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Unpopular Social Commentator Removed from Distinguished Professor Position Two Days after his Appointment

According to an article published in Epoch Times, on June 22, Sima Nan, the unpopular leftist social commentator, posted an offer letter received from Renmin University to be a distinguished professor in its newly established China Painting Research Institute for a three-year term. The appointment soon received strong criticism and objections from the students, faculty members, and university alumni. The university withdrew the appointment letter two days later. The official notice that the university issued cited the reasons for the withdrawal as a loophole in its approval process. The article pointed out that the withdrawal of the offer from the University made Si the most short-lived distinguished professor.

It is a case that the public opinion worked in China, which has been rare to see in the past.

Epoch Times, June 25, 2017
Baidu, June 24, 2017

Statements from Ministry of Foreign Affairs Suggests Opposing Interpretations on Legally Binding Law

On June 30, statements from Ministry of Foreign Affairs suggested that China interprets the law solely based on its own desire.

CCTV  reported that on June 30, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed strong opposition against the U.S. selling weapons to Taiwan. It claimed that, “the sale of weapons seriously violates an international covenant and the principals within the Three Communiqués. It has damaged security interests and China’s sovereignty rights.” It urged the U.S. to “stop military assistance to Taiwan to avoid further damage to collaboration in important areas between China and U.S.”

The same spokesperson made an ironical statement regarding Hong Kong at the same time. Huanqiu reported that he asserted that the “Sino-British Joint Declaration” is a historical document. However, it no longer carries any realistic meaning and has no restraining power on how the Central Administration manages the Hong Kong special administrative region (SAR). The UK government has no sovereignty and governing powers over Hong Kong.” In responding to the statement from China, the British Foreign Office spokeswoman later issued a statement which said, according to Reuters, “The Sino-British Joint Declaration remains as valid today as it did when it was signed over thirty years ago.” “It is a legally binding treaty, registered with the UN and continues to be in force. As a co-signatory, the UK government is committed to monitoring its implementation closely” .

CCTV, June 30, 2017
Huanqiu, June 30, 2017

General Public Shows support for China Male Table Tennis Players Withdrawal from International Competition

Radio France Internationale published an article on the withdrawal of China’s table tennis players from the 2017 International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) World Tour Platinum China Open, which was held on June 22-25. Several of the male table tennis players on China’s national team suddenly withdrew from an international competition in protest over the removal of their chief coach. Following the incident, the male table tennis team issued a public apology letter. Upon a request from the ITTF, the General Administration of Sports agreed to launch an investigation into the issue. The general public was not happy with the answer that China’s Table Tennis Association gave as to the reason for the change in the coaching line up. In Chengdu, the walls inside the subways were quickly covered with notes in which people posted their support for the table tennis players. Some of the posted notes read, “When you walk out of the competition site, you are still a role model,” and “We are wherever you are.” Some of the pictures on the wall were shared on social media but were quickly deleted. On June 29, an announcement was issued that the male table tennis players were not going to participate in the ITTF World Tour Platinum Australia Open. This time the announcement was not issued by the players or the coaches but rather, it came from China Table Tennis Association.

Radio France Internationale, June 25, 2017中国/20170625-乒乓罢赛扯19大权斗又引官民相斗
BBC Chinese, June 29, 2017

Huanqiu Commentary: “Indian Troops’ Provocation in the Wrong Place Brings Disgrace to Themselves”

On June 27, 2017, China’s state-run Global Times website, called Huanqiu in Chinese, published a commentary titled “Indian Troops’ Provocation in the Wrong Place Brings Disgrace to Themselves.”

China accused Indian troops of “trespassing” its boundary and entering Chinese territory. Chinese and Indian soldiers are locked in a face-off at the Sikkim section of the China-India border, where, according to the Huanqiu commentary, no disputes have ever occurred between them.

The commentary stated, “It remains unclear whether this flare-up is the fault of low-level Indian troops, which chose a wrong place to declare ‘patriotism’ or a tentative strategic move that the Indian government made. Whatever the motive, China must stick to its bottom line. China must use all means necessary to force the Indian troops to retreat to the Indian side and China’s road construction mustn’t be stopped.”

“What we are concerned about is that Indian’s attitude toward China has become more arrogant. With its GDP rising to fifth in the world, its national confidence is growing. The fact that the U.S. and the West are willing to woo India to counterbalance China has particularly added to Indians’ sense of strategic superiority. … India shows an inexplicable arrogance toward China as if it holds the strategic dominance in Sino-Indian relations.”

“Some Indians believe that the US and Japan are building a circle to contain China and India has an advantage over China because it can choose whether to join this circle.”

“It’s not time for India to display arrogance toward China. India’s GDP is only one-quarter of China’s and its annual defense budget is just one-third. Having a friendly relationship and cautiously handling border issues with China is its best choice.”

“However, almost all friction is fed to the Indian media by the Indian military which hypes {things up} time and again.”

