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Major General: China Should Always Be Alert to the Nuclear Threat from the U.S.

People’s Daily published a report about the recent announcement that the United States made about upgrading its tactical nuclear weapons. The report stated that the U.S. military has placed its advanced weapons in the Asian Pacific region, one after the other, in an attempt to make the Western Pacific a major war zone.

The report quoted Chinese Major General Yin Zhuo’s comment on the matter. Yin said, “The U.S. has always been keeping its absolute leading position in the application of nuclear weapons. … To the U.S., a nuclear war is not an improbable choice. Rather, it’s a possible choice. Therefore, we should not have any illusion about [the U.S. initiating a nuclear war]. We must have a completely safe plan in place.” Yin also said, “The nuclear threat of the U.S. to China has always been there. Of course, the strategic environment has changed greatly; the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in politics and the economy have increased. Even so, when we deal with the U.S., we must keep in mind and be very clear that some of the U.S. nuclear weapons are targeting us.”

Source: People’s Daily, May 15, 2012

Party’s Media Urges Locke to Disclose His Personal Assets

Beijing Daily’s official microblogging (Weibo) re-posted a blog by “Woodbell 魏志奇” about U.S. Ambassador Locke. The blog said, “Locke lives in the official U.S. Ambassador’s residence that cost hundreds of millions of dollars. He travels in a bullet proof limousine. The the U.S. taxpayers pay his family’s expenses, including maids. How can such luxury be considered a simple life? Ambassador Locke, why haven’t you disclosed these [facts]? Disclosing only coffee [Locke attempted to buy coffee with a coupon at the airport on his way to Beijing] and economy class [Locke used economy class when he travelled to China with his family and travels inside China using economy class] is done only for show! It is futile to package Locke as a commoner.” Beijing Daily added its comment, “Locke, please disclose your assets.”

Chinese netizens found out that Locke’s assets were already available on the Internet. They then urged Beijing Daily to issue a commentary asking Chinese officials to disclose their personal assets.

Source: China Review News, May 15, 2012

Central Government Owned Enterprises Only Submit a Tiny Portion of Their Profits to the Government

On May 14, 2012, Study Times, the publication of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, reprinted an article originally published on March 25, 2012, in Southern Metropolis Daily. The article questioned the whereabouts of the huge profits that the enterprises that China’s central government owns have earned.

According to the article, at the start of 2012, the central government owned 963 enterprises, a few more than last year. In 2011, the net profit from these enterprises was 852.27 billion yuan (US$134.9 billion). However, they only submitted 75.736 billion yuan of their profits to the government and project they will only submit 82.3 billion yuan in 2012. That means that each central government owned enterprise submits less than 100 million yuan per year to the government. Yet even the Agricultural Bank, one of the least profitable central government owned enterprises in China, made 300 million yuan per day. The article concluded with a question: “We would like to ask these central government owned enterprises: ‘Where do your profits go?’”

Source: Study Times, May 14, 2012

Wang Yang: It Is Wrong to Say ‘the Party Bestows People’s Happiness’

On May 10, 2012, Xinhua reprinted an article that China Youth Daily originally published, titled “It Is Wrong to Say ‘The Party or the Government Bestows People’s Happiness.’”

One day earlier, on May 9, 2012, Wang Yang, the Guangdong Provincial Party Secretary and a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, delivered a speech in Guangzhou at the opening of the Guangdong Provincial Chinese Communist Party 11th Congress. Wang stressed the role of people in "shaping history" and called on officials to break with a "wrong notion that it is the Party or the government that bestows people with happiness." “People are the main body for building up their well-being. They need a space to freely create happiness. The responsibility of the Party and the government is to give them the space and the freedom.”

Source: Xinhua, May 10, 2012

People’s Daily on Political Reform in China

On May 14, 2012, People’s Daily published an article on the subject of political reform in China. It stated, “The unswerving goal of the Party and the country is to actively and prudently promote political reform and develop socialist democratic politics.” The article explained that the "two aspects of political reform" are to “restrain power” and to “guarantee rights.” According to the article, what “restraining power" refers to is the supervision and control of public authorities,” and  to “‘guarantee rights’ means to respect and enrich citizens’ rights.”

Source: People’s Daily, May 14, 2012

Xinhua: Former Federal Reserve Official Criticized the U.S. Government for Manipulating the Dollar

On May 14, 2012, Xinhua reported that Herman Cain, former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and former Republican Presidential candidate, commented on the Federal Reserve System. Cain said, "the present U.S. monetary system is an abysmal failure by any objective measure." He expressed the belief that the Fed is manipulating the dollar and that the United States should roll back to the Gold Standard. Cain wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal saying that “it is not the people of the Fed, but the actual structure, that needs reform. Our liberty and prosperity depend on it.” For the last 40 years in Washington, regulate has meant manipulate, with the Federal Reserve raising and lowering interest rates and buying and selling assets at its own discretion. Since the beginning of the global financial crisis, the Federal Reserve has lowered the interest rate to 0.25%. All the Fed’s recent rounds of “Quantitative Easing (QE)” efforts have cast a negative image on the Federal Reserve inside and outside of the United States.

Sources: Xinhua, May 14, 2012

Wall Street Journal, May 13, 2012
"Herman Cain: We Need a Dollar as Good as Gold,"

Tourism Administration: Chinese Tourists in the Philippines are Returning Home

On May 13, 2012, China’s National Tourism Administration announced that, after the government released a travel safety advisory, Chinese tourist groups in the Philippines have been speeding up the process of returning home. According to the records of the Tourism Administration, there were 682 tourists in the Philippines on May 13, 2012, and there will be 211 people on May 14 and 15. Most of the Chinese travel agencies have stopped sending travel groups (to the Philippines) or have even stopped accepting applications. Tourist flights from major cities like Beijing and Shanghai to Boracay, Philippines have all been cancelled. Based on statistics, China is one of the Philippines major sources of tourism. It has more than 1 million Chinese visitors every year.

Source: Official Site of Chinese Central Government, May 13, 2012

Qiu Shi: The West Discredits Chinese State-Owned Enterprises

Qiu Shi, a magazine of the CCP Central Committee, published an article that accused the West of giving Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOE’s) a bad name. The article claimed that there has been a recent wave of propaganda in the West suggesting that the Chinese government subsidizes SOE’s. This practice introduces unfair competition into international trade and hurts China’s trading partners. However, the author attempted to justify the dominance of SOE’s in the key industries by referring to existence of SOE’s in the history of Western capitalism. The author expressed that the West just does not feel happy about the fact that some Chinese state-owned companies are too large and too successful for them to be able to compete. The article concluded that China should keep backing these companies.

Source: Qiu Shi, May 10, 2012