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Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China Opposes Words and Deeds against the One-China Principle

On May 24, 2011, Xinhua reported that Jiang Yu, the spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented on an opinion expressed by Richard Bush, the former Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the American Institute in Taiwan. Mr. Bush asserted that no one can deny the fact that the Republic of China has existed continuously since 1912. Jiang said that there is only one China in the world, that Taiwan is part of China, and that China strongly opposes that some people in the U.S. completely ignore the facts and employ words and deeds that are against the One-China Principle.

Source: Xinhua, May 25, 2011

China Hopes to Become a Net Capital Exporter

A Chinese Ministry of Commerce official told Xinhua that the country’s overseas investments have been growing at a high speed. “If the world economy continues to improve, in three or four years, Chinese enterprises’ annual foreign direct investment is expected to exceed US$100 billion, an amount commensurate with the current annual absorption of foreign capital. This brings the hope that China will soon become a net capital exporter.” 

In 2010, China invested US$59 billion in 122 countries and regions. According to a UN report, last year saw China become the third largest investor in Latin America. Despite the high growth of outbound investment, risks are increasing. Some governments have prevented China from investing in some industries, with the belief that Beijing’s support of certain large companies results in unfair competition.

Source: Xinhua, May 17, 2011

People’s Daily: China Marine Surveillance Increases Use of Hi-Tech Equipment

People’s Daily recently reported on the newly published 2010 China Marine Law Enforcement Bulletin. Information from the Bulletin indicated that, in 2010, China Marine Surveillance sent out 188 marine missions, which traversed a total of 211,428 nautical miles, as well as 523 air flights, which covered 538,480 kilometers. The missions monitored 1,303 foreign vessels, 214 flights and 43 other objects. China Marine Surveillance owns 9 airplanes and more than 280 vessels. In order to increase its capacity, the agency is implementing the use of more and more hi-tech equipment, such as a new 3000-ton level surveillance ship that came with on-board helicopters, the latest satellite devices, and cutting edge engines. The agency is also building a platform with real time integration of space, air, sea, and coastal communications. The system currently supports real time audio and video communications across multiple command channels.

Source: People’s Daily, May 23, 2011

Retired Military General: In the Future China Will Surely Have Overseas Bases

In response to Western media’s reactions to the news that Pakistan asked China to help build the Gwadar port, Xu Guangyu, a retired military major general, wrote an article in Global Times “In the future China will surely have overseas bases.” The author argued, “There is no need for much ado about nothing, even if it is true; let alone that China has denied the news.” Xu continued, “[China’s] growing national power and an ever interconnected world do not allow us to avoid exchanges with the outside. It is inevitable to contact and cooperate with other countries on issues of the economy, culture, and security. Since ancient times, the vast ocean has been an irreplaceable platform for such exchanges. Any country, as long as it has a coastline of over a kilometer, will try to build ports and a fleet, exchange voyages and share ports with friendly countries.” “Today, if such a big China peacefully assists Pakistan or other countries to build ports or even naval bases, it will be a breakthrough for China’s normal overseas condition of ‘two zeros’ (no ports, no bases). This is progress. For China, as a big country with the responsibility for regional and world peace and development, such breakthroughs should become quite normal. Are you ready (to accept it)?”

Source: People’s Daily website, May 26, 2011

VOA: China’s First Military Game Uses the U.S. as the Imaginary Enemy

According to a Voice of America report, Nanjing Military Region and Wuxi Giant Network Science and Technology Corporation developed China’s first military game, which is called “mission of honor.” The introductory video shows Chinese soldiers firing at the imaginary “enemy” using obvious images of American soldiers. Then they shoot down an American military “Apache” helicopter. The article points out that using games translated from foreign languages “is not good for the military’s educational training; it may misguide the soldiers” because the contents, values, and military ideals are quite different from (China’s). PLA Daily says, “’mission of honor’ is completely our own intellectual property. It has filled a blank in China’s military games. The improved version of the software will be distributed to the army for application.”

Source: Voice of America, May 20, 2011

China’s Mobile Phone Accounts Surpass 900 Million

On May 24, 2011, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China issued a release indicating that, from January to April, the net increase in China’s mobile phone accounts was 41.386 million, bringing the total number of mobile phone accounts to 900.389 million. Among them, 3G accounts increased by 20.521 million, reaching 67.572 million.

Source: Xinhua, May 24, 2011. _121452959.htm 

Party Members Warned Not to Spread Political Rumors

In an unusual, harsh tone, People’s Daily published an editorial warning that “The Party’s discipline does not allow Party members to spread political rumors.” The editorial states that safeguarding the Party’s political discipline is a serious political struggle. It further alleges that a very small group of Party members and officials make irresponsible remarks on major political issues and act on their own, that some overtly agree but covertly oppose the Party’s decisions, and that others make up stories and tarnish the image of the Party leadership. The editorial said that the Party’s disciplinary authorities have “seriously punished a number of CCP members and cadres who disobeyed the political discipline.”

Source: People’s Daily, May 25, 2011

Scholar: International Financial Reform Does Not Give China More Voice

In an interview with the official Outlook Weekly magazine, Jiang Yong, a scholar with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said that the international financial reform has not given China more of a real voice. Since April 2010, China’s voting right in the World Bank has risen from 2.77% to 4.42%, second only to the U.S. and Japan. Its voting power in the IMF jumped to 3rd place, after the U.S. and Japan. However, “After the reforms, the U.S. still sits in the top position at the World Bank and it retains a one-vote veto with its shares at the IMF. Although the EU countries ‘gave up’ some shares, they still retain a veto power. The fact that the top decisions on the world economy and financial system fall into the hands of Western developed countries hasn’t change,” said Jiang. He believes that if others control a country financially, the impact will be felt not only in financial security, but also in economic and national safety.

Source: Outlook Weekly, May 23, 2011