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BBC Chinese: Indian Media Criticized China’s Incorrect Map of India

BBC Chinese recently reported that key Indian media companies such as New Delhi TV, Hindustan, and India Today all criticized the Map of India that the Chinese Central Television (CCTV) used when reporting Indian Prime Minister’s visit to China. The CCTV map showed what Indians considered Arunachal Pradesh as “Southern Tibet.” In addition, the map did not include the Kashmir region as part of India. Indian media immediately pointed out that the map was “wrong” and that China’s demand for Indian land has never changed. They also pointed out that China’s ultimate goals in the region remain the same and Pakistan is still being used as a Chinese agent in battles against India. Reports also mentioned that Indian Prime Minister Modi expressed his concern to Chinese President Xi Jinping about China’s US$46 billion investment in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir to establish an economic development corridor.
Source: BBC Chinese, May 15, 2015

People’s Daily: China Surpassed the U.S. to Become the Largest Oil Importer

People’s Daily recently reported that, based on the data that the General Administration of Customs (GAC) released, China imported a daily average of 7.4 million barrels of crude oil in April. This volume is the equivalent of one thirteenth of the total global daily level for the consumption of oil. China also surpassed the U.S. daily import level of 7.2 million barrels. The report suggested that the Shale Oil Revolution has rescued the United States from its dependency on imported oil. In the meantime, China’s oil demand is still climbing, even when the Chinese economy is slowing down. Experts suggested that China’s purchase of a large amount of oil from Iran last month could be the reason for the dramatic outcome in April. However they also expressed the belief that the Chinese slowdown in economic growth will continue to push up the volume of oil imports.
Source: People’s Daily, May 12, 2015

Qiushi: The Lessons Learned from the Fall of the Soviet Union

Qiushi, a Communist Party Central Committee magazine, recently published an article discussing the points some people make when they call for amendments and new laws that push for freedom of the press and the privatization of state-owned companies. The article analyzed the reasons that led to the fall of the Soviet Union. According to the author, some major events played an important role: the constitutional amendment that removed the Soviet Communist Party’s leading role; the passage of the Law of the Press that legalized “Western style media”; and the introduction of the Law of Privatization, which fully privatized the state-owned Soviet enterprises. The article also pointed out that nationalization of the Communist Party controlled army is another dangerous idea. The author blamed Gorbachev for allowing all the things that led to the death of the Soviet Union to happen; he also called for the Chinese leadership to pay attention to the lessons to be learned.
Source: Qiushi, May 11, 2015

China Review News: How to Interpret the Recent Government Work Transformation

The State Council recently introduced a plan to simplify and transform government work that requires decentralized power, while still maintaining control. China Review News carried an article that provided its interpretation of the plan. The article stated that simplification of the work and the decentralization of power indicate that the government needs to listen to the general public rather than impose its own will. It also requires that the government be transparent about its administrative approval process so the general public can gain greater benefits from the change. Moreover, the article said it was encouraging to see that the policy mentioned the importance of imposing deadline requirements and improving the efficiency of the government’s work.

Source: China Review News Agency, May 17, 2015

China Review News: On the Development of Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics

In January, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Party and the General Office of the State Council published, “An Opinion on Further Development of Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics.” China Review News recently published an interview with three experts from Hunan Province to get their input. According to the article, the experts mentioned that, currently, not only was there a lack of focus on the development of think tanks in China; there was also a lack of high quality and influential think tanks. As to the question of what it means for a think tank to have "Chinese characteristics," one answer was that the think tank should participate in forming public policy. It needs to be more diversified while also maintaining its independence. Another answer was that a think tank with Chinese characteristics should reference but not copy the experience from the Western world. It should be clear that the “Party can manage the think tank,” which must use the “Marxism-Leninism, Mao’s Theory, and Socialist Theory with Chinese characteristics” as its guiding ideology. According to the article, it should provide service on strategic issues and public policy, stay diversified, and provide macroeconomic regulation and control.

Source: China Review News Agency, May 14, 2015

National Development and Reform Commission: More Reform Measures to be Introduced

On May 18, China Youth Daily reported that, according to the National Development and Reform Commission, more reform measures will be introduced soon in order to ease the pressure from the slowdown of economic development. The reforms will take place in areas that include the investment and financing system, pricing, State Owned Enterprises, the tax and financial systems, urbanization, and the countryside. The article stated that the goal is to stimulate the market, regain confidence, promote reform in State Owned Enterprises, protect intellectual property, and speed up transformation within government entities.

Source: China Youth Daily, May 18, 2015

Elementary School Student Extorts Money from Classmates

It is a common practice for officials in China to use their power to extort money. Now even elementary school students have learned to do so.

According to an article that People’s Daily recently republished, a Deputy Class Leader who is a sixth grade student was found to have been extorting money from his classmates since the year he was in the second grade. This student leader was assigned the "power" to check other students’ homework. If a student didn’t give him money, he would tear up that student’s homework and report bad things about that student to teacher. He also forced some students who didn’t give him money to drink urine or eat excrement.

Source: People’s Daily Online, May 8, 2015

China Won Russian High Speed Rail Project

Peoples Daily reported that the China Railway Group Limited’ subsidiary, China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd., has formed a consortium with two Russian companies. This consortium signed a 20 billion ruble ($390 million) agreement with the Russian Railways to design and construct a high-speed railway system from Moscow to Kazan.

The project is 770 kilometers (480 miles) long, with the highest speed being 400 km. per hour. It is the first overseas contract that the China Railway Group has won.

1. People’s Daily Online, May 6, 2015
2. Peoples Daily Online, May 6, 2015