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US-China Relations - 125. page

U.S. and Japan shocked: North Korean Nuclear Explosion Brought China Three Major Benefits

People’s Daily held a Powerful Nation Forum discussing North Korea’s recent nuclear test. One post discussed how China is actually a beneficiary of North Korea’s nuclear test. The test helped China in the following three ways: 

1) It reduced the pressure from Japan in the Southwest. Japan is prepared to fight to the end with China in a military arms race on the Diaoyu Islands issue. In this critical situation, China has been pushed into a corner and has no room to maneuver. North Korea’s (nuclear test) provided China such some space to maneuver! However, if Japan continues its willful course, there will still be no solution to the Diaoyu Islands issue for China! 
2) It shifted some of the U.S.’s attention away (from China). Up to today, China has always been in a defensive counterattack position (against the U.S.). In a sense, North Korea’s nuclear explosion has attracted some attention from the U.S. When the United States feels the threat (from North Korea), its first thought is to ask China to counterbalance North Korea. This way, it may give China a little bit of time and space to breath!  
3) The only one in the neighborhood of North Korea without a voice is Russia! Is Russia trying to serve as a balance or is it weighing the pros and cons so as to achieve some sort of strategic purpose? Using the North Korean nuclear issue may also give Russia and China a rare opportunity to jointly deal with their relationship with the United States and its allies! In summary, China is not afraid of war! That North Korea has nuclear weapons may not be a disaster for China! China can fully leverage its power to play a political Taiji and let the United States know what it feels like to have pain! 
Source: Powerful Nation Forum of People’s Daily, February 19, 2013                               

People’s Daily: The United States Should Take Primary Responsibility for Stopping a Cyber War

People’s Daily published an editorial written by an author using the pen name “Zhong Sheng (Voice of China).” The editorial alleged that the U.S. is preparing a plan that will lead to a global cyber war. The article cited reports from the New York Times and the Washington Post, as well as from the upcoming Defense Secretary’s speech at a Congressional hearing, regarding the U.S.’s strategy to prepare for a future war in cyber space. It concluded that “various indications suggest that the United States is moving in the dangerous direction of starting a cyber war.” 

The article further commented, “Some countries are speeding up the development of their cyber warfare forces; they seek military superiority in cyberspace and implicitly develop rules for cyber warfare that will lead to a continuing increase in the risk of military conflict in cyberspace, thus causing increasingly evident threats to the security of other countries and to international peace.” “Coincidentally, while the United States is semi-openly revealing its cyber warfare plans, some U.S. media have also begun to spread rumors and hearsay about the so-called ‘China cyber threat’ and are pouring dirty water on China for no reason. … The purpose is to artificially create enemies so as to provide an excuse for the United States to engage in cyber warfare.” 
The article warned that “as the United States is in a leading position in information technology, it controls most of the world’s Internet resources and critical infrastructure; (therefore) it has the primary responsibility for peace and security in cyberspace. The United States should clearly recognize that taking the lead to develop cyber warfare capabilities and pursue absolute military superiority will lead to an arms race and military conflict in cyberspace and may bring unpredictable catastrophic consequences to human society.” 
Source: People’s Daily, February 7, 2013

China’s State Media Closely Follow the Cyber-War Strategy of the United States

China’s state-run media Xinhua published a news article on February 6, 2013, about U.S. Defense Secretary Panetta’s speech at Georgetown University. The article particularly focused on Mr. Panetta’s answer to a question regarding cyber attacks. It said that Mr. Panetta issued a warning about the threat of a cyberwar and said cyberspace would inevitably be one of the future battlefields. 

The article reported that Panetta called on Congress to strengthen the Defense Department’s cyberwar capability and warned that the next “Pearl Harbor” might very well happen on the battlefield of cyberspace. 
The article also stated that the “cyber warfare capability is one of the [U.S.] Defense Department ‘s priorities in the area of development. U.S. media have reported that the Defense Department approved an expansion of the manpower in Internet security by five times over the next few years in order to deal with Internet security challenges and launch cyber attacks against foreign targets. At the same time, the U.S. is reviewing the legal procedures and policies involving the application of Internet weapons.” 
Source: Xinhua, February 6, 2013

People’s Daily: U.S. Primarily Responsible for Curbing Cyber Warfare

A February 7, 2013, People’s Daily opinion piece opened with the New York Times report about President Obama’s broad power to order a preemptive strike if the United States detects credible evidence of a major digital attack looming from abroad. It also mentioned the Washington Post report about the Pentagon’s approval of a major expansion of the U.S. cybersecurity force over the next several years. The size will increase more than fivefold in order to bolster the nation’s ability to defend critical computer systems and conduct offensive computer operations against foreign adversaries.

The article continued, "Coincidentally, at the same time that the United States revealed its network warfare plans, some U.S. media also began, based upon hearsay evidence, to run rampant speculation about the so-called ‘China network threat theory,’ thus trashing China. It’s not the first time; nor will it be the last time for the real thief to assume innocence by preemptively calling others thieves. The purpose is to artificially create enemies and provide an excuse for the United States to engage in network warfare."

