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US-China Relations - 126. page

Huanqiu: Japan and U.S. Jointly Deal with China’s Surveillance of the Diaoyu Islands

China’s state media Huanqiu reported that Japan and the U.S. have reached an agreement that they would jointly cope with Chinese ships and airplanes entering the sea around the Diaoyu Islands. Japan released the news unilaterally. The report stated that the agreement was reached when Japan’s Defense Minister called on the U.S. Secretary of Defense. Japan promised that it would completely cooperate with the U.S.’s new Asia Pacific security strategy. It said that Japan views the enhancement of the Japan-U.S. alliance as an important weapon to deal with conflicts with its neighboring countries.

Source: Huanqiu, January 9, 2013                                                                              

Study Times: State Enterprises Should Engage in Overseas Public Relations

Study Times published a commentary advocating that China’s centrally administered State enterprises should go international in the light of the recent global economic changes. “[These] enterprises should implement an international business strategy, step up the ‘going out’ process, actively explore overseas business, increase market share overseas, and focus on optimizing the industrial chain and value chain.” The article also stated that the allocation of resources must be based on a global expansion strategy to gradually accomplish globalization in strategy, operation, management, and culture. The commentary recommended that, in going global, State enterprises must implement measures that “through local hires, respect local customs, be immersed in the local economy, and strive to create and build a win-win situation.” The article cited the State-owned China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO) as a success in the United States. COSCO “hired U.S. public relations firms and did a good job on anti-China Congressmen. … COSCO was removed from the ‘controlled carrier’ list [by the Federal Maritime Commission] and later was even approved to make an investment in the Port of Los Angeles.”

Source: Study Times, January 7, 2013

People’s Daily: Ministry of Commerce Concerned about the U.S. Control of Its Exports

People’s Daily recently reported that President Obama just signed the Fiscal 2013 National Defence Authorization Act, which maintained control of satellite exports to China. The spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce commented that the Act bans exports, re-exports, and the launch of U.S. satellites in China, while restrictions on other countries were loosen up. He expressed deep concern regarding this issue and pointed out that the United States previously agreed to lift the ban on high-tech exports to China if they were for civilian use. The spokesperson called on the U.S. to delivery on its previously promised reform of U.S. export control policies and asked the U.S. to drop its discrimination against China. He expressed the belief that a balanced trade will benefit both countries.
Source: People’s Daily, January 5, 2013

RFA: Significant increase in Chinese students in the U.S.; Safety and Legal Issues Are Concerns

China Press, a Chinese language newspaper based in the U.S., reported that the number of Chinese students in the U.S. in 2011 increased by 23 percent over the 2010 level. The number reached 157,000, or 21.8 percent of all foreign students in the U.S. At the same time, problems associated with the Chinese students have emerged. For example, last year in California a few Chinese students were shot and killed. In addition, China Press also reported that, last May, over one hundred Chinese students from California State University reported a false claim of the “American Opportunity” tax credit (AOTC), provided for American citizens and permanent residents. Although most of the students returned the tax refund, the IRS and relevant authorities still paid attention to this incident.

Reports indicate that the number of mainland Chinese students in the U.S. is 50% more than the total number of Indian students. The University of Southern California (USC) has the most foreign students in the nation. There are more than 2,500 Chinese students at USC. The Chinese are becoming the largest group of foreign students at the university.

Source: Radio Free Asia, January 4, 2013

Chinese Scholar Suggests a Strong Geopolitical Response to the U.S. Strategic Shift to Asia

On December 26, 2012, People’s Daily Overseas Edition published an article by a Chinese scholar from the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) on why China must give a strong geopolitical response to the U.S. strategic shift to the Asia-Pacific region. The following is a quote from the article.

“The shift of the U.S. strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific region means that the United State has targeted China as the main objective of its current global strategy. This pushes China into a position where it has nowhere to retreat or hide; it can  only give tit for tat. It is worth being vigilant over the fact that the United States will not just contain China, that is, prevent the expansion of China’s influence. From the historical experience of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, there must also be murders accompanying the containment. In Africa, the United States excludes China’s economic interests and political influence; in the Middle East, it grips China’s energy throat; and in the countries neighboring China, it seeks and supports forces to contain China. It even directly ruins the key to China’s security and its development in East Asia. Together with its strategies to internally penetrate, evolve, and divide China, the U.S. does not simply contain China for the purpose of stopping our expansion, but chokes China for the purpose of manipulation and even suffocation.”

