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Wen Jiabao: China Will Face Bigger Challenges in 2012

On the eve of the New Year, the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council held a joint Chinese New Years’ event in the Great Hall of the People. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a speech at the gathering. “The new year is an important year in the course of the development of our country. We will strengthen and improve macro-control, continue to maintain rapid economic development and stable prices, accelerate the transformation of development patterns, adjust the economic structure, improve the coordination and sustainability of development, push harder on the reform and opening up, continuously increase the vitality and momentum of economic and social development, and place more importance on protecting and improving people’s livelihoods to let the people share in the achievements of the reform and development!”

Wen stated, "We are going to face bigger challenges in the new year."

Source: Xinhua, January 21, 2012

Globe Magazine: On Dealing with Neighboring Countries

[Editor’s Note: Globe Magazine, under the official Xinhua News Agency, published an article discussing how China should deal with its neighboring countries. The article recommended that China adopt new approaches in dealing with its neighbors. It argued that “goodwill that is one-sided (from China) may not bring about harmony with our neighbors,” and suggested that “sometimes certain altercations (with the neighbors) are appropriate and can foster the return of peace.” The following is a translation of the article.] [1]

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It Is the Party That Develops and Spreads Mainstream Socialist Culture

Study Times published an article on the Communist Party’s objective of developing and promoting its mainstream culture. According to the article, the key to enhancing China’s soft power “is to develop and nurture our own mainstream culture that is attractive, appealing, and easy to spread.”

“In today’s society, the socialist mainstream culture in our country is the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics that is guided by Marxism, drawn from the fine traditional Chinese culture and the fine cultural heritage of the world, [maintains] the advanced nature and the spirit of contemporary times, and serves the people.” The article expressed the belief that the mainstream culture must be heavily promoted and marketed in order to ensure that the people accept it. “Moreover, [we] should have brand-name mainstream culture products to effectively take over the international culture market, win over international consumers, and ultimately improve the position of our mainstream culture in the world’s culture and enhance the our country’s cultural soft power.” 

Source: Study Times, January 16, 2012

The State to Dominate China’s Culture Industry

Study Times recently published an article on the promotion of the reform and development of Chinese culture based on the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. “In recent years, the State has launched a series of policies on the culture industry in order to establish an environment in which culture enterprises can grow and be innovative, and where cultural innovation and vitality are protected. It can now be said that a culture industry has been formed. It is one that is under the guidance of the State, with enterprises dominating the coordination of production and research, for the purpose of developing a culture industry that is dominated by State ownership with diverse ownership being responsible for co-development.”

Source: Study Times, January 16, 2012

The Political Factor behind the Downgrade of European Countries’ Credit Ratings

An article published on the People’s Daily’s website comments on Standard & Poor’s motivation for the recent downgrade of European countries’ credit ratings. The article suggested that the downgrade increased the complexity of resolving Europe’s debt crisis and that it is now more than a simple financial move. The article said, “Britain’s debt crisis is rarely discussed in media reports, but Britain is a country heavily dependent on finances. Its debt crisis is no less severe than in any other country. However, Britain is the closest ally of the United States. [Therefore,] it is almost impossible to downgrade Britain’s credit rating.

“Austria was downgraded unexpectedly, but looking at it from a political angle, Austria has been Germany’s most intimate friend. Therefore, America’s Standard & Poor’s downgrade of Austria’s credit rating can have the effect of giving Germany a warning.

“Downgrading France appears to be reasonable, but it is actually still politically motivated. It has very little effect on the French government’s borrowing costs, but it can have a dire consequence for Sarkozy’s reelection efforts.

“Standard & Poor’s downgrade of European countries’ credit ratings is actually to pave the way for America’s QE3. The voice from the U.S. Federal Reserve for starting QE3 has never stopped; it is, in fact, showing recent signs of heating up. There is not much time left for Obama (to start QE3 before the election in November). Therefore, he needs to hurry up to take action.”

Source: People’s Daily, January 19, 2012

China Signs Currency Swap Deal with U’

In the latest indication of the growing political and economic links between Beijing and countries in the oil-rich Gulf region, China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed a multi-billion dollar currency swap deal. The swap, valued at RMB35bn ($5.5bn), is the latest in a string of currency deals China has agreed to with foreign nations. It is effective for three years and will allow the central banks to draw on the local currency facility to ease bilateral trade. The announcement, which came as Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited the UAE for the first time as part of a three country tour of Gulf oil states, acts as both a political statement to bolster China’s ties to the UAE, and a pragmatic measure to increase business with the Gulf’s regional trade hub.

Source: People’s Daily, January 18, 2012

Communist Party Preparing for its 18th Congress

In preparation for the Party’s 18th National Congress, an unidentified senior official from the Communist Party’s Organization Department stated in an interview with Xinhua that representatives from the front line grassroots will account for more than 32% of the total representatives and Party leaders at various levels will account for no more than 68%. There will be a significant increase in representatives of the workers working in national State-owned enterprises. Of the total representatives who are from provinces, districts, and cities, about 10% will be workers.

The representatives will come from about 3,890,000 local Party organizations with over 80 million Party members. According to the Party official, there will be 2,270 representatives attending the 18th National Congress of the Party, 50 more than the number that attended the 17th National Congress. “The representatives to the 18th national Congress must be the outstanding elements of the Party. [We emphasize that they must be politically advanced, which means] the representatives must hold firm beliefs [in Communism], be politically correct, have good character, excellent job performance, and a strong ability to perform their duties as representative.”

Source: Qiushi, January 13, 2012

The U.S. Return to Asia Will Have a Profound Impact on the Global Economic Structure

Qiushi published an article commenting on the strategic intention of the U.S. in returning to Asia and the impact of that return on the global economic structure. The article stated, “(First), the U.S.’s strategic goal in returning to Asia is to further fortify its dominant position in currency. Imposing political and economic pressure on China will force the Chinese Reminbi to appreciate.

“The second goal of the U.S. return to Asia is to create an Asian Pacific free trade area that the U.S. controls. Due to the direct intervention of the U.S., the Asian Pacific region will be divided. For example, Japan may choose to leave the East Asian Community and, instead, join the TPP, in which China does not participate. If the U.S. will succeed in controlling a free trade region that is the size of 35.5 percent of the global economy, it will have no other trade competitor in the world. “Currently, the competition between the China-Asean Free Trade Area model and the TPP model that the U.S. promotes has become the inevitable focus. Apparently, in the trade arena, the U.S. return to Asia directly targets China. It will isolate China in trade, impact the trade structure of Asian countries, and even have a huge impact on the global trade structure in exports.

“[Lastly], the U.S. return to Asia is advantageous to its long-term plan in the area of high-end industries. By returning to Asia, the U.S. completely suppresses China as well as Asian countries’ new energy enterprises. The U.S.’s intention is to attack China’s economic capability of competitiveness and grab China’s market and resources.”

Source: Qiushi, January 13, 2012