-Pacific region to be on high alert.” 

Source: Xinhua, October 3, 2013

People’s Daily: So Many U.S. “Osprey” Come to the Asia-Pacific. What Prey Do their Claws Seek?

People’s Daily published a report about the U.S. deployment of the "Osprey" at a military base in Japan. Below is an excerpt from the report:

On September 25, 2013, the last of the second batch of United States Marine Corps’ 12 newly deployed "Ospreys" arrived at Futenma Airfield. This brings the total number of "Ospreys" that have settled down at the U.S. military base in Japan to 24. … [The U.S. move] once again caused widespread concern among all related parties in the surrounding areas. 
In less than a year’s time, the U.S. transferred such a large group of "Ospreys" across the oceans. It is clearly not to make a sightseeing tour, but to come for “fishing.” Why does the U.S. come here for “fishing?” What are the "Osprey’s" claws seeking? 
Senior U.S. officials did not disguise in the slightest the strategic purpose of the "Osprey." … U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Carter has stated publicly that the "Osprey" is indispensable to fulfilling Obama’s new strategy in the Asia-Pacific region, strengthening the Japan-US alliance, and enhancing the ability of deterrence. A former official of the U.S. State Department said directly to Japanese media that an important objective in deploying the "Osprey" in Japan is a joint "defense" of the Diaoyu Islands with Japan. Kyodo News reported that the U.S. government stated that the "Osprey" will significantly improve the strength of the U.S. Marine Corps [in Japan] and help counter the increasingly active Chinese maritime activities. 
The U.S. "Osprey" comes in droves, and keeps hovering in the sky around our country. We should not only pay attention to the "Osprey," but also be alert to the fisherman behind the "Osprey." Only by keeping vigilant and maintaining a firm hold on the shotgun will we be able to protect the "fish" from being harmed by the "Osprey." 

Source: People’s Daily, September 27, 2013

China’s State Media Welcome Merkel’s Reelection

China’s state media Huanqiu (Global Times) recently published an article about Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, commenting on her reelection. The article stated that she is pragmatic in dealing with China and that in China-German relations she can provide a positive model [for other E.U. countries]. 

The article quoted a German scholar who stated that Merkel’s reelection is good news for China. Merkel wants to have a strong Europe so that it will form a new "world Triangle" with China and the United States. She would remain relatively independent of the United States. 

On September 23, 2013, Cui Jian, a scholar and researcher at the China Institute of International Studies, told the Global Times that Merkel’s victory is "relatively good news" for China. First, Merkel’s reelection is sure to make Chinese authorities more comfortable. This is because if Germany changed its leader, both China and Germany would need a re-adaptation process. Now that Merkel has been reelected, existing German policy toward China can continue. Second, during the first two terms [under Merkel], China and Germany started some large cooperative projects. Merkel’s reelection at least ensures that these projects will not change direction. Cui Jian said that Germany has a very strong ability to learn. During the U.S. economic crisis, Germany was aware of the need to take China seriously. In addition, Merkel’s reelection and her warm bilateral relations with China will provide a positive role model for Europe. 

Source: Huanqiu, September 24, 2013

People’s Daily: U.S. and Japan Have Ulterior Motives Deploying X-band Radar at Kyoto Military Base

At a recent press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei expressed [China’s] concern regarding the issue that the U.S. military is deployed at the Japanese Air Self Defense Force military base in Kyoto. Hong said, "The Chinese side believes that some individual country or group is using the excuse of North Korean nuclear and missile threats to unilaterally deploy anti-ballistic missile systems or conduct group cooperation. This will not help solve the problem of regional [nuclear] proliferation and is not conducive to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.” 

On September 24, 2013, a Chinese radar and missile expert, who did not want to disclose his name, told a Global Times reporter that X-band radar is an important part of the U.S. anti-missile system. After deployment in Japan, it will further expand its coverage of reconnaissance and surveillance. It can detect ballistic missiles that the target countries launch from multiple directions. Apart from the main goal of monitoring space objects, X-band radar can also, theoretically, detect and monitor China’s drones in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands. The expert said that the U.S.-Japan missile defense system is actually deployed against China using the excuse of North Korea’s ballistic missile threat. North Korea’s ballistic missiles, from the quantity to the range or quality, are all questionable. They are not worth so much energy and attention. The U.S. and Japan have their ulterior motives. 
Source: People’s Daily, September 25, 2013

China’s State-Media Reports on the Shooting Incident at the U.S. Navy Yard

Below is a media report from Wenhui Bao commenting on the recent shooting at the U.S. naval yard. 

