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Chinese Scholar: Crisis May Force U.S. to Take Unusual Measures to Maintain Its Global Hegemony

People Daily published an article written by Cheng Enfu and Yang Bin that analyzed the economic and financial strategies that the U.S. is using during the crisis. The authors are scholars from the Marxist Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Cheng is the director of the institute. The following is a brief summary the article:
As a capitalist country controlling a global economic and military hegemony, the U.S. will not allow the financial and economic crisis to erode its international position; it will not even tolerate the loss of the U.S. dollar’s dominance.

First, the U.S. Wall Street is utilizing its influence on the government and national regulations to further expand the position of U.S. financial monopolies over other industries and countries. For the U.S. to be injecting gigantic amounts of money to rescue the market is, in essence, a new innovative means of exploitation in which Wall Street kidnaps the government and the public to obtain extraordinary interests.

Second, the U.S. is trying to explore gaining extra interests even during the time of global economic stasis via strengthening its control over resources, carbon discharge, and intellectual property.

Third, the U.S. is still using neoliberal policies to misdirect the economic and financial reform of other countries, and to plot insidious economic and financial wars to subvert the economic and currency systems of other countries.

Fourth, the U.S. pilfers the world’s wealth by recklessly issuing dollars, transferring the losses from the crisis to others.

Finally,the U.S. may even take Keynesian military action to launch a war (including the U.S. return to Asia and emphatically strengthening the military encirclement of China) when economic and financial means alone cannot rescue them from the crisis.

Source: People’s Daily, May 23, 2012

Open Letter of Senior Party Members Denounces Mao and Other Party Leaders

According to reports, on May 9, 2012, 16 senior Communist Party members from Shaotong City, Yunnan Province, published an open letter to Hu Jintao on the website In their letter, they denounced Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Bo Xilai, Wang Lijun, and Liu Yunshan. The letter demanded the removal of Zhou Yongkang and Liu Yunshan and appealed on behalf of the victims of past political movements, the students of the June 1989 Tiananmen Massacre, and Falun Gong. It was reported that the authorities immediately threatened them. “Zhou Yongkang was said to have ordered that these unstable elements must be brought under complete control and surveillance. If any similar incidents occur again, whoever is involved will be arrested immediately and may be executed.” The two drafters of the letter were placed under 24 hour surveillance and deprived of access to cell phones. The average age of the 16 senior Party members is over 80 years old. They were part of the underground Communist Party in Yunan prior to the Communist takeover of China.

Sources:, May 9, 2012
Boxun, May 23, 2012

China Daily: Fake Pig Ears Made from Gelatin and Sodium Oleate Found in China Market

On May 15, 2012, China Daily published a report titled “Market Sells Fake Pig Ears.”  According to the article, the pig ears purchased in a market in Ganzhou, the second largest city in Jiangxi Province, were made from gelatin and sodium oleate. “According to food safety regulations, sodium oleate cannot be used as a food additive.” The pig ears pose a potential health hazard.

Source: China Daily, May 15, 2012

U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke’s Announcement of Assets Leads to Heated Discussions in China

On May 14, Beijing Daily’s official blog published a commentary that criticized U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke for acting like a common man. Locke sits in an economy class seat when he takes a flight and buys coffee with a coupon. Such acts, according to the Chinese authorities, "create conflict." The commentary demanded that Locke publicize his personal assets. Within three days, the U.S. Embassy posted all of Locke’s assets including his annual salary and benefits, along with the assets of President Obama and Vice President Biden.  

The announcement has caused heated discussions in China. Many Chinese Internet users asked Beijing Daily to make the same demand of Chinese Communist Party officials. However, Beijing Daily’s official blog has since deleted all related topics and comments.

Source: NTDTV, May 19, 2012

A Widow, Protecting Her Home, Killed an Official; Chinese People Cheered

On May 17, 2012, a widow, trying to protect her home, stabbed Zhang Bo to death. Zhang Bo, a Land Resources Bureau of Law Enforcement Brigade Deputy Captain in Dejiang County, Guizhou Province, along with his staff members, had excavated the widow’s newly repaired house.

As the news spread on the Internet, Chinese Internet users posted comments to show their sympathy, support, and solidarity, praising the woman: “Good Killing. Well done!” “Kill corrupt officials. The ordinary people are so miserable. Rid the people of this scourge.”

Source: Epoch Times, May 22, 2012

Xinhua: Chen Guangcheng Followed the Legal Process to Visit the United States

On May 19, 2012, Xinhua issued a report that consisted of 59-characters (including the title) on the news that Chinese human rights activist Chen Guangcheng had left China for New York. It was a major headline globally and almost all of the world’s primary news agencies reported it in full, including pictures or videos. Xinhua’s report is no longer searchable on its official site. China Review News (CRN) republished Xinhua’s full report, saying: “A citizen from Yinan County, Shandong Province named Chen Guangcheng followed the standard legal process to apply for visiting the United States to study.”

Source: China Review News, May 19, 2012

VOA: Expert Said Taiwan is the Priority Target for Chinese Internet Attacks

On May 16, 2012, Voice of America reported that a forum on the topic of Internet warfare took place a week ago in the United States. Mark Stokes, Executive Director of the Project 2049 Institute, suggested in the forum that Taiwan has been the top Chinese hacking target for a long time because the Chinese government holds the island (being a part of China) as one if its “core values.” He also expressed the belief that what’s more threatening to the communists is Taiwan’s democratic system. Mark Stokes said that, although Taiwan is a nation relying on U.S. supplied military equipment, since Taiwan has a very long history of dealing with Chinese hackers, it is in a good position to provide the U.S. with useful help on how to defend against those attacks. Also at the forum, William Hagestad, a research expert on the Chinese military and its information warfare, introduced his new book, which covers the impact that Chinese information warfare has had on the West.  

Source: Voice of America, May 16, 2012

RFA: PLA Daily Attacks the Notion of Nationalization of the Military

Radio Free Asia (RFA) recently reported on the news that the Chinese military is undergoing some adjustments. The official newspaper of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), PLA Daily, recently published a commentary by the No. 15 commentator, attacking the idea of nationalizing the Chinese military. The commentary called the whole notion a “strategic conspiracy by the hostile forces to westernize and divide China.” The commentary reemphasized the classic Communist Party policy of “the Party Commands the Gun.” However the RFA report questioned the background of picking up this nationalization topic which was typically an academic discussion. The commentary used the Soviet Union as an example of a failure that resulted from the nationalization of the Soviet military. The commentator also tried to link the anti-nationalization viewpoint to Hu Jintao’s requirements for the military, such as “maintaining discipline.” It is becoming obvious that the commentaries by the No. 15 commentator, along with many other articles published by PLA Daily in the past several months, are paying more attention to having a position that honors Hu Jintao’s leadership.

Source: Radio Free Asia, May 16, 2012