"The United States is in a leading position in the field of information technology. It holds most of the world’s Internet resources and critical infrastructure. It also has primary responsibility for the maintenance of peace and security in cyberspace. The United States should clearly recognize that taking the lead in developing cyber warfare capabilities and pursuing absolute military superiority will lead to an arms race and military conflict in cyberspace, bringing unpredictable catastrophic consequences to human society."

Source: People’s Daily, February 7, 2013

Xinhua: U.S. Frequent Speculation about Chinese Hacker Attacks Is to Make China Lose Face

He Hui, Deputy Director of the Public Opinion Institute of Communication at the University of China, published an opinion article on the Xinhua website discussing the U.S. media’ reports regarding Chinese hackers attacking U.S. entities. He points out that the U.S. media have three motives for repeatedly hyping these Chinese hacker attacks. 

1) They want to encourage the United States and the even the whole world to guard against China. China is already the world’s second-largest economy. Due to the rapid pace of China’s development and the growth of its economic strength, it is not easy to attack China directly or to block China’s development. Instead, they use a devious strategy that can have some effect or interfere to some extent. 
2) The U.S. government shows an ambiguous attitude toward the U.S. media’s hyping [of Chinese hacking] and stays in the background to harvest the benefits, "reserving" its use as an excuse to increase its military budget. 
3) They are attempting to fortify the U.S.’s dominant position in the information field. Hyping the news that U.S. companies suffer from Chinese hacker attacks will undoubtedly make Chinese information companies lose face. … Hyping the report that China has used hacker attacks to obtain information illegally will not only make the Chinese government face a credibility crisis; it will also subject Chinese information technology companies to suspicion that they are engaging in improper competition. Naturally, this is beneficial to the U.S. government and to American companies. 
Source: Xinhua, February 4, 2013

People’s Daily: The China Model Is Smashing the Hegemony of (Western) Universal Values

People’s Daily (overseas edition) published a commentary touting how the China Model will transform the world’s universal values and establish the direction for the future of human civilization.

The article started by attacking the nature of Western values. It stated, “Once upon a time universal values became synonymous with the hegemony of Western values. … When the torch of Western civilization spread to the United States, it pushed the hegemony of Western values over the limit. The Western world, represented by the United States, in the name of the international community, monopolized the right to interpret the development model; so much so that American liberal capitalism has become the ‘ultimate goal.’" 
The article then claimed that China’s rise seriously challenges the validity of (Western) universal values. It said, "The rise of China, as the representative of the emerging economies, is severely impacting Western universal values. This has led to the spread of different versions of the ‘China threat theory.’ … For China, the only way to quash the ‘China threat theory’ is to realize ‘re-globalization.’ The current ‘globalization,’ in essence, is merely the ‘globalization’ of Western contents, system, and culture.” 
“In the new era, the world needs the Chinese dream, because the China model is enriching the fundamentals of universal values.” 
The article closed by stating, “Through China’s revitalization, [China] will Lead the ‘post Western era’ in order to achieve the sustainable development of human civilization; China will fundamentally be established as the legitimate world leader.” 

Source: People’s Daily, January 12, 2013

RFA: 100 Times More Chinese Middle School Students Head for the US

Radio Free Asia (RFA) recently reported that, compared to the year 2006, 100 times more Chinese students attended U.S. middle schools in 2011. Many of these students studied at costly elite schools. The numbers are based on data released by the U.S. Department of Education. From 2005 to 2006, around sixty Chinese middle school students studied in the U.S. In 2011, the headcount reached seven thousand. The number of Chinese students that came to the United States in 2011 totaled 160,000, which made China number one in the number of international students coming to the U.S. Most of the Chinese middle school students attended private schools with costs higher than the average college. Many Chinese parents interviewed by RFA suggested that the primary reasons for sending their kids to the States were: first, nothing useful can be learned in Chinese schools; and second, the U.S. is safer than China.
Source: Radio Free Asia, January 11, 2013

U.S. Uses Its Hegemonic Position to Gain US$7 Trillion in Dividends in 2011, Nearly Half from China

On January 8, 2013, the National Health Study Group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences issued a "National Health Report." The report declared that the U.S. gained a total of US$7.39609 trillion in dividends in 2011 as a result of its hegemonic position in the world. That amount is 96.8 percent of such dividends for the entire world. China is the biggest loser; it lost a total of US$3.6634 trillion, which is 47.9 percent of the total. The report also calculated that the dividend resulting from the U.S. hegemonic position is as high as 52.38 percent of its GDP, i.e. 52.38 percent of the U.S. GDP was obtained as a result of its hegemony. In the report, hegemonic dividend is defined as the dividend the hegemonic nation gains through directly or indirectly accruing profits through its position as a monopoly and through its established hegemonic system throughout the the world.

The report also asserted that 60 percent of Chinese laborers’ working hours were spent working for free for monopoly capital, thus creating "extra value" for them.

Source: People’s Daily, January 9, 2013