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China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Denied Martial Law in Hong Kong

Although a report was made that China is planning to impose martial law in Hong Kong, at her news conference on August 2, China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying denied it.

A question was asked, “According to a report, some staff members in Hong Kong’s public services are planning to gather at Central in Hong Kong tonight to request the withdrawal of the Extradition Bill. Some information has been reported that the Hong Kong government will, on August 4, use this as a reason to request China’s army at the Hong Kong garrison to implement martial law and clean out the consulate staffs of the U.S. and European countries in Hong Kong as well as people holding U.S. and U.K. passports. What is China’s response to this hearsay?”

Hua answered, “You called this hearsay. I can tell you clearly that this is not just hearsay; it is a complete rumor!” Hua then went on to repeat China’s usual comment about the Hong Kong movement and blasted the U.S. and other Western countries for stirring up fire in Hong Kong.

Source: Foreign Ministry website, August 2, 2019

Epoch Times: A Princeling Revealed the CCP’s Internal Fight on the Hong Kong Issue

A princeling (the second generation of high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials) gave the Epoch Times some insider information about the CCP’s political in-fighting on the Hong Kong movement.

“Some (top CCP officials) tried to stir things up to force Xi Jinping to make mistakes. They hoped Xi would order firing on people and create another June 4th event in Hong Kong. Some suggested using force and the military, or even having the military take control. All of these schemes were to set Xi up.”

“Xi was very clear about their agenda. He set a big principle that there would be no blood and another June 4th event would be avoided at any cost. He was very firm on this. He made three points: no matter what happened in Hong Kong, ‘It is not allowed to shed blood, not allowed to use guns, and not allowed to use the military stationed in Hong Kong.’ He wanted to quiet down the event.”

Chen Daoxiang, Commander of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) stationed in Hong Kong, met David Helvey, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian & Pacific Security Affairs, U.S. Department of Defense, on June 13. Chen forwarded Xi’s message, stating that Beijing would not use the military.

“Xi is observing, who is doing what in Hong Kong affairs. This might eventually lead to a fight between the anti-Xi group and Xi’s group.”

In addition, “there are CCP spies who came in as protesters, trying to stir things up. The bigger the event, the harder it is to resolve, the better for the anti-X group.”

“After Xi Jinping compromised with Jiang Zemin’s group (Jiang is the former CCP leader; he tried to grab power after his retirement and thus created friction between himself and his successors) at the CCP 19th National Congress, Xi started getting into trouble. Xi agreed not to take down Jiang and his right-hand man Zeng Qinghong. However, from time to time, Jiang and Zeng have tried to create problems for Xi. The Hong Kong turmoil benefits Jiang and Zeng. The two factions of Jiang and Xi have been fighting over Hong Kong.”

“Xi wants to keep Carrie Lam in her position and does not want to make a big change in Hong Kong.”

“As for the officials from Beijing’s offices who are stationed in Hong Kong, including the CCP Liaison Office in Hong Kong and the State Council’s Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, more than a dozen were punished, and some were even dismissed. The CCP was tough on its own officials but wants to Keep Carrie Lam.”

Source: Epoch Times, July 20, 2019

RFA: CCP Encourages Party Members to Invest in the Stock Market

Amid the stagnant, weak stock market, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently issued an order to encourage party members to invest in the stock market.

Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported that, in the past, Beijing had discouraged people working in the government from buying stock. On June 24, however, Beijing asked them to invest in the stock market. The CCP Central Committee for Disciplinary Investigation’s (CCDI’s) website claimed, “The stock market is a main component of China’s socialist market economic system. For the staff members of the party and the government to invest their legally-obtained property in the stock market will support our country’s development. Party cadres can legally invest in legitimate stock transactions.”

People commented that this indicates that the CCP is desperate to inject money into China’s stock market and at this time they are looking at party members’ money. Some also pointed out that this gives the party members a money laundering opportunity so they can cleanse their illegal money.

Source: RFA, June 25, 2019

Expert: How to Stop Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Organ Harvesting

The Independent People’s Tribunal in London pronounced its verdict on June 17, saying that the CCP is still conducting organ harvesting from dissidents, especially the Falun Gong practitioners and the Uyghurs. The Epoch Times interviewed Ethan Gutmann, founder of the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC) on how to stop the CCP’s organ harvesting.

Gutmann believes that there is ample evidence of the CCP’s organ harvesting. What the world needs now is action. “Will (the People’s Tribunal verdict) mean that more countries will prohibit their citizens from going to China for an organ transplant? “I hope so,” said Gutmann. Will this mean more countries will stand up to oppose the CCP’s actions? “I very much hope so.” The London Tribunal has pointed out that if you trade with the CCP, you are trading with a criminal state. I hope the verdict will cause the world to cut ties with the Chinese doctors who conduct organ transplants.”

Gutmann explained what cutting ties means: Chinese doctors doing organ transplants are not welcome at Western conferences and cannot publish articles in Western medical magazines, receive Western training, or buy equipment. Western medicine companies should stop clinical trials in China.

Gutmann believes that cutting ties is the most powerful means that the West can use.

He also pointed out that cutting ties would mean the CCP will lose a lot of money which is what the CCP really cares about. “If the Western pharmaceutical industry wants people to buy medicine from China, people must first have a high confidence in China’s medical system. If people lose that confidence because of the organ harvesting, the CCP’s ability to make money will be impacted dramatically.”

Source: Epoch Times, June 30, 2019

China’s Companies Are Facing Credit Default Challenges

The 21st Century Business Herald reported that 96 businesses suffered credit defaults for a total valuation of 66.8 billion yuan (US$ 9.7 billion) in the first six months of 2019, a 263 percent increase from the same period in 2018.

