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Global Times: The United States Is Unreliable; China and Russia Are True Friends

China’s state media Global Times published an opinion article stating that the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership for cooperation is an extremely important diplomatic asset for both countries. It proposed that China and Russia should continue to move forward in the direction of an all-around strategic partnership.

The article stated, “The same day that Chinese leaders received a call from Washington, they left for Moscow, arriving three days later. Inevitably they let the public relations between China and the United States continue with China to make contact. Thinking about the twists and turns that happened between China and the United States in the previous week, they looked at the long-term stability of the China-Russian relationship. China does not know how many people cannot help but think that the United States is still unreliable but that China and Russia are real friends.”

“The China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation is true to its name. The two countries have reached a high level of strategic mutual trust; leadership exchanges are like visiting relatives. Since becoming president, Xi has visited Russia six times. Xi and Putin have met together a total of 21 times.”

“Both China and Russia have a very positive attitude toward the development of China’s and Russia’s strategic cooperation with each other. It is not for a temporary purpose; both countries regard the relationship with the other side as a strategic ballast stone to deal with the complex world. The China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation is an extremely important diplomatic asset for both countries.”

“Washington has not given up on the idea of ‘transforming’ China; its attitude towards China’s policies is very complicated. On the one hand, they want to maximize the interests of the United States through Sino-U.S. economic cooperation. On the other hand, and at the same time, they want to restrict China strategically to ensure that the U.S. has the absolute advantage in security.”

“One cannot be impulsive in thinking the worst about Sino-U.S. relations, allowing the friction to ferment. One cannot hold an unrealistic fantasy either. The strategic issue between China and U.S. is very deep. One can only find the answers slowly.”

Source: Global Times, July 4, 2017

Duowei: Vice Chairman of CMC Cut Short His Visit to Vietnam

Duowei reported that it was not with a purpose that Fan Changlong, the First Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), cut short his visit to Vietnam in June.

Fan left Beijing on June 12 to visit Spain, the Netherlands, and Vietnam. China’s Ministry of Defense reported that Fan would attend the Forth Summit of the Sino-Vietnam Militaries. However, the Ministry of Defense later reported that “due to a work arrangement, China cancelled the Forth Summit of the Sino-Vietnam Militaries.”

Analysts think this is related to the sovereignty debate between China and Vietnam, related to the South China Sea, where both sides claim ownership. One version of the story was that Vietnam started exploration work on a gas field in the South China Sea during Fan’s visit. China was so irritated that it sent over forty military ships and sea patrol ships and several military transport aircraft, to stop Vietnam’s drilling operation.

Source: Duowei, June 28, 2017

Hong Kong Military Parade Soldiers Responded “Greetings, Chairman”

There was a change at the military parade in Hong Kong. When Xi Jinping greeted the parade block as “Greetings, Comrade,” the soldiers responded “Greetings, Chairman.” In the past, the Communist regime has always used the response of “Greetings, Leading Cadre.”

The soldiers’ new greeting to Xi in Chinese is “主席好.” “主席” can refer either to the title of Central Military Commission (CMC) Chairman or the title of President of China. Xi holds both titles.

Lianhe Zaobao gave two interpretations: One was that it showed that Xi had obtained absolute power over the military, so he preferred to be called by his title “Chairman” (of the CMC).

Another interpretation was that “Chairman” is much easier for Hong Kong people to accept than the term “Leading Cadre.” “Leading Cadre” is a word used in Party culture.

Source: Lianhe Zaobao, June 30, 2017

Xi Jinping Indicated China Would Join Forces with Russia to Counter “THAAD”

Russian media conducted an interview of Chinese President Xi Jinping on the eve of his visit to Russia. In the interview, Xi Jinping explicitly criticized the “THAAD” anti-missile system and warned that China would join forces with Russia to counter against “THAAD.”

Xi Jinping pointed out that the deployment of the “Sad” anti-missile system in Korea seriously damaged the strategic interests of the affected countries, including China and Russia. He said that undermining the regional strategic balance does not do any good and does not contribute to achieving the goals of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and of regional peace and stability and that the Chinese side has expressed its firm opposition and solemn concern.

Although officially, China has been attacking “THAAD” with stern criticism, this is the first that time Xi Jinping, as China’s top leader, has directly criticized the defense system’s use against the North Korean missile threat.

In addition, Xi Jinping also said that China and Russia will maintain close communication and coordination at all levels on the “THAAD” issue. The two sides are highly consistent on the nature of this issue and on the harm it generates. Russia clearly understood and supported (China’s stance). Both China and Russia have the same or similar positions.

