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Chen Lei: Two-Thirds of China’s Cities Suffer from a Water Shortage

On January 30, 2011, after the State Council issued its first document of the year, Chen Lei, the Minister of Water Resources, held a press conference where he announced, "China has an annual water shortage of 40 billion cubic meters. Two-thirds of its cities suffer from a shortage of water." Chen said that the No. 1 Document sets targets to improve China’s plan to conserve water over the next five to 10 years.  According to the No. 1 Document, China will intensify its efforts to accelerate the development of the nation’s water conservation and promote the sustainable use of water resources.

Source: Xinhua, January 30, 2011.

Qiushi: The U.S. Strategy Is to Transfer Its Domestic Crisis to China

According to an article in Qiushi Journal, economic strategy remains the heart of the U.S. overall long-term strategy, which is to transfer its domestic crisis to China. The economic strategy includes friction over the exchange rate, trade, agricultural produce, currency, resources, and energy. The exchange rate issue has always been the focus and is the make or break point. Political and diplomatic moves are designed to support the economic strategy. Politically, the U.S. uses human rights, climate, the China threat, and China’s "arrogance." Its diplomacy includes joining forces with the European Union and Japan and controlling China’s neighboring countries, thus encircling China politically. For the U.S. to re-enforce its military presence in the Northeast Asian region also supports its economic strategy.

Source: Qiushi, January 26, 2011

People’s Liberation Army Daily: China Should Be Strong but Not Overbearing

China’s military newspaper published an article by General Xu Guangyu on Hu’s visit to the U.S. It stated that during President Hu’s visit, both parties confirmed they would establish a cooperative partnership. “Per public opinion, this marks the beginning of the U.S. treating China as its global partner. For China, it carries pressure and responsibility – we have made achievements beyond the imagination of the outside world. Yet there are numerous subjective and objective problems and challenges. If we do well, the future will be bright and promising. If we do not do well, there will be twists and turns. As we empower our country and adapt to globalization, we must be more clear-minded and rational, calm but not servile, strong but not overbearing.”

Source: People’s Liberation Army Daily, January 30, 2011 reprinted at

Huaqiao University Indoctrinates Foreign Students with CCP Revolution History

Huaqiao University recently organized a winter camp for its foreign students to visit CCP historical revolutionary sites — Yan’n in Shaanxi Province and Xibaipo in Hebei Province. Both served as the capital city of the CCP during its war against the Kuomintang that eventually led to the CCP seizing power in China. ”During this trip, foreign students were indoctrinated with China’s revolutionary history and learned about the hardships endured when the CCP leaders created a brand new China.” “China’s revolution was not by accident; it was the result of many soldiers giving up their lives.”

In English, Huaqiao means “Overseas Chinese.” Huaqiao University is directly under the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council. Its students are from overseas Chinese families.

Source: China News Service, January 30, 2011

People Daily: Review of China’s Cultural Industry in 2010

People’s Daily published a review, stating that China’s culture-based industry boomed in 2010. Movie box office revenues exceeded 10 billion yuan, which is a 33% increase over the prior year. Total publishing revenue exceeded 1.3 trillion yuan, a 20% increase from 2009. About 50% of culture-based companies on the stock market did their IPOs in 2010, absorbing 10.4 billion yuan from the market.

”However, there are still gaps between China’s culture-based industries and those of Western countries. The total production is still small (China needs to have a $4 trillion-yuan market to be on the same footing with Western nations), lacks major cultural enterprises and brand-names, lacks resources and experts, finds it difficult to procure funding, finds policy support lacking, and has experienced a large trade deficit in cultural products.”

Source: People’s Daily, January 28, 2011

China Funds Culture Promotion Research Project

China approved a special project, “Dynamic Database for the Promotion of China’s Culture Overseas,” under the National Social Science Foundation. The project focuses on four research areas: the “going abroad” strategy, China’s image in international media, Chinese studies overseas, and “China’s position in the world of ideologies and cultures.”

Zhang Xiping, Director of Overseas Chinese Language Studies, Beijing Foreign Language University, and a leader of the project, claimed that the purpose of the project is to serve national strategy. “When research on China’s culture makes an impact on the world, it will augment China’s soft power and help China gain stature in the areas of research and ideology.”  

“To do this, (China) should study the target countries’ short-term and long-term cultural needs and convert those requirements into our basic goals and tasks.” Research can include Western countries’ acceptance of Chinese culture, each country’s policy on Chinese language and culture, and the history, language, culture, religion, political parties, economy, and natural environment of African and Asian countries that are important to China’s strategic interests.”

Source: Qiushi Journal, January 6, 2011

Nationwide Training Planned by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

Guangming Daily recently reported that China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced a three-year national training plan involving 3000 county-level directors of the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security. This will implement the requirements set forth by the Central Committee of the Communist Party, which called for massive training plans across all government branches. It is believed that the county-level directors play an important role in solving social problems and maintaining social stability. The content of the training focuses on government policies, international and domestic political studies, social crisis management, fighting corruption, etc.

Source: Guangming Daily, January 28, 2011

China’s High Speed Railways Form a Network

People’s Daily recently reported that, with the completion of the newly planned 4,715 kilometers of high speed railway for the year 2011, the entire Chinese high speed railway system will cover a total of 13,000 kilometers, forming a national network. In the next five years, half of the planned railways will be high speed railways. The current high speed network covers 18 provinces. It is the world’s largest high speed railway system in terms of total mileage. According to the Ministry of Railways, electronic ticketing will be completed this year. The high speed railway system is expected to be the primary form of railroad transportation. The Ministry also believes that the massive construction project will not cause a “debt crisis” despite the lack of profitability on many of today’s routes.

Source: People’s Daily, January 24, 2011