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Wen Jiabao Urgently Tours South to Handle the Private Loan Crisis in Wenzhou

Over 90 owners of private enterprises in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province have fled in order to escape from debts they could not pay, in an amount of more 200 million yuan (US$31 million). A loan crisis in intermediate and small business enterprises is erupting. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao brought a group of top financial officials including Finance Minister, Xie Xuren; Governor of the People’s Bank of China, Zhou Xiaochuan; Chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, Liu Mingkang, together with the Party Secretary and Governor of Zhejiang Province, to travel to Wenzhou to deal with the crisis. They held discussions with the local entrepreneurs and asked the local government to try to do everything they could to stabilize the economic and financial situation.

The trigger was that the intermediate and small enterprises could not get funding under the central govenment’s macroregulatory policy and therefore turned to private (underground) sources for loans that often required as much as 200 percent in annual interest.

Source: China Review News, October 5, 2011

State Think Tank: The Purpose of the U.S. Senate Bill on Chinese Currency Is to Slow China’s Economy

Guo Xiangang, the Deputy Director of China’s Institute of International Studies, commented on the bill on China’s currency that is before the U.S. Senate, the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011. He observed that, in addition to political motivation because of the upcoming election year, the move occurred because the U.S. has its own problems. In particular, in recent years, China has surpassed Japan and become the No. 2 economy in the world. “The United States of course is No. 1. From the U.S. perspective, it has a sense of crisis, worrying that China will surpass the U.S. and become No. 1 in a few years. Therefore, it has been trying various approaches. One is to find fault with and attack China. A second is to reduce China’s growth rate, or even to contain China, believing that will slow down China’s growth.

Source: China National Radio, October 3, 2011

Guangming: The U.S. Should Forget about Ideology and Focus on Its Own Interests

The State media Guangming Daily published an article on its website urging the U.S. to focus on its own interests, rather than on ideology, when dealing with China. It observed that the U.S. would like to see other economies in a strong recovery so as to lead the world economy out of recession. “China is exactly such an economy, and is probably the only economy that can do the job.” It warned that the U.S. is playing with a boomerang with the Chinese currency exchange issue and could end up harming its own economy if it is not careful. “The Sino-US relationship is not based on ideology but respective self-interest. … The normal approach to expanding the bilateral relationship is not to allow ideology to hinder our views, but to play the game based on the different interests of each party.”

Source: Guangming, October 3, 2011

Study Times: The Socialist Pathan Important Choice in the Future Development of Human Civilization

An article in Study Times, a publication of the Central Party School of the Chinese Communist Party, emphasized the importance of ideology in China’s development. The article stated, "China has gone through more than 30 years of socialist reform and development as well as a rapid rise as a major socialist country. These happenings fully demonstrate … that socialist ideology is still the fundamental value that will guide us in actualizing the future ideal society and civilization. In order to establish the ‘socialist path’ as an important movement in human society’s progress and an important choice in the future direction of human civilization, China, as a major socialist country, shoulders a great historic responsibility for the fate of socialist development. As such, in the future, our socialist reform must use the core value of socialist ideology as our guide."

"All in all, using ideology as the ‘national belief’ makes it not only the guiding principle of a nation’s development, but also a fundamental manifestation of a country’s ‘autonomy.’ The essence of the establishment of China’s status in modern international civilization represents the splendor of our socialist ideology."
Source: Study Times, October 3, 2011

Pressured By Beijing, Vietnamese Authorities Escalate Abuse of Falun Gong

Radio Free Asia reported that, in recent weeks, under pressure from Beijing, Vietnamese authorities have been escalating their intimidation and abuse of the local Falun Gong community, further intensifying a policy change that began last year. Two Falun Gong practitioners are scheduled to stand trial next week for broadcasting uncensored news to China. Since the end of August, on two occasions, the police have abducted or thugs have assaulted local Falun Gong practitioners while they were practicing their exercises in a park. 

The escalated harassment comes on the heels of direct Chinese Communist Party pressure on the Vietnamese authorities. According to a court indictment, the Vietnamese government arrested the men after a diplomatic memo was sent on May 30, 2010, from the Chinese Embassy to Vietnam’s Ministry of Investigation and Security. “The memo stated that the Police Department in China discovered radio signals coming from Vietnamese territory containing the same content about Falun Gong as heard on the ‘Sound of Hope’ radio station.” The indictment reads, “It was recommended that all … activities of Falun Gong individuals in the Vietnam territory must be attacked and stopped.”
Source: Radio Free Asia, October 5, 2011

Study Times: The Underlying Motivation for the U.S. Arms Sale to Taiwan

Study Times published an article stating that the recent U.S. arms sale to Taiwan was motivated by four factors. The first one is the core strategic interest of the U.S. to contain China by leveraging Taiwan. The U.S. conservatives consistently view China as its major strategic competitor, not a partner. The second factor is the significant U.S. economic interest in the arms sale. This new agreement to sell arms brings the entire amount of arms sales during the Obama administration to US$12.252 billion, topping previous administrations since the severance of the U.S. – Taiwan diplomatic relationship. The third factor is the domestic politics associated with the upcoming election. The economy and jobs are the most important issues in the election. The arms sale will allegedly result in over 80,000 jobs in the U.S. The fourth factor is the interplay of the domestic political forces in Taiwan.

Source: Study Times, October 3, 2011

Wenzhou Bosses Default on Loans and Flee – Will a Subprime Crisis Erupt in China?

On September 27, 2011, China Review News published a short article to introduce a series it is publishing on “China’s subprime crisis.” Heads of companies are becoming runaway bosses because they are unable to pay hundreds of millions in debt. For example, Hu Fulin, the owner of China’s most popular sun-glass company, recently fled from Wenzhou, the “capital of China’s private manufacturing companies,” to escape his debts. Recently, a “List of Runaway Wenzhou Bosses” has been circulating on the Internet and has caused quite a stir.

“Some analysts believe the incident indicates that a crisis exists in Wenzhou that may affect hundreds of billions in private loans. With the continuous deterioration in the chain of repayment of private loans [Ed: As banks favor SOE’s, banks make loans that are not on the books or borrowers turn to underground sources at higher interest rates, creating a chain of loans] quite a large number of enterprises may collapse. For the banks that originally made these private loans, the funding chain is getting longer. Once the enterprises, the loan borrowers, have business problems and cannot repay the loans, the original banks will be in trouble and more economic entities will be affected. Therefore, a subprime crisis may erupt in China.”

Source: China Review News, September 27, 2011

Huanqiu Suggests Powerful Retaliation against the U.S. for Arms Sale to Taiwan

Huanqiu, the official newspaper under People’s Daily, published a commentary on September 29, 2011, titled “Powerful Retaliations against the U.S. – Many Benefits with Little Downside.” The article suggests retaliating against the U.S. by suspending high-level dialogues, stopping all military exchanges, ending human rights dialogues, imposing sanctions against the companies that sold arms to Taiwan, reducing imports from the U.S., temporarily stopping the purchase of U.S. Treasury bonds, and even selling a small amount of the U.S. Treasury bonds, which is China’s “economic atomic bomb.”

The article suggests seizing the “god given” opportunity to “reverse China’s passive role in the arms sale to Taiwan problem.”

“Since China singles out the United States as the target for retaliation, which is morally justified, other Western countries will only watch without uniting together to besiege China.” “We are sure that the United States will not end its relationship with us. Currently, the U.S. needs us more than we need them.”

Source: Huanqiu, September 29, 2011