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Xinhua: Strategies to Fight the U.S. Aircraft Carrier’s Supremacy

After China’s unusual repeated protests, the U.S. “George Washington” aircraft carrier will not enter the Yellow Sea, but will perform joint exercises with South Korea in the Japanese Sea. China and the US have entered an “aircraft carrier dilemma” era, International Herald reported on July 22. The article listed three strategies for China to deal with the US:
1. Best strategy: A political solution: Define China’s core interest areas along China’s coastal areas and use political and diplomatic approaches to block U.S. carriers from entering it.
2. Mediocre strategy: A political approach plus military preparation such as anti-surveillance preparation, monitoring the U.S. carrier, conducting China’s exercises in certain water areas, etc.
3. Military strategy: If the U.S. carrier arrives at China’s coast despite China’s strong protests, then send a nuclear submarine carrying strategic missiles to the ocean war locations, increase the combat readiness level of the land-based long-range missiles, and apply military pressure against the U.S. carriers battle group, etc.

Source: International Herald, July 22, 2010

PLA Established a Centralized Network Warfare Command

According to a South China Morning Post report that was republished by the Global Times, the PLA has established its first network warfare center, called the Information Protection Center. This center is directly under the General Staff Department and will command all the Internet-based strategic information centers throughout all PLA units. It is the first time that the PLA confirmed it has developed a network warfare strategy. Some believe the strategy has shifted from the information protection of the past to developing network warfare.

The PLA also published a rule that prohibits its 2.3 million soldiers from creating web pages and blogs, entering the online community, and using online chatting and dating services, even when on vacation.

Source: Global Times, July 25, 2010

Xu Caihou: Continuing to Develop the Party in the Military

On July 24, the Deputy Chairman of Central Military Committee, Xu Caihou, stressed continuing to improve the level of the party’s development in the military. Xu said the Chinese army is created by the CCP. Upholding the party’s absolute leadership over the military is the fundamental principle and eternal spirit of the PLA. The party development in the military should resolutely follow Hu Jintao’s instructions. Xu made this statement at the Conference on Party Development in the Military.

Source: Xinhua, July 25, 2010

CRN: Two Major Strategies for Rebalancing China-US Economy

China Review News (CRN) recently reviewed an article published by China Securities Journal, discussing how to rebalance the China-US trade relationship. The article recommended four policies: (1) invest directly in the US; (2) diversify export markets; (3) adjust the foreign investment structure; (4) acquire international natural resources. The article also suggested four reforms: (1) reform the structure of the economy; (2) reform the mechanism of growth (to be more consumer-driven); (3) reform pricing of the factors of production, such as land; (4) speed up the urbanization process. In conclusion, the article called for implementation of two financial strategies: (1) establish a multilayer capital market system in order to obtain international pricing power for commodities; (2) speed up the process of RMB internationalization.

Source: China Review News, July 14, 2010

Xinhua: Chinese News Information Standardization Committee Established

On July 15, the Chinese News Information Standardization Committee met for the first time in Beijing and announced the worldwide release of 2 new Chinese standards: Chinese News Markup Language and the Classification and Coding of Chinese News. This is an attempt to unite and streamline the “information orphan islands” scattered around the globe that include domestic and international Chinese language news media. The goals of the committee include improving Chinese language competitiveness in the global information product market, improving China’s international information distribution capabilities, and breaking the “public opinion monopoly” of the West. Xinhua News Agency officially governs the Committee. The immediate next step in the Committee’s mission is to turn the standards into something that the Chinese lanuage media follow across the world.

Source: Xinhua, July 15, 2010

Shenzhou Spaceship Chief Architect Talks about Carrier Rockets

Dr. Qi Faren, who is the former Chief Architect of the Chinese Manned Space Operations Project and an Academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, recently announced that, in the year 2014, China will launch high-thrust rockets that can carry 20 tons of weight. Today, China can only send a few tons of cargo into outer space. High-thrust rockets have difficulty with land transportation due to their large size.

He also suggested that next year, China will send the 6-docking-port core portion of the Tiangong-1 space station into orbit and will launch Shenzhou Eight, Nine and Ten spaceships to dock with it. The plan is to complete the Chinese space station’s construction before the year 2020.

Source: Guangming, July 5, 2010

On the C-Shaped Encirclement by the U.S. – Huang Yingxu, China Academy of Military Science

[Editor’s Note: The following report is translated from a Study Times article by Huang Yingxu, a research fellow at the China Academy of Military Science. The author believes that the U.S. has formed a C-shaped encirclement around China. But he also believes that China’s peaceful rise may not necessarily cause a war with the United States.

While acknowledging that the U.S. has “technological and military superiority that China does not match,” the author criticizes the war hawks’ “China and the U.S. cannot avoid a war” mentality as “alarmist talk.” He stresses that China will never give up its socialism with Chinese characteristics, and will never let the U.S. manipulate its politics. “(China) should not be blindly optimistic about the Sino-U.S. relationship; it should not be unnecessarily pessimistic either.”

Study Times is the official newspaper of the Communist Central Party School. According to its official website, the papers’ readers “are mainly Party and governmental cadres and intellectuals. … The Party’s Central Propaganda Ministry designates it as a key newspaper of reference.”] [1]

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Wang Lequan: Keep Small Disputes within a Street and Big Disputes within a District

According to the PRC (People’s Republic of China) Ministry of Public Security on July 16, 2010, Wang Lequan, member of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Central Committee of the Politburo, deputy chair of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee, and deputy director of the Social Order Comprehensive Management Committee, was in Tianjin from July 14 to 15 promoting innovation in social management.

Wang emphasized that “we must guide, serve and manage all the newly established economic and social organizations, so as to ensure their development in a healthy direction. Pay immediate attention to early signs of unrest. To the greatest extent possible, resolve disputes at the grassroots level and at the initial stage. … Make an effort to keep small disputes within a street and big disputes within a district. …”

Source: The PRC Ministry of Public Security, July 16, 2010