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Beijing Daily: Raising High the Banner of Patriotism

Beijing has undergone great difficulty recently in the arena of morality as the Bo Xilai and Chen Guangcheng cases have publicly exposed both corruption and human rights violations. On May 11, 2012, Xinhua republished a Beijing Daily article, stating, “China’s development needs a ‘patriotic faction.’” It said that currently in China, patriotism has been criticized and ridiculed. China must form a common understanding at a high level that patriotism is a core value that all Chinese must defend.

The article expressed criticism because “some people are obsessed with ‘universal values’ and with being ‘world citizens,’ but they forget that, in the first place, they are Chinese. These people have sold their souls, forgotten their ancestors, and served as servants of the West.” “While these people are usually very corrupt inside, they promote moral standards. … On the Internet, they post many anti-China statements and cover it up with a high moral appeal. Some even use the format of cursing and spreading rumors, creating a very bad influence on others. … It has been proven that those who betray their country and sell out their country have no morals at all.”

Source: Xinhua, May 11, 2012

Zhou Yongkang Attended the Xinjiang Electricity Delivery Project Opening Ceremony

Both Xinhua and People’s Daily reported that, on May 13, 2012, Zhou Yongkang attended the opening ceremony of the “Xinjiang Electricity Delivery” project at Bayinguoleng Prefecture, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Zhou is a member of the Politburo Standing Committee and the head of the Political and Legal Committee. He is widely reported to have been closely connected with Bo Xilai.

The “Xinjiang Electricity Delivery” project starts from Hami, Xinjiang and ends at Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. When completed, it will deliver ten million kilowatts of electricity to Central China.

Source: Xinhua, May 13 2012
People’s Daily Online, May 14, 2012

Beijing Takes Tough Stance on Scarborough Shoal

After being enmeshed in the Bo Xilai incident and the Chen Guangcheng escape to the U.S. Embassy for a few months, last week, Beijing took a tougher stance against the Philippines on the issue of the sovereignty of Huangyan Island (known as the Scarborough Shoal internationally) in the South China Sea. Both China and the Philippines claim ownership of the area; in the past month, the tension between the two countries has been escalating, including the involvement of navy ships.

On May 7, Fu Ying, China’s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs called a meeting with Alex Chua, Charge D’affaires of the Philippine Embassy in China. Fu made a serious representation over the current situation at Huangyan Island. She stated that the Chinese side has made all necessary preparations to respond in case the Philippine side caused the situation to escalate.

On May 8, People’s Daily published a commentary titled “When it is intolerable, there is no need for restraint. China does not mind creating a Huangyan Island Model.” It stated, “When others challenge us, especially on matters related to territorial integrity, national dignity, and social stability, we must take action to destroy this ‘unhealthy trend’ and win ourselves a harmonious and stable environment.” “There is a limit to how much generosity we can demonstrate. When it’s intolerable, then there is no need for restraint.” “Facing this opponent, we have enough wisdom and also enough means to make it surrender without a war.” Though the article used the words, "make it surrender without a war," the entire tone of the article hinted at a direct confrontation with the Philippines.

Sources: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Website, May 8, 2012
Peoples’ Daily, May 8, 2012

China’s Relies on Imports for over 56 Percent of Its Oil and Iron Ore

On May 10, 2011, China’s Ministry of Land and Resources issued the “2011 China’s Land and Resources Report.” The report revealed that China relies on imports for over 56 percent of all of the oil and iron ore it uses. The report stated, “In 2011, the total foreign trade in mineral products amounted to US$957.1 billion, which was a 34.3 percent increase over the previous year; imports increased 34.5, while exports increased 33.9 percent.”

