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Sum of 31 Provincial GDP Stats Was 5.3 Trillion More Than National Stats

Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics announced the country’s 31 provincial GDP data for the first three quarters of this year. The total of the 31 provincial GDP was 43.95 trillion yuan, which exceeded the national statistics of 38.68 trillion by 5.3 trillion.

In fact, this phenomenon has been going on for years. The media have been reporting that, since 1985, when the central government and provincial and local level governments started to compile GDP data independently, the sum of the provincial GDP data has been higher than the national statistics, and the gap has been increasing. For example, the total of the 2009 provincial GDP was above the national figure by 2.68 trillion yuan; the gap increased to 3 trillion yuan in 2010, 4.6 trillion in 2011 and 5.76 in 2012.

According to Liu Yuanchun, the Vice president of Renmin University of China, the main cause is that local governments engage in data manipulation. In order to accomplish the tasks such as energy conservation and performance goals, including GDP growth, local governments modify the data to make it look better. When the reporter interviewed a county government fiscal chief in a city in West China, the official affirmed that such data fraud is almost a routine.

source: Xinhua, November 27, 2013

The Purpose of the U.S. Bombers Flying through China’s Air Defense Identification Zone

On the evening of November 25, two American B-52 bombers flew into the airspace claimed by China as its air defense identification zone in the East China Sea. In an interview, military expert Li Jie told a People’s Daily reporter that the U.S. move serves four major purposes: first, it tests the Chinese reaction; second, they are afraid that their future actions of conducting reconnaissance, patrolling, or spying on Chinese intelligence operations would be subject to interference; third, the United States does not want to lose its leadership and control in the Asia-Pacific region; fourth, it wants to show its allies or "pawns" that it still has the final say, and thus, it dares to provoke China. The message is, "You still have to listen to me in the future." 

Major General Luo Yuan said in his article in Global Times that what we declared is an "air defense identification zone," not a "no-fly zone." As long as the United States obeys the instructions of the air defense identification zone management agency or its authorized units, it should have no security worries about flight freedom. However, if, after our repeated warnings, it refuses to obey, China’s armed forces will take defensive emergency measures, regardless of which country’s aircraft it is and for whatever purpose, whether it is an exercise or provocation. 

Source: People’s Daily, November 27, 2013

General Luo Yuan on China’s New State Security Committee

Major General Luo Yuan of the People’s Liberation Army wrote an article in which he stated that China’s New State Security Committee is to handle long term security matters from a strategic perspective. 

“The establishment of the State Security Committee is not geared towards a specific matter, such as the Japan issue, the South China Sea, the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands and other issues. It is not for any specific issue but is based on strategic and longer-term considerations, namely the country’s long-term stability.” 
Luo expressed the belief that various domestic reforms have now entered “deep waters,” touching the issue of system reform. The reform of the State security system requires that a top level apparatus be responsible for overall strategy. 
“In addition, we cannot avoid the reality of certain threats and challenges. To some extent, that reality is what accelerated the birth of the State Security Committee. China is now faced with a complex security environment, which includes both traditional and non-traditional security. It also faces challenges due to the gaming of some of the major powers, the borders on land, islands at sea, and maritime borders. Meanwhile, China also faces pressure from ‘three forces,’ namely terrorism, separatism, and extreme nationalism.” 
Source: International Herald Leader, November 25, 2013

Did Murdoch’s Ex-wife Wendi Deng Spy for Chinese Military and Have an Affair with Tony Blair?

On November 25, 2013, China Gate published an article which stated that, according to a report from Pan Chinese, Wendi Deng, who News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch recently divorced, is a top female spy working for the General Political Department of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), in the Peoples Republic of China. Based on multiple Western media reports, the article also claims that Deng may have had an affair with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who "is the dupe in a Chinese spy plot." Tony Blair delivered a keynote speech at the "First China Philanthropy Forum" in Beijing on November 30th, 2012. "Now research by The Sunday Times has established that Blair’s keynote speech was hosted by a front organisation for the department of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that runs psychological warfare and covert influence operations against foreign political and military leaders." 

Sources: China Gate and Pan Chinese, November 15, 2013

China Review News Agency: Sina-Japanese Relations May Get Worse in the Foreseeable Future

On November 26, 2013, China Review News Agency, the digital network news that the Mainland and Taiwanese authorities approved in 2005, published an article titled “East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone Gives Abe a Warning.”

According to the article, China’s decision to establish the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone is in line with international practice. It is a necessary measure to counter Japan. The Air Defense Identification Zone warns Abe’s government not to misbehave again in the East China Sea area. Sino-Japanese relations may get worse in the foreseeable future. 

Source: China Review News Agency, November 26, 2013

CRN: The Value of Chinese Currency Is a Long-Term Concern

China Review News (CRN) recently reported that the Chinese currency (RMB) is suffering a very unusual valuation problem. It is depreciating internally and appreciating externally at the same time. All economists seem to agree that this is an obvious sign that demonstrates a loss of balance between China’s domestic economy and its exports. In the past eight years, the RMB to U.S. Dollar has appreciated over 35 percent. Meanwhile, for many years, the Chinese government has been maintaining a “monetary easing” policy. It has supported the government-investment driven growth model for more than a decade. With an aging Chinese society where savings are declining, coupled with high debt and manufacturing over-capacity, China’s currency policies are facing more and more challenges. The article’s author expressed the belief that the top priority for now is to control domestic inflation tightly and to increase the application of the market mechanism to the RMB exchange rate.
Source: China Review News, November 24, 2013

BBC Chinese: U.S. Ambassador’s Resignation Triggered Widespread Discussion

BBC Chinese recently reported that the announcement of the resignation of Gary Locke, the U.S. Ambassador to China, immediately triggered a massive discussion on the Chinese Internet. Many netizens joked that Mr. Locke’s decision was largely based on the air quality in Beijing. The U.S. Embassy in Beijing started offering local PM2.5 pollution readings, which pushed the environmental protection topic to the top of China’s agenda list. Many netizens also “strongly complained” that Mr. Locke played a key role in major incidents that involved helping well-known human rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng flee China and in allowing the Chongqing Deputy Mayor Wang Lijun to enter the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu. Mr. Locke is also famous for his low profile style of spending taxpayer money, which contrasts significantly with the behavior of Chinese government officials. Some suggested that Mr. Locke might be getting ready to run for U.S. President, since he has accumulated enough experience in foreign relations, state governance, and running the federal-level Commerce Department. 
Source: BBC Chinese, November 20, 2013

Xinhua: China Announced East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone

Xinhua reported on November 23 that the Chinese government officially announced the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone. All aircraft that enter the Zone are required to identify themselves by providing their flight itinerary, always-on two-way radio, always-on radar transponder, and visual external identification of nationality and registration. The Zone is governed by the Chinese Defense Ministry. Any aircraft violating the rules will face the Chinese military’s “emergency handling procedures.” 
According to Global Times, the new Identification Zone covers the Diaoyu Islands, which are involved in a sovereignty dispute between China and Japan. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a “solemn protest” to the Chinese ambassador to Japan.
BBC also reported that the United States Defense Ministry immediately issued an official statement expressing “deep concern” about this new development, calliing it an attempt to undermine regional stability. The statement also proclaimed that the U.S. will make no change in its military plans in the region.
Xinhua, November 23, 2013
Global Times, November 23, 2013
BBC Chinese, November 24, 2013