Some analysts think this is the continuation of the credit default wave outburst from the second half of last year, which reached 100 billion yuan in that period.

CITIC Securities analyst Lv Pin warned about the increasing risk of credit defaults in the coming months, since companies are facing more difficulties in getting new money to pay back their debts. “The speed of credit defaults in the second half of this year may increase for the following reasons: First, the market is re-assessing (downgrading) the credit rating of many institutions. Second, the market is tightening the requirements for securing properties when issuing loans to companies that have a low credit rating. Third, the special ways of issuing bonds in the past may no longer continue, which will make bond issuance harder.”

Source: 21st Century Business Herald, July 2

Taiwan Professor: The CCP’s Sharp Power Is Reaching Taiwan’s Local Radio Stations

Professor Hong-zen Wang of National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, wrote an article to alarm people that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) infiltration in Taiwan has reached local radio stations that broadcast in the Taiwanese language.

In Taiwan, major radio stations speak mandarin, the official language. Some smaller local stations broadcast in Taiwanese, the main local language. Hosts of these stations normally have audience members call in to order songs to play. Most of the songs that are ordered are in Taiwanese, while some are in Mandarin. Usually the old songs are from before the 1980s because the people who call in tend to be in their 50’s or older and they became used to listening to the radio and listening to those songs when they were younger.

However, in the past six months, Professor Wang has been hearing newer Mandarin songs. They are songs from the mainland and he is not familiar with them at all. One song said “riding a train to Lhasa” (the song portrayed the Tibetan people as having a good life under the CCP’s leadership). Professor Wang questioned why any Taiwanese would listen to this song or agree with the message, though the host claimed that someone asked for it.

A radio host mentioned on his radio program that he had a work experience exchange with radio hosts in Shanghai and found out that radio hosts in the mainland spend only an hour on the radio program and that the rest of the time involves administrative work. (Professor Wang was surprised that this kind of exchange took place.)

The author pointed out, “This is a real case in which the CCP’s sharp power has invaded in Taiwan; it is similar to social media brainwashing. It starts with non-political activities and then will exercise its influence when it is time to vote. Establishing and growing a social media group takes two to three years to do, but taking over the Taiwanese radio stations is much faster. All the CCP needs to do is to buy the board of directors (of the stations). Then the CCP inherits a group of loyal listeners. The scariest thing is that we don’t even know how this change actually happened.”

Source: Voice Tank, June 11, 2019

New Plan from Hong Kong: Withdraw Cash from Bank of China

RFI reported that protesters in Hong Kong have called for a new action this weekend: withdraw cash from the Bank of China.

As the anti-extradition bill movement continues in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong people raised “Five Major Requests” for the response of the authorities.
1. Remove the extradition bill;
2. Retract the “riot” declaration;
3. Investigate the police accountability in firing at people (on June 12);
4. Do not prosecute protesters; and
5. Carrie Lam should resign.

Some protesters called for an action to target Chinese banks to apply pressure to Beijing.

The plan was passed among people via an Internet platform Telegram. On Twitter, the plan is called “Everyone to Withdraw Cash: Send the Bank of China Back to China.” The announcement requests the Hong Kong government respond to each and every item of the “five major requests” by 6 p.m. on Friday July 12. Otherwise, it calls for everyone to take their money out of the Bank of China.

The announcement pointed out that withdrawing money does not break the law and should not be investigated or result in arrest. Nor should the authorities go after anyone after the event is settled. Withdrawal will start on the morning of July 13. The location will be announced on the TG channel on the evening of July 12. If there is no announcement, people should go to Bank of China’s branches near their homes.

Source: RFI, July 8, 2019港澳台/20190708-香港反送中新计划全民到中国银行取钱测试其压力

China’s Spokesperson for the Foreign Affairs Ministry: The U.K. Foreign Minister Is Talking Nonsense

On July 3, after the U.K. Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, made comments about “serious consequences” if Beijing breaches the legally binding joint agreement between the U.K. and China over Hong Kong, Geng Shuang, the spokesperson for China’s Foreign Affairs Ministry countered.

Xinhua summarized Geng’s statement as follows: Hong Kong affairs have to do purely with China’s internal affairs; the hope is that the United Kingdom will stop overestimating its capabilities to violently interfere in Hong Kong affairs.

Geng made the following statements in his answer to a reporter’s question on China’s response to Hunt’s comments.

“First, after Hong Kong was returned to China, all the rights and responsibilities that the U.K. had over Hong Kong, as defined in the Joint Declaration of the U.K. and China, were completed. Since July 1, 1999, China has been executing its sovereignty over Hong Kong following its Constitution and the Basic Law of Hong Kong. The U.K. has no sovereignty, administrative rights, or monitoring rights over Hong Kong. It is the self-inflated dream that the U.K. is playing as the ‘guardian’ of Hong Kong.

“Second, it is a sheer lie that the freedom of Hong Kong residents was obtained through the U.K.’s efforts. I remind Mr. Hunt, there was no democracy in Hong Kong under the British rule. It was (China) that guaranteed Hong Kong residents their democracy rights and their freedom.

“Third, the violent rush into the Legislation Council on July 1 is a severe law-violation event that breaks the law and damages the social order. It was like claiming black is white when Mr. Hunt says the Hong Kong government is ‘suppressing.’

“Last, I want to stress that Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China. Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affair. We resolutely will not allow any government, organization, or individual to brutally intervene. We hope the British government, especially Mr. Hunt, will not overestimate its own capability and violently interfere in Hong Kong affairs. It will be in vain.”

Source: Xinhua, July 3, 2019