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People’s Daily: Examining the China-US Relationship beyond Washington Election Politics

People’s Daily recently published a commentary suggesting there are concrete drivers for the development of the China-US relationship, no matter who wins the U.S. presidency. The commentary started with stating that the candidates in the on-going U.S. presidential election season have taken many opportunities to comment on China and to express their tough attitude. However, the article also looked back at former “tough candidates” and compared their before and after behaviors. Jimmy Carter severely criticized the human rights situation in China but established a formal relationship with China. Bill Clinton accused George Bush of being “too lenient” with China, but President Clinton indeed gave China the most favored nation (MFN) status that President Bush had refused to give. The root cause of this kind of dramatic difference is that there are drivers behind the need to develop the China-US relationship regardless of who the sitting president is. For the best interests of the United States, any U.S. president will realize that a peaceful and cooperative relationship is better than the old-fashioned “Great Power Rivalry” philosophy. China became the largest trade partner of the U.S. last year, with a trade volume that reached US$560 billion.
Source: People’s Daily, August 21, 2016

Global Times: India is Deploying Brahmos Missiles along Its Border with China

Global Times recently reported that the Indian government has approved the Indian Army’s request to acquire around one hundred Brahmos missiles to deploy along the India-China border. The Brahmos missile is a supersonic cruise missile with superior capabilities for diving attacks. It is suitable for the mountainous terrain along the India-China border region. However, its effective cruise range and weight limit its usefulness in actual combat, especially with moving targets. It is obvious this Brahmos deployment plan is yet another fruit of the “balance and confrontation theory” behind the “China Threat” story. The tactical Brahmos missile, along with Russian fighter jets and unmanned surveillance aircraft, only reflect an unnecessary panic mode. The new weapons and the military superiority idea solely add to the antagonism at the border, resulting to a negative impact on the stability of the region.
Source: Global Times, August 21, 2016

Concern for Son’s Education Drove North Korean Diplomat to Defect

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that one of the main motivations for the defection of Thae Young Ho, North Korea’s high ranking diplomat and minister to Britain, was his worry about the education plan for his second son. Thae was due to return to Pyongyang this summer; however, his 19-year-old son, Kim Hyok was about to enter college this year for math and computer engineering. Kim Hyok is an A+ student who was born in Denmark and lived in Sweden and Britain for much of his childhood. Thae Young Ho made his decision to defect to South Korea for the sake of his son’s future. Meanwhile, some other sources reported that a significant financial burden could be another issue for Thae Young Ho. He complained in a public speech some time back that the monthly cost of rent in Britain meant he could only afford a public housing unit with two bedrooms with a very narrow kitchen. The Sina report did not mention any political motivation for the defection. 
Source: Sina, August 18, 2016

Guangming Daily: Summer Box Office Revenue Weaker than Expected

According to an article that Guangming Daily published, the box office revenue for summer movies has been lower than expected and the quality of the domestic and foreign new movie releases has been poor. According to the article, the total box office revenue for movies for July was 4.5 billion yuan (US$0.67 billion), up 17 percent from June but down 18.2 percent from July of 2015. The article stated that the revenue drop was the first in the past five years. The reported average growth rate had been at 30 percent year after year over the last five years. In addition, the box office revenue for July is an indication of a slowdown in the box office market in China. Based on the current trend, the revenue for the full year is expected to be lower. The article pointed out that, even though the box office revenue grew 21 percent in first six months in 2016 versus 2015, it is far less than the average growth rate over the past five years, which was at 30 percent.

Source: Guangming Daily, August 22, 2016

China to Tighten Management of Social Organizations

Guangming Daily reported that the General Office of the Party and the State Council jointly issued an opinion in regard to establishing management policies for social organizations. The article stated that the basic guidelines of the opinion include "assurance of the Party’s leadership within the social organizations and persistence in reform and renovation while advancing on a stable path." It also targets building a management system by 2020 which will enable the "registration of social organizations, assist them in defining policy and guidelines, as well as enabling the Party organization to play a more significant role." The opinion also indicated that the Ministry of Finance will continue to allocate funding to support social organizations. In addition, government employees are not allowed to have a dual management position in any foundations or social groups. [Editor’s note: Social organizations in China include social groups, foundations, and private non-enterprise units.]  

Source: Guangming Daily, August 22, 2016

Xinhua: Chinese Tourists Spending Overseas Continues to Drop

In a recent article, Xinhua reported that, as of July, Chinese consumers’ spending overseas had continued to drop for five consecutive months. The statistics for July indicated that Chinese tourists’ spending overseas dropped by 23 percent, an increase over the drop of 18 percent in June. The slowdown of spending drove the 13 percent drop for tourism in the world market. The European market saw a decrease of 20 percent due to concerns about terrorist attacks. Meanwhile Chinese tourists’ spending in Asia continues to grow. Korea has surpassed Japan and become the favorite country for tourists, mainly due to spending on cosmetic and plastic surgery products.

Source: Xinhua, August 22, 2016

“Toad Jiang’s” 10 Crimes as Summarized by Someone within the CCP’s System

According to an August 16, 2016, article from, a very popular saying among the Chinese public is that Jiang Zemin, the former top leader of the Chinese Communist Party and the People’s Republic of China is actually the reincarnation of a toad. As a matter of fact, one of Jiang’s nicknames is “Toad Jiang.” A recent briefing mentioned that a “person who is apparently within the Chinese Communist Party system has published a summary of ‘Toad Jiang’s’ 10 crimes.”

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FT Chinese: China’s “People’s Daily” and UK MailOnline Swap Contents – up to 40 Stories a Week

On August 15, 2016, British Financial Times Chinese published an article titled “People’s Daily and British MailOnline Share Contents.” People’s Daily is the Chinese Communist Party’s official propaganda mouthpiece. MailOnline, which is under Britain’s Daily Mail, is very popular for gossip type news and famous right-wing views (236 million unique visitors and 15.1 million daily visitors). A new partnership between People’s Daily and MailOnline has been established, which enables both papers to exchange up to 40 articles per week. 

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