Global Times continued, “China has avoided making an issue of these border disputes, which has indulged India’s unruly provocations. This time the Indian side needs to be taught the rules. … Let the Indian troops lose face openly. Let them know that they have to pay the price if they break the border agreement.”

“India cannot afford a showdown with China on border issues. It lags far behind China in terms of national strength and the so-called strategic support for it from the U.S. is superficial,” the commentary said, adding that China has no desire to confront India.

{Editor’s note: Zachary Keck, former editor of the National Interest, wrote a recent article focusing on a different point of view}

1) Huanqiu, June 27, 2017
2.) National Interest: China’s Secret Landgrab (No, Not in the South China Sea)

China’s Newly Formed Central Military and Civil Integration Development Committee

On June 20, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee Secretary Xi Jinping hosted the first plenary meeting of Central Military and Civil Integration Development Committee. The mysterious Development Committee was established on January 22, 2017. It is the CCP’s high-level decision-making and coordination body for major issues of military and civilian integration and development. It is directly under the control of the CCP Politburo and Politburo Standing Committee. Xi Jinping heads the committee himself.

According to, military and civilian integration has the purpose of ensuring a powerful military nation. On the other hand, military and civilian integration also means reform, which will touch the interests of some people in the military enterprises. Therefore, military and civilian integration will face resistance from different groups having vested interests.

Source:, June 23, 2017

Russian Customs Announced China as the Main Source of Synthetic Drugs

Radio Free Asia reported on news that Russia’s “63 news network” published on June 26. According to Russian Samara Customs, since the beginning of 2017, 4.5 kilograms of drugs and strong psychotropic drugs had been seized in the Samaritan area. Of the synthetic drugs that had been seized, more than 90 percent came from China.

The Russian media report also revealed that many of the drugs from China had been sent through the mail and through other hidden means in order to avoid a customs inspection. Alexander Maximovich, head of the anti-drug department of Samara Customs, said that the Chinese hid narcotics in vegetable oil or in a variety of buns and dumplings, in semi-finished packages, and in packs of different kinds of soup materials, all of which were sent through the mail.”

Source: RFA, June 26, 2017

Oriental Daily: “Wu Xiaohui Is Finally under Investigation; Who Is the Anti-Corruption Sword Pursuing?”

On June 16, 2017, Oriental Daily, a Chinese language newspaper in Hong Kong published an article titled, “Wu Xiaohui Is Finally under Investigation; Who Is the Anti-Corruption Sword Pursuing?” Wu Xiaohui, chairman of the Anbang Insurance Group in China, is the grandson-in-law of Deng Xiaoping, the second-generation top leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). When Anbang was established, in the early stages, its original shareholders were state-owned enterprises in Shanghai including SAIC Motor Corporation Limited (Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation). All of these enterprises are related to the families of Jiang Zemin, the former top CCP leader after Deng Xiaoping.

Wu Xiaohui became wealthy very quickly due to support from these state-owned enterprises. When Anbang did not make much money, those state-owned enterprises stayed with Anbang; but when Anbang entered the rapid development and profit cycle, the state-owned enterprises withdrew from Anbang. They took a low premium and stopped enjoying the big dividends as Anbang grew.

Many state-owned enterprises play a role as stepping stones for the elite families. State-owned enterprises set up a platform first, if the platform makes money, the state-owned enterprises will find an excuse to withdraw and will transfer their interest to the elites or their agents; if the platform loses money, the losses belong to the nation, and it has nothing to do with the elites.

Oriental Daily suggested that, when the authorities were investigating Anbang, it looked better to investigate all of the similar companies together.

In addition, it is questionable why Anbang has gone crazy making acquisitions overseas. Where did the funds for these mergers and acquisitions come from? Why did Anbang go overseas to make acquisitions? With the arrival of the big data period, if the cash cannot be circulated, the elites’ cash may soon turn into waste paper. However, the amount is so large that an ordinary company simply cannot accommodate it, so they use an insurance company to circulate the cash. Overseas acquisitions provide a good opportunity for the elites to get money out of China. By laundering money, they turn black or grey money into white money through acquisitions. When Anbang purchased the Waldorf Astoria and other well-known hotels, some people suspected that this was money laundering.

Source: Oriental Daily, June 16, 2017

Reuters Chinese: China’s Imports from North Korea Dropped over 30 Percent in May

Reuters Chinese recently reported that, based on data that the China General Administration of Customs just released, China’s imports from North Korea in May were valued at US$123.8 million. This was a 31 percent decline, year-over-year. The lowest import level from North Korea was in April, reaching US$99.3 million. March was the second lowest. The custom’s data showed that China’s halt to the importation of North Korean coal in February significantly limited North Korea’s capability of obtaining enough hard currency. The same data also showed China’s exports to North Korean totaled at US$319.8 million in May, which was a two-digit percentage increase, year-over-year. Also, the May export level was higher than April’s.

Source: Reuters Chinese, June 23, 2017