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Chinese Are Protesting for Unpaid Wages

Thousands of workers at Zybio, a pharmaceutical company in Chongqing City, held a protest inside the factory and even clashed with the special police force which came to suppress them.

Zybio designs and manufactures medical diagnostic reagents and instruments. According to an interview with a Zybio employee, the company hired around seven thousand temporary workers in early December, promising to pay them 1,000 yuan (US$146) as a bonus on top of their hourly pay if they would work until January 21 and another 2,000 yuan bonus if they worked until February 15.

On January 6, the company announced it would lay off 8,000 people. Most of them were those temporary workers. The company said they lost orders. It used to produce COVID nucleic acid extraction testing kits, which were in high demand when Beijing carried out the “zero-COVID” policy. It switched to producing antigen testing kits after the government stopped that policy. However, workers suspected that Zybio had enough orders but used a lack of orders as an excuse to avoid paying a bonus to the workers.

A smaller group of people started protesting on the evening of January 6. Since the company executives hid themselves and only let the factory manager arrange the layoff, people got furious and started smashing things. Several thousand workers gathered at the company on the next day. A few more company executives were found and beaten.

Special police came to the factory. Some videos posted online showed the clashes between the workers and the police, including a video showing that a small group of policemen retreated while the workers were chasing and throwing things at them.

The protesters shouted one appeal: “We just want our salaries.”

Zybio proposed a resolution: It would pay every worker their December salary on January 7 and their January salary on January 8. In addition, it would pay 1,000 yuan to those who left as their severance pay, or to those who stayed as a bonus.

Since people got the money they demanded, they accepted the proposal. The protesters all left the company immediately.

Demanding unpaid wages has been a big issue when the Chinese New Year has approached. The government has demonstrated the habit of delaying payments to its contractors and companies. It has also had the habit of delaying payment to, or not paying in the end, its subcontractors or workers. Since migrant workers usually go home for Chinese New Year, they started a protest to demand their money before the Near Year.

This year has been even harder as some companies have struggled to survive due to the bad economy in China.

A netizen posted 40 videos about people at different places, including Beijing, Guangdong,  Shandong, Hebei, and other locations, demanding the payment of their wages on either January 4 or January 5.

The authorities somehow belittled the workers who tried to defend their own rights, as their actions interrupted society’s stability. Sometimes the government uses force to drive the workers away. Some officials came up with a term “malicious wage collection” to defame those workers who were actually victims.

Recently an online posting showed a banner hanging at a company, saying, “Fiercely crack down on malicious wage collection actions; defend the company’s illegal action of not paying wages.”

It is yet to be seen how the salary demand protest will continue its development in China.

1. Epoch Times, January 7, 2023
2. Radio Free Asia, January 5, 2023

CNA: First Day of Spring Festival Travel Recorded 30 Million Travelers

Primary Taiwanese news agency Central News Agency (CNA) recently reported that China’s Covid prevention policies have been downgraded. Many people are having their first return home reunion in three years. On the 7th, the first day of the Spring Festival travel rush, a total of 34.736 million passengers were transported by railways, roads and airways in China. This represents an increase of 38.9 percent over the same period in 2022. China’s Spring Festival travel is known to be the largest population movement on the surface of the Earth. The 2023 Spring Festival travel period is from January 7th to February 15th, a total of 40 days. Xu Chengguang, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transportation, said that the total passenger flow during the Spring Festival travel period this year is estimated to be about 2.095 billion, an increase of 99.5 percent over the same period last year, and returned to 70.3 percent of the same period in 2019. Among them, visiting relatives accounted for about 55 percent of the passenger flow, work accounted for about 24 percent, plus tourism and business travel accounted for about 10 percent respectively. However, this year’s Spring Festival travel peak is superimposed with the Covid peak, which made this Spring Festival travel the most uncertain and the most complicated one. The situation introduces the greatest difficulties and challenges in recent years. At this moment, it is hard to find train tickets, and many popular routes have been sold out. In addition, there is also an increase in demand for flights. According to the Civil Aviation Administration of China, during the Spring Festival travel season, an average of 11,000 passenger flights will be arranged daily.

