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Beijing Business: Nationwide Campaign of Urban Construction about to Begin

Beijing Business recently reported that the State Council released executive notes on strengthening city’s urban infrastructures. A nationwide campaign of public investment in new construction work is soon to be launched. The State Council’s plan focuses mainly on four areas: (1) Investing in city roads and transportation related work; (2) Constructing and upgrading various types of urban public services pipelines; (3) Speeding up the construction of facilities to manage garbage and polluted water; (4) Building ecological gardens and parks.

Investments in these identified areas are expected to bring about a recovery from the environmental losses that resulted from China’s rapid development over previous years. Meanwhile this move is also designed to use government spending to boost the economy. The total monetary investment in new infrastructure is estimated to be in the range of trillions of yuan. The plan also encourages the private sector to invest in areas that may bring a profit. 

Source: Beijing Business, September 17, 2013

China News: China is Canada’s Largest Investment Source

China News recently reported that the Association for Canadian Studies in China (ACSC) held its international academic forum in Guangzhou on September 21. Participants at the Forum explained that, as of the end of the year 2012, 183 Chinese companies had invested in Canada, with a total investment of US$43.8 billion. Canada’s largest source for foreign investments was China. Over one hundred scholars from Canada, the United States, Australia, India, and China attended the Forum. Based on their research, as of the end of April 2013, China had become Canada’s second largest trade partner, the second largest source for imports, and the third largest export destination. Canada is China’s thirteenth largest trade partner. ACSC was founded in 1984. It is a research institute at the national level dedicated to Canadian studies. It has over 40 research centers scattered in many Chinese universities and science research organizations. 
Source: China News, September 21, 2013

Xinhua: Survey Showed 67.6 Percent of People Found Housing Prices Unacceptably High

Xinhua recently reported on the results of a housing market survey that the Chinese central bank conducted during the third quarter of 2013. 67.6 percent of the people surveyed suggested that the current housing prices are “too high” and are “unacceptable.” Only 2.1 percent of the sample population found them to be “satisfactory.” Around 77 percent of the residents of the “top tier cities” (such as Beijing and Shanghai) expressed the belief that prices were “too high.” Regarding the future, 35.8 percent of those who responded expected a trend toward increased growth and 45.2 percent expected the level of prices to remain steady. Only 6.5 percent of the sample expected a drop in prices. The survey also covered spending plans. 45.2 percent of the people surveyed plan to “increase their savings,” and 17.5 percent expect to spend more. 36.3 percent of those surveyed plan to do more “investing.” The top three investment channels are: investment funds, real estate, and bonds. 
Source: Xinhua, September 21, 2013

The Extreme Challenges Village School Children Overcome Every Day to Attend School

As urbanization is speeding up, more and more people are moving from towns and villages to counties [the equivalent of suburbs]. The number of school-age students in the rural villages has been declining, forcing more and more schools in the rural areas to close. The remaining school age children in the villages therefore face extreme challenges to go to school.

published a photo news report about the school children in Tongle Village, Weixi County, in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Yunan Province. They have to spend four hours each day climbing mountains and crossing rivers in order to go to school. The report said that they usually wear out at least two pair of shoes each month.

The report quoted a study published by the 21st Century Institute of Education which stated that, from 2000 to 2010, an average of 63 elementary schools, 30 teaching facilities, and three middle schools closed their doors every day. In that ten year time frame, the villages saw 229,400 of the elementary schools, or 52.1 percent, close down, while the number of teaching facilities declined by 111,000 or 60 percent.

Source: Xinhua, September 22, 2013

Total Donations Declined for Two Consecutive Years

According to the 2012 China Charity Donation Report which was published on September 21, the total charitable donations in 2012 amounted 81.7 trillion yuan (US$13.35 trillion), down 3.31 percent from 2011. 2012 was the second consecutive year that saw a decline in charitable donations. According to the report, the contributing factors included the slowdown in the economy, fewer natural disasters, and people not trusting in the accountability of charitable organizations.

Social organizations received over 70 percent of the total charitable donations to all organizations. A number of foundations ranked as the top donation recipients. They received over 30.5 trillion yuan (US$4.98 trillion) which accounted for 37.4 percent of the total charitable donations. Business enterprises remained as the top donors with total donations of 47.4 trillion (US$7.74 trillion). Of those, 57.98 percent or 27.5 trillion (US$4.49 trillion) came from private enterprises. It was also noticed that the amount of donations made online in 2012 exceeded 2011, thus establishing a new trend in the donation market.

Source: Xinhua, September 21, 2013

Communist Party Member Evaluation and Dismissal System Used in Zhejiang Province

Xinhua published a news report about the Party organization in Pujiang County of Zhenjian Province. According to the report, in April, the Party organization adopted a Party member re-evaluation and dismissal system. All of the Party members have been evaluated based on certain judging criteria including how the Party member follows the communist ideals and beliefs, their political stance, sense of organizational discipline, perspective of the overall situation, and their legal sense. The initial result from the assessment showed that 430 Party members didn’t meet the requirements. They have to participate in a Party training course and take six month to one year to correct their actions in order to be reinstated. In addition there were 55 members who failed the evaluation and were asked to withdraw from their Party membership. Among those, one member was said to have worked as a fortune teller for a lengthy period of time.

Source: Xinhua, September 21, 2013

PLA Daily: Be Firm in the Battlefield of Ideological Struggle

On September 18, 2013, China’s military newspaper, PLA Daily, published an article stressing that the Military should always remember the principle that the (Communist) Party directs the gun (The Party always rules the military) and the military should resist the influence of the enemy’s ideology. September 18 is an important day as a historical event in Chinese history books. On September 18, 1931, Japan staged the Mukden Incident, which it used as an excuse to invade northeast China. Below is an excerpt from the article:

“The Ideological field has always been the focus of hostile forces attempts to Westernize and divide China. To subvert a government, the hostile forces often start with the ideological field to open up a hole for a breakthrough. Our military should not only defeat the enemy in the battlefield, but also defeat the enemy in the ideological field.
“Some may think that China is now in close cooperation with the West, as the struggle is not so intense and complicated. One may not know that under the cover of economic cooperation, it is a contest for the future. … We should be particularly vigilant as the hostile forces are directly targeting our army, attempting to replicate the course of the Egyptian and Tunisia coups so as to separate our army from the Communist Party’s banner. We must make the first move and take the initiative to respond rationally to this ‘war.’ 

“The reason that the Soviet army changed in core belief and color, stood still at a critical juncture, and even defected (from the Party), is the most fundamental issue; it is that they lost their ideals and belief and forgot the "Party commands the gun" principle. [As long as] our army maintains the same soul and inherits the red gene, we will be able to stay firm and stand high in the ideological struggle.” 

Source: PLA Daily, September 18, 2013

Datong’s Deep Debts Amount to 13 Billion Yuan

According to China Business, as of 2013, the City of Datong, Shanxi Province had accumulated debts exceeding 13 billion yuan. Datong paid off 2 billion in the first half of the year, with over 110 billion still outstanding. A few municipal construction projects have been suspended due to lack of funding. 

 A Datong city official indicated that the debts are reasonable as long as the local government can handle them. Last year Datong issued bonds in the amount of 600 million yuan. Bank loans make up the rest of the debts. In 2012 Datong had about 8 billion yuan of fiscal revenue. 
Datong is urgently looking for buyers or investors for its State-owned assets. These include more than 100 State-owned enterprises, 30,000 mu of reserve land, real properties held by financing platform companies, as well as tourist attractions such as the Yungang Grottoes. These assets are valued at 38 billion yuan. 
Source: China Business, September 18. 2013