Source: People’s Daily Overseas Edition, December 26, 2012

People’s Daily: China Can and Must Withstand the Pressure

On December 26, 2012, the People’s Daily (Overseas Edition) published an article authored by a researcher at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, a government think tank. The author observed that, since the U.S. global strategic adjustment, or its return to the Asia-Pacific, historical and significant changes have taken place in Sino-US strategic relations and in China’s own security environment. "These changes are by no means a single U.S. President’s personal preference or a so-called strategic misjudgment between two sides; rather, they stem from an inevitable strategic reason, which is the new phase of the U.S. global strategy."

The article pointed out that from a geopolitical perspective, since the end of the Cold War, the U.S. global strategy has gone through two major historical stages. "In the 10 years of the 1990s, the strategic focus was to absorb Eastern Europe through the eastward expansion of NATO and the EU; in the first 10 years of the new century, the focus was to expand in the Middle East and Central Asia by launching two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, instigating color revolutions in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries, and implementing a plan for the democratization of the Greater Middle East region. The overall objective of the U.S. was to take full control of the Eurasian continent and pave the way for finally overpowering China and Russia."

"The U.S.’s shifting strategic focus from Central Asia and the Middle East to East Asia is the implementation of strategic steps that are in complete accord with its established plan. It was just the momentum of China’s rise that further strengthened the necessity and urgency of the move."

"Out of its hegemonic geopolitical needs, the U.S. will never allow a unified geopolitical bloc that it cannot control to appear on the other side of the Atlantic or the Pacific Ocean. After World War II and the Cold War, the U.S. succeeded in achieving this on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Now it is trying to achieve the same goal through a new Cold War on the other side of the Pacific Ocean."

"The historical experience of the Cold War indicates that this containment must be accompanied by murder. The U.S. has been crowding out China’s economic interests and political influence in Africa, holding a tight grip on China’s energy throat in the Middle East, finding and supporting the forces of containment around China, and interfering with issues vital to China’s security and development in East Asia, as well as penetrating and dividing China from within. This is more than a mere containment to stop expansion; it is a stranglehold for the purpose of manipulation and even suffocation."

The author pointed out that there is a fundamental difference between the transpacific and transatlantic relationships, as it is impossible for China to become an ally of the U.S. "There are only two ways out for China: either to independently win a place in the future multi-polar world’s political landscape by withstanding the external pressure, or to follow the steps of the former Soviet Union and experience the ravages."

Source: People’s Daily, December 26, 2012

Chinese Defense Ministry Warns the U.S.: Trying to Gain from the Diaoyu Islands Dispute Is Futile

China’s Defense Ministry held a regular press conference on December 27, 2012, in response to the U.S. Congress passing the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 [NDAA]. Yang Yujun, the Deputy Secretary of the Information Office and spokesman for the Defense Ministry, said that the China-related content in the NDAA "is a gross interference in China’s sovereignty and internal affairs and is not conducive to China-US strategic mutual trust. We express our firm opposition [to the bill]." 

Yang further remarked, “On the Diaoyu Islands issue, some people [in the U.S.] are attempting to muddy the waters and gain from the chaos, some [in Japan] are deluded in thinking they can exploit the superpower’s protection. All these efforts are futile.” 

Source: People’s Daily, December 27, 2012

People’s Daily: U.S. 2013 NDAA Is a Gross Violation of China’s Sovereign Rights

Xinhua published a People’s Daily commentary that assailed the United States for aligning with Japan and for its possible arms sale to Taiwan. Before Christmas, both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013. The NDAA contains two amendments related to China, both of which express “the sense of Congress.” One amendment recognizes Japan’s administration of the Senkaku Islands and that the U.S.-Japan Joint Security Treaty applies to the islands if they come under attack. This “constitutes a gross violation of China’s sovereign rights and domestic affairs.” The other amendment calls for selling advanced F-16C/D fighter aircraft to Taiwan, which “amounts to a blunt interference in China’s domestic affairs.”

Source: Xinhua, December 23, 2012