Source: CNA, January 8, 2023

In 2022, Chinese Companies’ U.S. IPOs Raised about 96 Percent Less than in 2021

Well-known Chinese news site Sohu (NASDAQ: SOHU) recently reported that it has been a year and a half since the fever of Chinese companies going public in the U.S. cooled down. According to Wind Data, in 2022, Chinese companies went public in the United States and raised a total of US$582 million, a decrease of about 96 percent compared with the annual financing amount in 2021. Of the dozen or so companies that went public in the U.S. in 2022, most of them were small companies with a fundraising amount of less than US$50 million. The scale of its financing was significantly lower than the level of the previous two years. In 2021, about 40 Chinese companies went public in the U.S., and 16 of them raised more than US$100 million. In 2020, 18 US-listed companies raised over US$100 million. In 2022, as of December 28, the number of IPOs listed in the United States was only 17, setting a new low for the past six years. At present, data-related technology companies going public in the United States still face strict scrutiny from both Chinese and American regulators. Several companies have even withdrawn their prospectuses for listing in the United States.

Source: Sohu, January 2, 2023

UDN: Sweden Wants to Join NATO, but not All Turkey’s Demands Can be Met

United Daily News (UDN), one of the primary Taiwanese news groups, recently reported that Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said Sweden is confident Turkey will allow Sweden to join the NATO military alliance, but Sweden will not be able to meet all of Turkey’s demands in exchange. Whether NATO expands in size needs to receive unanimous approval from all member states. Kristersson said that Turkey confirmed that Sweden did what Sweden promised, but Turkey also made clear that it wanted what Sweden couldn’t or didn’t want to do for it. Sweden, Finland and Turkey signed a tripartite agreement last year that is expected to end Turkey’s opposition to the two countries joining NATO. Sweden and Finland have long maintained close ties with Western militaries but have been reluctant to join military alliances for fear of angering Russia. However, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last February prompted a change in attitude in Sweden and Finland. Turkey had previously used the support for Finland and Sweden to join NATO as leverage, demanding that the two countries take a tougher stance against Kurdish militias that Turkey considers terrorists.

Source: UDN, January 8, 2023

COVID Death Revealed CCP Officials Transplant Organs so They Can Live Longer

Gao Zhanxiang, a former Deputy Party Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, died of COVID on December 9, 2022.

Zhu Yongxin, a Standing Committee member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy (a decorative party that the Chinese Communist Party [CCP] has allowed to exist in China to show it has “democracy”), wrote an article to pay tribute to Gao.

The last paragraph said, “Over the years, Gao Zhanxiang had been tenaciously fighting diseases. He had replaced many organs and jokingly said that many parts in his body were not his anymore. However, before the COVID epidemic, he was still hale and hearty, quick-thinking and loud, not like a patient at all. I didn’t expect that he would leave us so soon.”

This is a revelation that the CCP officials transplant other people’s organs into their own bodies in order to live longer.

The article has been removed. But a screenshot is still existing and has been spread around.

Source: Epoch Times, January 4, 2023

A “Firecracker Revolution” Took Place in China

After the blank-sheet paper protest, also called the “A4 Revolution” where A4 refers to the paper size, Chinese people started a new protest on the rights to set off firecrackers – some people called it the “Firecracker Revolution.”

Setting off firecrackers is a Chinese tradition to celebrate the new year. It had been a must-have activity for many years. However, in the past decade, the authorities banned it in the cities due to the risk of causing fires.

On Near Year’s eve, people in Xuchang City, Henan Province gathered at a central square. Some set off firecrackers. Police tried to arrest the “offenders,” but were blocked by other people. More and more people set off firecrackers at different spots on the square. In the end, the police gave up and let people enjoy their celebration.

