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Huanqiu Editorial: Today’s Oslo Seems Like the Headquarters for an Evil Cult

[Editor’s Note: In an angry editorial, Huanqiu, an official publication of the Communist Party Central Committee, attacked the Nobel Committee and Western media for awarding Liu Xiaobo the Nobel Peace Prize.

The article likens the ceremony in Oslo to an evil cult ritual and accuses the Committee of “altering the spirit of peace” and “replacing it with Western Fundamentalist ideas.” It claims that “1.3 billion Chinese people resent the Peace Prize nomination.”

The editorial drew many emotional comments that echoed its rhetoric. One reader wrote: “The ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ is a joke to fool people. A guy who invented dynamite to kill fellow human beings, and who made a fortune, created it. He (Nobel) just wanted to gain fame before his death. … The best way to handle this is to end all relations with Norway and a few other buffoon countries, except for official diplomacy, especially trade. (We should) stop importing their goods, refuse to sell them anything, and call for Chinese not to visit their countries for sightseeing and shopping.” [1]

The following is a translation of excerpts from the editorial.] [2]

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Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: Overall Life Satisfaction Declined in 2010

According to China Review News on December 17, 2010, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) "Social Blue Book" reported that both urban and rural populations in China, especially in small towns, feel their overall satisfaction with life has declined. On the same day, the People’s Bank of China announced that, in the fourth quarter, nearly 74% of residents thought prices were too high. Over 70% of residents thought that apartment prices were too high. Measurable satisfaction is at its lowest point in 11 years.

“In the first three quarters of 2010, urban residents had per capita disposable incomes of 14,334 yuan, an increase of 7.5% (over the previous year). Rural residents had per capita incomes of 4,869 yuan, an increase of 9.7%." However, "not only are the growth rates of urban and rural residents’ income much lower than the growth of revenue; they are also lower than the GDP growth rate.”

Source: China Review News, December 17, 2010

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Expands Its Empire around the World

On December 16, 2010, China Review News discussed a report from Radio France Internationale (RFI) titled “China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Expands Its Empire around the World.”

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec Corp), the biggest oil company in Asia, has purchased the American-owned Argentine subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corporation for $2.45 billion U.S. So far this year, China has spent $38.8 billion U.S. on mergers and acquisitions in the petrochemical energy business around the world, more than it has ever spent before on M & A in its history. “With the undisguised ambition of conquering the world, Sinopec Corp, together with two other Chinese oil companies, will form a golden triangle to establish a new network for the world’s oil distribution.”

Source: China Review News, December 16, 2010

PLA Major General Peng Guangqian: Be Ready to Deal with any New Troubles that the U.S. Creates

According to China Review News on December 17, 2010, Major General Peng Guangqian of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), a Deputy Secretary-General of China’s National Security Policy Committee at the China Association of Policy Science, recently visited the headquarters of China Review News in Hong Kong.

Peng said that the U. S. is more and more of a “troublemaker” than a “peacemaker” in the Asia Pacific area. He believes that China must be vigilant and ready to deal with any new troubles the U.S. creates. “In recent years, because of the global financial crisis, the U. S. has suffered serious setbacks in its economy, its moral image, and its values." Peng said that "because it is worried about its hegemony, the U.S. has increased its involvement in the East so it can hold back China’s development."

Source: China Review News, December 17, 2010

CASS Blue Book: China’s Society Faced Five Big Challenges in 2010

On December 15, 2010, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) issued its blue book on society. The book pointed out that, while China’s economy is developing rapidly, it also faces challenges and social issues. The problems are particularly striking in the areas of income distribution, labor relations, and prices for goods and housing. The book summarized the five major issues and challenges for China’s social development in 2010. They were: 1) The economy is entering a new phase; the development model needs to be transformed. 2) Conflicts in labor relations have become evident; a new generation of farm workers has become the focus of attention. 3) Reform in the distribution of income has met heavy resistance; be aware of the “trap of middle-income nations.” 4) “Land urbanization” has become hot again; be aware of damaging farmers’ interests. 5) The semi-urbanization problem is very serious; villages are shrinking in some areas.

Source: China News Agency, December 16, 2010

Jia Qinglin:Firmly Walk the Correct Path and Solve Ethnic Problems with Chinese Characteristics

Xinhua announced that an important article would be published in the 24th issue of Qiushi (Seeking Truth) Journal on December 16, 2010. According to Xinhua, the article, by Jia Qinglin, the ranking member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chairman of the People’s Political Consultative Conference, stresses that China must firmly walk the correct path in dealing with ethnic problems and use solutions with Chinese characteristics. The article also emphasizes that it is imperative to constantly insist on and implement the Party’s fundamental ethnic theory and policy and take it as an urgent task to speed up the development of ethnic areas.

Ed: The Qiushi article was not available at the time of publication.

Source: Xinhua, December 15, 2010

Hungarian Radio Station Starts Broadcasting Programs from China

The Hungarian “Classic” radio station and China Broadcasting Media International Management Company (CBMIMC) are cosponsoring two programs from China, "Chinese Music Time” and “Asian Culture Time.” The first broadcast was on the “Classic” station on December 15, 2010. Wang Genglian, Director of the China International Broadcast Radio Station, and his associates attended the opening ceremony of the broadcast in Budapest. Acting Ambassador Liang Caide of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary and CBMIMC CEO Zhao Yinong also attended the event.

Source: China News Agency, December 16, 2010

China’s Military Must Have the Confidence to Sink U.S. and South Korean Warships in the Yellow Sea

[Editor’s Note: The bbs site of China’s official website published an article on November 29, 2010, titled “China’s Military Must Have the Confidence to Sink All U.S. and South Korean Warships in the Yellow Sea.” The article announced, “South Korea’s military exercises caused a gunfight between North Korean and South Korea. North Korea bombarded South Korean’s Yeonpyeong Island on November 23. South Korea and its master, the U.S., used this as an excuse to further intensify the atmosphere of war. The U.S. Commander in South Korea announced on November 24 that South Korea and the U.S. would hold joint military exercises from November 28 to December 1 in the South Korean western sea territory, which is China’s Yellow Sea. The USS George Washington, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, would sail to the Yellow Sea to participate in the exercises.”

The following is a translation of excerpts from the article, along with some online feedback from Chinese Internet users.] [1]

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