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CNC World Launched in U.K. and Ireland

CNC World, the English channel of CNC, or China’s official Xinhua News Network Corporation, a 24 hour global English-language news channel, was launched on July 1, 2010. 

On December 16, 2010, CNC World agreed to a deal with Eutelsat for coverage on Eurobird 1, Eutelsat W7, and Hot Bird 8 starting on January 1, 2011. CNC World was launched on the Sky satellite television platform (channel 516) in the United Kingdom and Ireland on July 21, 2011, from Eurobird 1. 
According to Xinhua, CNC World now covers all world regions except South America, and is received in the U.K., U.S., Canada, Mongolia, New Zealand, and Latvia via satellite, cable, terrestrial digital television, and IPTV.
Source: Xinhua, July 22, 2011

Hu Jintao: Price Stabilization Remains a Top Priority

The Communist Party Central Committee held a forum on July 21, 2001, at Zhongnanhai in Beijing, to meet with non-party figures and discuss economic issues for the second half of the year. Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, and other members of the Politburo Standing Committee attended the forum.

Hu said that this year, domestic and international situations are complex and unsettled and that predictable and unpredictable new situations and new problems are constantly emerging. He expressed that [the Party] should continue to improve macroeconomic regulations and control, and make price stabilization the top priority of macroeconomic regulations and control. Hu also urged that work continue on agriculture, job creation, economic structural adjustment, and economic reform.

Wen reported on the economic work for the first half of the year and presented the Party’s and State Council’s concerns for the second half. Wen stressed that [the Party] should strengthen the regulation and control of the real estate market.

Source: Huanqiu, July 22, 2011

Scholar: China’s Restraint Will not Resolve Dispute over South China Sea

On July 20, 2011, Nanfang Daily reported on comments that Zhao Kejin, an associate professor at Tsinghua University, made regarding the South China Sea issue. Zhao argued that China should make a strategic commitment to defend the South China Sea. Zhao explained Deng Xiaoping’s strategic vision established in the 1980s: "Sovereignty rests with China; set aside disputes; and engage in joint development.” Zhao stated, “’Sovereignty rests with China’ is the principle and premise; ‘setting aside disputes’ is a tactic and a method; and ‘joint development’ is the goal and the direction.”

As other countries test the waters in the South China Sea, “China’s strategic communities are divided. Some people think we should exercise restraint and continue to buy time for strategic opportunities for China’s modernization. Others hold that China should take a tough stance and do not even rule out the possibility of using force. In fact, neither of these two views grasps the fundamental issue of the South China Sea. The ultimate South China Sea dispute is whether the parties deny the consensus that ‘regardless of any disputes or whether we engage in joint development, sovereignty rests with China.’” For those who attempt to challenge China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea, “regardless of which party it is, China should take a clear stance and should not rule out any options, including the use of force and war to defend its sovereignty.”

Source: Nanfang Daily, July 20, 2011

Scholar on South China Sea: China Needs More Time to Gain Strength to Drive out the United States

Huanqiu recently interviewed a Chinese scholar, the Vice President of the Institute of International Relations at China’s People’s University, who commented on the South China Sea situation. The scholar believes that the ultimate solution to the South China Sea crisis is to drive out the United States; however, China needs time to gather its strength to do that. He said that implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea would represent positive progress and might reduce the tension of the South China Sea crisis. “However, differences between China and other parties to the dispute still exist. The South China Sea dispute is so complex that a consensus by itself will not remedy the situation. A controversial political atmosphere that does not allow compromise has emerged within the countries involved in the dispute. The external factor of the U.S., which has always wanted to take the lead in Southeast Asia, should not be ignored. For China, one of the options is to drag things out. China needs more time to gather its strength so that it can ‘drive out’ the United States and other outside forces. Only then will it be possible to find the ultimate solution to the South China Sea issue.”

Source: Huanqiu, July 22, 2011

Why Do the Chinese Praise Bin Laden as a Hero?

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After chasing him since September 11, 2001, Americans breathed a collective sigh of relief when bin Laden was gunned down on May 1, 2011. However, many Chinese were upset about Bin Laden’s death and praised him as an “anti-U.S. Hero.” What made the Chinese eulogize one of the worst criminals of this century? This article analyzes this phenomenon and identifies that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) promotion of the philosophy of struggle, its relentless anti-U.S. campaign, and the deliberate attempt to belittle human rights and universal values have brainwashed and confused the Chinese people, thus making them unable to tell good from evil.

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Culture Minister: Overseas Dissemination of Chinese Contemporary and Pop Culture Is Insufficient

On July 19, 2011, a Xinhua reporter interviewed Cai Wu, China’s Minister of Culture. Cai said that, in the cultural exchanges with foreign countries, China’s “exported” cultural products were more traditionally oriented; however, "the effort to disseminate Chinese contemporary and pop culture is not sufficient. (We) particularly lack excellent books, dramas, art performances, movies and TV programs that can exhibit the image of contemporary China’s development and are culturally profound and deep. As a result, people in other countries lack a comprehensive and accurate understanding of contemporary China." 

Source: Xinhua, July 19, 2011

What Does Obama’s Meeting with Dalai Tell Us?

Xinhua republished a commentary from Tibet-online on the Obama meeting with the Dalai Lama. The article claims that Obama’s actions “hurt others without any benefit to himself.” The article said, “Since Obama took office, he has been oscillating without determination on the strategy and attitude of how to ‘contain’ China. In the beginning, he wished to use the flexible ‘smart power’ strategy to seek ‘change by contact,’ and actively looked for China’s unconditional cooperation in international affairs, regional conflicts, and environmental protection. China’s refusal exposed the Obama administration’s true face of inheriting the American style of hegemonic thinking. He then started to implement the strategy of forcefully pressuring China from all directions so as to contain China’s development. He used the ‘suppressing China card’ to obtain a politically active status and votes.”

“Ignoring the feelings of 1.3 billion Chinese, … Obama not only severely damaged the Chinese people’s sentiments and improvements to the Sino-U.S. relationship; he also let the Chinese once again witness America’s ‘ruthless’ and hegemonic thinking of using the excuse of the ‘Tibetan issue’ to interfere in China’s internal affairs  He once again destroyed many people’s political illusion about the U.S.”

Source: Xinhua, July 20, 2011

Huanqiu Editorial: The West Is a Xinjiang Separatist and Terrorist Sympathizer

Huanqiu, a newspaper under Xinhua, published an editorial commenting on the Western media report about the Hetian incident in Xinjiang on July 18, 2011. The article said, “After the incident of a violent attack against police, the (Chinese) government immediately announced the incident and characterized it as a premeditated terrorist attack. Overseas media instinctively ascribed the incident to the category of ‘conflict between Uighurs and Han Chinese,’ claiming ‘China suppressed the Uighurs in the name of anti-terrorism.’”

“The Hetian Incident once again tells Chinese that we should never harbor any illusion that the West will support China’s anti-terrorism. The West, though not openly, has already become the de facto instigator or even friend of China’s terrorism. In the anti-terrorist issue, China may well be isolated for a long time.”   

The article concluded, “To deal with violent terrorism, the government must be resolute and not allow the terrorists and overseas sympathizers any illusions. Let them call names if they want to. What the rising China cannot get around and therefore is not afraid of is the abusive, name-calling voices.”

Source: Huanqiu, July 20, 2011