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China Stock: Growing the RMB’s Global Presence

After the global financial crisis, a new trend developed in the world: the establishment of a "currency swap network." The U.S., in particular, established a Dollar Liquidity Swap Line among the U.S. Federal Reserve and the central banks in Europe, Canada, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Japan. The U.S. dollar still plays a dominant role.

China Stock published an article suggesting the steps China should take to grow the RMB’s global presence. First, China should participate in the U.S.-dominated “network of bilateral swap lines.” This would allow China to obtain dollars easily when money flows out of China. Second, China should advance the "The Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization" mechanism, turning this loose network of bilateral support into a tight multilateral capital rescue mechanism. Third, China should establish an RMB swap funding pool, to support the clearing of the RMB’s swap with other currencies.

Source: China Stock Online, June 26, 2014

People’s Daily Commentary: People Who Rule Hong Kong Must Be Chinese Loyalists

People’s Daily published a commentary on the current situation in Hong Kong. The commentary claimed, "From the formation of the idea of ‘one country two systems’ to its implementation, there has been a clear line and standard for ‘Hongkongese to rule Hong Kong.’ That is that the majority of the Hongkongese who rule Hong Kong must be patriots [of China]."

The commentary further stated that "[China’s] re-iterating that patriots are to be the main body of the Hongkongese who rule Hong Kong does not interfere with Hong Kong’s autonomy. Rather, it clarifies the rights and responsibilities, as defined by Hong Kong’s Basic Law, for those who rule Hong Kong. … It is to let all of Hong Kong’s people have a measurement standard in their mind. Only those Hongkongese who are elected [based on this requirement] can accept the supervision by the Central government [of China] and Hong Kong society. … This is in the fundamental interest of the nation [of China] and it is in the fundamental interest of Hong Kong."

Source: People’s Daily, July 2, 2014

Qiushi on Three Major Conflicts in China

Fang Ning, Dean of the Institute of Political Science of the Chinese Academy of Social Science, wrote an article for Qiushi on the three major conflicts that the Chinese people currently face. One is the conflict between the rich and poor; the second is between employees and employers; and the third is between the general public and government officials. Of these, the greatest concentration is on the conflict between the general public and government officials. The article suggested that the possibility of conflicts evolving into confrontation has been increasing.

Source: Qiushi Theory Online, June 22, 2014

Central Bank: Q2 Employment Expectations Hit Three-Year Low

China’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China, recently released a report that showed the results of a survey on customer expectations on employment. According to the report, 12.5 percent of the Chinese residents responding to the survey held an optimistic view of the current job market. 43.8 percent of the sampled population either felt uncertain or found the current employment situation to be “very challenging.” This is the lowest number since the second quarter of 2011. 63 percent of the people surveyed agreed that the current prices for housing are still too high, while 34.2 percent thought they were “acceptable.” The survey also covered bankers, 72 percent of whom said the current currency policies are “appropriate.” Entrepreneurs sampled by the survey mostly (62.2 percent) suggested the economy is performing “normally.” However 36.1 percent of them thought the economy was “cooling down.” The Bank’s Entrepreneur Confidence Index dropped 2.1 percent from the first quarter of this year. 
Source: Sina Finance, June 25, 2014

Xi Jinping: The Party and the Government Take Border Security Seriously

The official Chinese Central Government Website recently published a Xinhua report on a speech delivered by President Xi Jinping regarding the importance of land and maritime border security. The audience mmbers listening to the speech were the attendees at the Fifth National Border Security Conference. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang was also present at the conference. In his speech, Xi emphasized that the “top priority” is defending the country’s sovereignty and security. He called for “very carefully planned and organized administration and control over both land and maritime borders.” Xi also required well-organized action to defend China’s rights at sea. He suggested that, given the “new situation,” it is very important for the State Border and Coastal Defense Committee to coordinate the joint efforts performed by the armed forces, the police system, and civilians smoothly. 
Source: Chinese Central Government Website, June 27, 2014

BBC Chinese: Hong Kong Lawyers Marched in Black

On June 27, BBC Chinese reported that, on that same day, over 1,800 Hong Kong lawyers marched in silence; all participants in the march were dressed in black; they carried no signs, banners or slogans. The group walked from the High Court to the Court of Final Appeal. The widely respected Hong Kong lawyers were apparently protesting against what they saw as interference from Beijing. There has been a growing concern about the rule of law in Hong Kong. Legislative Council Member Dennis Kwok and Senior Counsel Martin Lee, who is also the founder of the Hong Kong Democratic Party, led the protesters. Also in the group were former High Court justices and eight former chairpersons of the highly respected Hong Kong Bar Association. The Association had issued an official announcement a couple of weeks earlier indicating that it is “incorrect” for the Mainland government to suggest that the Hong Kong judges and judicial officers are part of the executive branch that “rules” Hong Kong [instead of upholding the "rule of law" in Hong Kong.]
Source: BBC Chinese, June 27, 2014

The Minimum Wage Went Up an Average of 14 Percent

Xinhua carried an article that was originally published in Economic Information Daily. According to the article, in the first half of 2014, the minimum wage in 12 provinces and cities went up an average of 14 percent. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will soon be releasing more information. This increase is the lowest in recent years. The article stated that it was 22 percent in 2011; it was 20.2 percent in 2012; and it was 17 percent in 2013. The article also stated that, even though the “Minimum Wage Guideline” declared that the minimum wage increase was supposed to take place once every two years, from 2010 to 2014 the actual wage increases occurred once every 1.2 years.

Source: Xinhua, June 30, 2014

Study Times: Government Should Gain the Discourse Right Quickly in Dealing with Public Emergencies

Study Times published an article written by two members of the Chinese Communist Party Guangxi Committee. The article stated that the Internet presents new challenges for the media to be able to guide public opinion when facing public emergencies. In a number of incidents, the media failed to guide the public correctly, which had a negative impact on economic and social development, as well as on the government’s credibility. The article emphasized that, following an incident, the municipal departments should pay attention to gaining control of the discourse right quickly in order to gain the public’s trust. They should work with credible media to ensure that the public can receive the “official news release” before foreign media and the rumor mill can catch up. The article also mentioned that the municipal departments at all levels should develop a contingency plan in dealing with emergencies and that managers from public relations or related departments should take training classes.

Source: Study Times, June 23, 2014