A similar firecracker “offense” took place in Luyi County, Zhoukou City of the same province in central China on the next night. Police came and started arresting people. According to an  online video, a large group of people surrounded the police car, demanding the release of those who had been arrested. People and police officers pushed each other. Some young people smashed the police car, breaking its front windshield. Eventually people flipped the police car upside down. Special police came and arrested six people.

The “Firecracker Revolution” also happened in several cities and provinces including Henan, Shandong, Hebei, Jiangsu, Guangxi, and Chongqing.

Some cities loosened their restrictions on firecrackers. Dalian City, Liaoning Province announced certain districts that could set off firecrackers on Chinese Near Year’s Eve (January 21 this year). Dongying city and Binzhou City in Shandong Province also announced firecrackers were allowed in certain regions and at certain times.

Some commentators felt that from the A4 revolution to the firecracker revolution, the Chinese people showed that they are no longer so afraid of the authorities. They have started to demand their rights.

1. Epoch Times, January 4, 2023
2. New Talk, January 5, 2023

Mainland Chinese Media: Patients Are Pouring in Like the Tide! Half of the ICU Patients Have Severe Pneumonia

Below are excerpts from a mainland Chinese report on the current situation of covid patients at Minhang Hospital which is affiliated with Fudan University in Shanghai.

“Emergency Department Director Sun Keyu said, ‘We usually have more than 1,000 emergency visits, more than 20 when there are many who stay. The emergency medical department has a maximum of more than 300 people a day. The recent peak of emergency visits reached more than 2,000 people, nearly 1,000 emergency medical visits, and more than 100 stays. Those who stay in the ward come at night, and they will be hospitalized the next day.’”

“Now that the (covid) emergency is peaking, the (covid)-positive medical staff has continued to work including those who have the illness. Those with a high fever may only rest for a day or two, and those with no fever or a low fever have basically persisted.” One day after 9 o’clock in the evening, a nurse found Sun Keyu and burst into tears, ‘I really can’t hold up anymore.’ The pressure was too great; the patients have poured in like the tide. There is no time to do anything; the medical staff members themselves have a fever. I have never encountered such a situation before, .. . ”

“The cell phone of Gao Yuan, director of the critical care medicine department, keeps ringing. In the ICU, patients with severe pneumonia have accounted for half of all patients. Another quarter are patients with underlying diseases that worsened after the infection.”

“‘Things are still at the peak plateau phase and now is the most difficult time. As Director Zhang Wenhong said yesterday, it is expected to last for another two weeks.’ Sun Keyu said that the wards are full now, and only when someone is discharged from the hospital is a bed vacated. The biggest difficulty is that patients need to be hospitalized, but ‘an available bed is hard to find.’ In the future, it is expected that the number of patients coming in by ambulance will decrease, but the patients may be in a more serious condition.”

Sources:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Netease, January 5, 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

2022 China’s Housing Sales Plummeted by 5 Trillion Yuan

According to China Real Estate Information Corporation (CRIC), a Shanghai based real estate consulting firm, the overall sales in China’s housing sector in 2022 is expected to approximate 13.5 trillion yuan (US$ 1.95 trillion), a 5 trillion yuan (US$ 0.72 trillion) or 27 percent decrease from the 18.19 trillion yuan (US$ 2.63 trillion) in 2021. 90 percent of the top 100 real estate developers under-performed last year. The number of developers with sales above 100 billion yuan (US$ 14.5 billion) dropped from 43 during the peak time to only 20 today.

Against this backdrop of diminishing domestic and foreign financing channels, developers are facing huge amounts of outstanding debt. They are also facing other pressures, such as the pressure to deliver properties on-time. Starting in September, a few housing giants slashed their housing prices. A few reductions were as deep as 40 percent. Although the marketing and sales drive continued into the 4th quarter, Chinese home buyers continued to show little enthusiasm.

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), January 1, 2023 percent