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Xinhua: Sunway TaihuLight Became World’s Fastest Supercomputer

Xinhua recently reported that the TOP500 Organization, headquartered in Germany, ranked the new Chinese supercomputer Sunway TaihuLight the fastest in the world. The number two supercomputer is also Chinese, named MilkyWay-2. This is the first time China has more supercomputers (167) on the list than the United States (165). This is also the first time China made a supercomputer that uses all domestically designed and manufactured processors. Previous Chinese supercomputers all used U.S.-made key processors. The Sunway TaihuLight is two times faster and three times more efficient than the MilkyWay-2. The new supercomputer is deployed in the Wuxi Supercomputing Center in Jiangsu Province. Also among the top 10 supercomputers, four are from the United State. Japan, Switzerland, Germany and Saudi Aribia each have one. Supercomputers are playing a more and more important role in the fields of energy, medicine, airplane manufacturing, automobile and entertainment.
Source: Xinhua, June 20, 2016

In China’s First Quarter, Bankruptcy Cases Surged

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that, based on the numbers that the Chinese People’s Supreme Court released, during the first quarter of 2016, the courts across China saw a 52.5 percent increase in bankruptcy cases, year-over-year. Experts expressed the belief that this was the result of the economic structural adjustments that the Chinese government conducted. The reforms focused on industrial production reduction initiatives. Most of these bankruptcy cases involved medium and small sized companies, which may have a lighter social impact than large enterprises. In recent years, more and more companies have preferred to take the bankruptcy approach. One of the reasons is that the government is leaning towards using the legal system to deal with the issue of “zombie companies.” Another reason is that more and more company owners have realized that, as soon as a bankruptcy case is accepted by the court, the creditors can no longer cease their guaranty and the company can restore its operations.
Source: Sina, June 24, 2016

China News: RMB and South Korean Won Can Now Be Exchanged Directly

China News recently reported that, with the authorization of China’s central bank, China Foreign Exchange Trading Center announced the official beginning of the direct exchange between the Chinese currency RMB (symbol CNY) and the South Korean Won among Chinese banks. This is considered a major step forward for the RMB internationalization effort. As of now, China has a direct currency exchange arrangement with 12 countries. The other 11 are the United States, the European Union, Japan, Great Britain, Malaysia, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, and South Africa. China and South Korea have a high volume of direct trade. This mutual agreement was designed to improve settlements for these transactions and was aimed at lowering costs. 
Source: China News, June 24, 2016

CCDI: Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to Inspect Border Crossing Record

According to an article published on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), the anti-corruption office of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region will inspect the border crossing records of its Party members and its municipal staff. The purpose is to determine whether the purpose of the trip was consistent with the pre-approval and whether public funds were used. The municipal office also set up a hotline to report any violations. It vowed to cooperate actively with the central administration in the anti-corruption effort.

Source: Central Commission for Discipline Inspection website (CCDI), June 24, 2016

Beijing Senior Petitioner Urges Xi Jinping to Register the Communist Party

Wang Xiuying, an eighty-year-old senior from Beijing wrote an open letter to Xi Jinping, which Mingjing News then published on its website. Wang’s home had been torn down and she became the oldest petitioner in Beijing. In the letter, Wang urged Xi Jinping to register the Communist Party with the Ministry of Civil Affairs as soon as possible. Wang wrote that, as a social group, the Chinese Communist Party has never registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, which is in violation of the existing constitution. Wang wrote in her open letter, “Even though the Communist Party is the ruling party, it is also a social organization. If it is not registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, it is an illegal organization.” 

Source: Ming Jing News, June 26, 2016

Huanqiu Commentary: The U.S. Pushed China and Russia to Work Together

Shortly after Putin’s visit to Beijing, Huanqiu published a commentary which addressed the joint “global strategic stability” agreements that Putin and Xi signed. It stated that the agreements demonstrated the mutual support from both countries on core issues including the South China Sea conflicts and U.S. plans to launch the Aegis Combat System in Europe and the Terminal High Altitude Air Defense in Northeast Asia. The commentary said that the agreements indicated indirectly that the U.S. is the major threat to global stability and that Beijing and Moscow are tired of the world supremacy that the U.S. is seeking. It further stated, "The U.S. has shown its wild ambition to have a global empire. It has threatened the security of the rest of the countries around the world and forced Russia and China to form a joint effort to face it. … There is more room for China and Russia to cooperate with each other. However, if the U.S. tries to pressure either of these two countries, it will force them to gain more support from each other.” 

Source: Huangqiu, June 25, 2016

Netizens Comments on Global Times’ Attack on Gao Zhisheng’s Book

Gao Zhisheng recently published a book describing his experience of being tortured while in the custody of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He also predicted that the CCP will end in 2017.

On June 16, Global Times published a commentary in which it criticized Gao and “certain overseas [hostile] forces.” The commentary said, “Gao’s book is nothing. We mentioned it as an example in this article to tell the public that certain overseas forces have even praised such a garbage book. This shows how badly they want to see China collapse. … They are using booing and cursing, instead of criticism and debate [to attack China].”

“These dissidents truly wish China to get into trouble. They view China’s getting into political turmoil as an opportunity for them to gain political power. They are very willing to sacrifice the Chinese people’s interests …”

“The overseas hostile forces use the extremists in China to conduct damaging activities. This approach was already known to Chinese society and they discarded it. For those people and those forces, there is a pole of shame in China’s history waiting for them.”

Then netizens commented on the Global Time‘s article:

“It seems that this book is worth reading. It poked at the sore spot of a certain organization.”

“Your husband beats you every day. You report him to the police. Is that counted as ‘collaborating with outside forces’?”

“The party that rules China does not equal China. [Gao’s book talked about the collapse of the CCP, not China.]”

“China will never collapse, but it is hard to say that about the CCP.”

“Thank you Global Times for letting me know about this book. I will search for the electronic version of it.”

Source: China Digital Times, June 2016