Source: Duowei News, July 3, 2017

Oriental Network: Xi Jinping’s Three Major Campaigns in the Past Five Years

Hong Kong Oriental Network published a commentary on three major campaigns that Xi Jinping has conducted in the past five years since he took the top leadership role in China. All these battles were against established interest groups and were met with many objections; yet Xi has been able to carry on the fight.

The first one was whether the (head of the) Party directs the “gun” or the “gun” directs the Party. During Hu Jintao’s era, Hu did not have control over the military or the police and the legal system. Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou (two Vice Chairmen of the Central Military Commission) and Zhou Yongkang (head of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee) had the real power and ignored Hu. Xi fought several fierce battles to take them down and reclaim control.

The second one was whether the (head of the) Party directs the “money” or the “money” directs the Party. Though huge wealth has been generated in China, it has largely been concentrated in the hands of the families of high-ranking officials. For example, businessmen Che Feng (the son-in-law of Dai Xianglong, former Central Bank Governor and Tianjin Major), Xiao Jianhua (said to be linked to former top official Zeng Qinghong’s son Zeng Wei), Wu Xiaohui (ex-husband of Deng Xiaoping’s grand granddaughter and said to have connections with Zeng Qinghong), and Huang Rulun (said to have a good connection with a former top official Jia Qinglin) have, through their political connections, not only accumulated huge wealth, but also a lot of political power.

The third battle is whether to let the people have money or to let officials have money. Before Xi, it was the officials, not the people, who accumulate a lot of wealth. Xi has been trying to limit the officials’ power and has asked them to report their wealth.

Source: Oriental Network, June 26, 2017

Apple Daily: Xi’s Visit to Hong Kong Showed Intense CCP In-Fighting

Xi Jinping’s visit to Hong Kong featured unprecedented security measures, including extremely tightened security controls, the Liaoning aircraft carrier’s visit to Hong Kong, and a last-minute decision on which hotel to use. Apple Daily commented that this is due to the Communist Party’s fierce in-fighting.

“The threat to Xi’s safety is, for sure, not from Hong Kong demonstrators, the non-existent Hong Kong separatists, or the overseas extreme religious or separatist forces. Rather, it is from the Communist Party’s power struggle.”

Reason one, for over a month, Liao Xiaobo had been diagnosed with late term liver cancer. The government had successfully hidden the information for so long but then let it leak two days before Xi’s visit to Hong Kong. It was similar to a setup for Hu Jintao when he visited Hong Kong in 2012.

Reason two was that the Xi had plans A and B for two hotels to stay at. It was not until the last minute that they decided to change hotels, creating great chaos for the media and the Hong Kong police. “This arrangement showed a distrust of the internal population rather than the outside people.” “This made people want to link to Li Keqiang’s visit to Beijing University in April where the officials sent divers to search the lake at the university and used a special car to deliver food to Li when he dined at the cafeteria.”

“This arrangement let the outside world realize that the Communist Party’s power struggle has come to the point of life or death for its leaders.”

Source: Apple Daily, July 1, 2017.

People’s Daily: We Should Build Our Own Discourse System on Democracy

The Chinese State’s media, People’s Daily published an article stressing the importance, now that China is getting stronger, of breaking the Western monopoly on the definition of democracy and establishing a Chinese communist democratic discourse system instead.

The article said, “For a long time, Western developed countries have monopolized the right to define democratic concepts, set democratic standards, interpret democratic theory and judge democratic disputes. Western theorists constantly use their discourse hegemony to package Western democracy, decorating it with a “universal” coating and portraying it as a global political standard so as to mislead the people of the world in their understanding and practice of democracy. Under the new situation, China is steadfastly walking its socialist political development path with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, China needs to deconstruct the Western democratic discourse hegemony, profoundly understand the absurdity of the definition of Western “democracy,” strive to build a socialist system of democratic discourse with Chinese characteristics, and reverse the passive situation of being ‘cursed’ by the West.”

“In recent years, with the development and expansion of China, the West continually creates a variety of public opinions that question, misinterpret, and slander China. In public opinion, the issue of democracy is often being used to create an attack target. In the face of the Western democratic discourse hegemony, we must dare to utter our voice, confidently expose the absurdity of Western democratic discourse, and then build a socialist democratic discourse system with Chinese characteristics. We should make it clear to people that Western democracy is only a local experience and knowledge that is built in the context of the specific historical and cultural background of the West. It is not a universal truth, nor is it a universal way to solve the problem of governing the country. The Western democratic model does not value as a ‘model’; it only has a reference value.”

Source: People’s Daily, June 30, 2017