Source: People’s Daily, May 10, 2012

Minister of Civil Affairs: Human Rights NGOs Receive Equal Treatment

China’s State Council Information Office recently held a press conference on non-governmental organizations (NGOs, also called social organizations in China). Li Liguo, China’s Minister of Civil Affairs, who spoke at the press conference, stated that, when NGOS register directly with the government to obtain legal status, the authorities treat them all equally. “Social organizations under the categories of politics and human rights are treated equally for the purpose of registration. They are then reviewed in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in terms of the preconditions for their establishment, the need for their establishment, the mission for their activities, and their impact on economic and social development.” Currently, as a prerequisite, before a social organization can register with the government, it must find a governmental body to oversee its activities. According to Li, in the second half of last year in some cities, public social organizations started to register directly with the government without having a governmental body to oversee them.

Source: Xinhua, May 8, 2012

Huanqiu: A signal that All Foreign Correspondents in China Can Understand

Huanqiu published a commentary on the Qatar Television (the Al Jazeera TV Channel) shut down of the Beijing office for its English channel. Recently the Chinese authorities did not extend the visa for its correspondent, a Chinese American female, or allow a replacement. The Huanqiu reporter learned from foreign correspondents in Beijing that this Chinese American correspondent held “radical political views.” “The denial of her visa extension sent a signal to foreign correspondents in Beijing that those who have been stationed in Beijing for a long time should be able to understand. … If a foreign correspondent cannot manage to stay in China, we can only guess that she has probably gone too far. … We know that Chinese officials are increasingly active in their cooperation with foreign media. It is the foreign media that should take a more objective and balanced manner when dealing with China.” Finally the commentary suggested that the Qatar correspondent should reflect on what she has done in China.

(Editor’s note: According to the New York Times, it is surmised that Melissa Chan, the correspondent for Al-Jazeera, angered the Chinese by publishing a documentary on re-education through labor camps).

Sources: Huanqiu, May 9, 2012
New York Times, China Expels Al Jazeera Channel
Al-Jazeera, Slavery: A 21st Centry Evil"

Chinese Scholar: International and Domestic Opportunities and Challenges for China

[Editor’s Note: Qiushi Theory recently published a thesis by Li Shenming, who is the Deputy President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. [1] Li discussed the opportunities and challenges that China faces in both the international and the domestic arenas and from the political and economic points of view. Li proposed specific strategies for China to undertake in responding to these challenges. He predicted that the global socialist movement will make more progress in the coming years and that, by 2050, “global socialism will once again shine brightly.” Some of the data that Li referenced are a few years old, but his points are still valid. The following is an excerpt from Li’s article.]

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China Youth Daily Publishes Commentary on Studying the “Cultural Revolution”

China Youth Daily, one of the top news dailies under the CCP’s Youth League, published a commentary titled “The ‘Cultural Revolution’ Should Be Written into Textbooks.” The article stated,“The ghost of the ‘cultural revolution’ has been haunting us, even though the central government passed a resolution that the ‘cultural revolution’ (must be) completely expunged. In recent years, its ghost has become a shadow that appears in front of us now and then. Some scholars even publicly endorse the ‘cultural revolution’ and publish articles trying to reverse the resolution. Such voices on the Internet have become ever more frequent. … Even more horrifying is that people publicly support an aspiration to revive the ‘cultural revolution.’ Songs and model plays related to the ‘cultural revolution’ are regarded as red classics. On a number of occasions, the image of red guards has also appeared, swaggering around in public.”

The article lamented that “Most surprisingly, the younger generation’s sees the ‘cultural revolution’ as having a completely positive image.” Over a long period of time, whether it’s in movies, TV shows, novels, dramas, or poems, articles are all trying to avoid the ‘cultural revolution.’ In textbooks, the ‘cultural revolution’ is only a few ambiguous sentences. In the universities and research institutes, a few people who stubbornly insist on studying the ‘cultural revolution’ are considered a strange group.”

The article pointed out that “to truly learn the lessons from the ‘cultural revolution,’ one must meticulously and carefully study it. … It’s an urgent matter to start to solidify our textbooks right away. (We should) tell our offspring the original history; let them know the disaster of the ‘cultural revolution’ that research has already demonstrated.

Source: China Youth Daily, May 9, 2012