“The U.S. Navy can be called the world’s most powerful army. Attacking Iraq, intervening in Libya, killing Bin Laden, the U.S. Navy is always the vanguard; so much so that, whenever there is a military conflict going on, the U.S. President’s first reaction is ‘where are our aircraft carriers?’ 
“However, with such a strong army, its headquarters looked ‘defenseless" and was ‘broken through’ by what seems now to be three individuals. People cannot help but ask, "What is it that caused the U.S. army’s ‘Achilles’ heel?’" 
“After the Cold War, the United States suddenly ‘lost’ its opponent, thus turning to look for ‘trouble’ all over the world. The former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya have all become the victims of the U.S.’s foreign military operations, but what benefit did the United States get? In fact, the U.S. domestic environment has become increasingly insecure. The Boston bombing this past April, the shooting at Fort Hood in 2009, and the heart breaking ‘9/11’ incident, all gave warnings to the Americans that ‘suppressing violence with violence’ will not yield security.
“However, the United States was unable to learn its lessons. Just this month, President Obama still claiming he would militarily strike Syria, only had to give up for the time being due to domestic opposition, allies’ ‘betrayal’ and pressure from his old rival Russia. 
“From yesterday’s failed attempt to use force to strike Syria to today’s shooting at the Naval Sea Systems Command, will these incidents make America’s rulers more clear minded?” 
Source: Wenhui Bao and Xinhua, September 18, 2013

Xinhua Questions Obama for the Use of Force against Syria

A Xinhua article questioned five issues related to the “Obama War” against Syria. 

“First, how can the United States confirm that the Syrian government forces used chemical weapons (CW)? There are, at present, very divergent views on who on earth used the chemical weapons. U.S. Secretary of State Kerry announced with ‘conviction’ that Bashar was behind the scenes and instigated the CW attack. However Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov said that the United States neither had geographic coordinates and names, nor sufficient evidence from extracted samples. The U.N. Secretary-General Office of the Spokesman also said that the United Nations investigation team is the only organization that has the ability to carry out an investigation impartially and credibly. A U.S. news website said that the Syrian opposition has admitted that the ‘chemical weapons incident’ was caused by their own mishandling while processing chemical weapons. With so many different conclusions, what evidence does U.S. have to demonstrate that its own conclusion is the most credible? 
“Second, who gave the U.S. the right to place a ‘red line’ on Syria? 

“Third, did the United States violate international law in order to wage war against Syria? … In the absence of a U.N. Security Council authorization, is the U.S. military action against Syria also a violation of international law and should it be punished also? 
“Fourth, is the U.S. military action against Syria really to protect civilians? 

“Finally, why does the U.S. insist on using force while ignoring the opposition from all sides? 
“In a word, the United States, with its ‘warm heart,’ insisting on the use of force against Syria is by no means to protect civilians or to defend the dignity of international law. It has very vicious ulterior motives. Obama wants to use force to change the situation in Syria, to install a pro-American regime, and to pave the way to ultimately solve the Iranian nuclear issue.” 

Source: Xinhua, September 4, 2013

Xinhua: The U.S. Use of Force in Syria Entails Great Danger

A September 4, 2013, Xinhua commentary expressed disapproval of the impending U.S. military action against Syria.

"Although the United States claims that military action will be very limited, there are indications that, once a war is launched, it will be difficult for the White House to keep its scale and progress under control. A number of new challenges are more likely to lead the U.S. into new troubles. Moreover, the U.K. has abandoned the use of force in Syria; France is unresolved; NATO’s stance is even more detached. Without the support of allies, one is more doubtful about the U.S.’s ability to end the war in a prudent manner."

"The U.S. military action against Syria may not only leave the problem of chemical weapons difficult to solve; it will likely trigger new threats. Igor Morozov, a member of the Russian Federation Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee, warned, on September 3, that if the U.S. adopts military intervention against Syria, the country’s chemical weapons could fall into the hands of terrorists and spread to the Middle East and all over the world. The U.S. itself would not be spared either."

"What’s even more frightening is that many of the Syrian opposition forces have been infiltrated by Islamic extremists and the al-Qaeda organization. If the extremist forces expand, Syria is bound to be led to a more dangerous path, with the U.S.’s strategic interests jeopardized."

Source: Xinhua, September 4, 2013