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Pandemic: COVID Spread to Henan and Zhejiang Province

After Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province was fully locked down on December 23, 2021, COVID-19 kept spreading in China. On January 2, 2022, Yuzhou City, Henan Province, with a population
of 1.1 million, became the second city that was fully locked down.  Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan Province, locked down certain areas of the city. It also blocked any automobiles
which had license plates for Xi’an, Yuzhou, and two other Henan cities, Luoyang and Xu Chang, both also reported that COVID cases were prevented from entering the city. Ningbo City,
Zhejiang Province also reported COVID cases.
Related postings on Chinascope:

1. BBC, January 5, 2022
2. National Business Daily, January 4, 2022

Pandemic: Xi’an Locked Down

Recently Xi’an City in Shaanxi Province suffered a severe COVID-19 outbreak. On December 28, the authorities reported 175 infection cases in the city, though the actual numbers are unknown as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is known for hiding COVID information.

As of December 30, the city had been locked down for eight days. The streets are empty and people are not allowed to go out. This is exactly like what had happened in Wuhan in 2020. Many people reported that they are running out of food,  though the government promised there will be ample supplies. In reality, however, they can’t get online to place orders or they have been able to place orders but there have been no deliveries.

People’s Daily reported on December 28, that the authorities sent over 150 military medical staff members to Xi’an and many of them had gone to Wuhan before during its lockdown.

Related postings on Chinascope:

Source: SET News, December 27, 2021西安封城市民爆要斷糧了-解放軍進駐-024527255.html

Number of Auctioned Houses Reached Four Times the Level in 2015

An article on the Zhihu site reported that, according to the China Securities Journal, the number of court auctioned houses in 2021 has increased substantially. In 2015 it was only 500,000. In 2021 the number reached 2 million or around four  times as much.

In Beijing alone, in the first eleven months of this year, 4,909 houses were auctioned. The number was around 500 in the previous year. The sales price averaged 79 percent of the “normal” price.

The author commented that this is not a good sign since the owners are unable to make their payments on the mortgages and thus the banks have had the courts take over the houses by force in order to sell them.

Source: Zhihu, December 30, 2021

Subnational Infiltration: Using Western Countries’ Local Governments to Counter the State’s Policy

The Voice of America (VOA)  published an article that discussed two research reports exploring the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) subnational infiltration of Western countries. According to the reports, in a systematic way, the CCP takes advantage of the pluralistic and decentralized nature of the Western political system to rope in and encourage local governments to confront and dismantle, at the sub-national level, their state’s negative policies toward China. The VOA called it “encircling the cities from rural areas,” a military strategy that the CCP used to win the civil war in China in the late 1940’s.

In the U.S., the CCP’s strategy is to bypass Washington and to target the governors, mayors, and non-governmental organizations directly. The purpose is to foster a positive connection between Beijing and the local officials or organizations.

The two reports refer to the “All Over the Map” strategy. This strategy addresses the Chinese Communist Party’s “subnational Interests in the United States” as reported by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) and the “Big fish in small ponds strategy,” which is China’s subnational diplomacy in Europe” as discussed in an article by the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS).

The FDD report states that China has a long history of trying to influence local governments in the United States, including through events and forums that promote U.S.-China relations and friendship cities (or sister cities), Internet forums, governors’ forums, and other examples. Though at the national level, the U.S., holds a critical attitude toward Beijing, the National Governors Association expresses positive descriptions about Beijing.

The MERICS article pointed out that, within the five biggest member countries of the European Union – Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Poland, local governments have established 146 partnerships with the CCP. In many situations, Beijing or its entities can sign investment or cooperation treaties with Europen cities or regions, which usually do not need the central government’s participation.

Source: VOA, December 7, 2021

China Is Shipping Goods over Land

Due to COVID and the container shortage, the global supply chain has been problematic for quite some time. Shipping over land has become a new option for supply chain companies.

The path from China to Southeast Asia occurs as follows: Container trucks deliver the containers to the Kunming train station. The trains ship the containers to Vientiane in Laos in 20 to 24 hours, and then trucks deliver them to the target regions, such as Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, and even Singapore. The total duration is about a week and the cost is half that of an of air shipment.

The path from China to Europe is as follows: The container truck delivers the containers to the Chengdu train station or Shanghai train station, and then a train ships the containers to European countries via the Siberian Railway. It takes about two weeks to deliver them.

Source: Sing Tao Daily, December 13, 2021

Pandemic: COVID Spreads to Xi’an

COVID-19 continued spreading in China. The National Health Commission reported 100 cases on December 22, among which, 71 were local residents and the rest were carried in from overseas. Xi’an city, Shaanxi Province reported 63 cases. The CCP is known for hiding information, so the actual infection count is unknown.

Xi’an city had infection cases for several days. Authorities locked down certain areas and then conducted testing for all residents in Xi’an. They found infection cases outside of the lockdown areas – meaning the virus could still spread. The authorities locked down more areas and started the second round of testing the whole city. The authorities also stopped long-distance buses and forbade taxis and mobile-app taxis from going into high-risk areas or going out of the city.

Related postings on Chinascope:

Source: Reuters, December 22, 2021《疫情简讯》中国大陆新增71例本土确诊病例九成仍在西安;西安第二轮核酸筛查发现阳-idCNL4S2T73T

Taiwan: The CCP Interfered with a Taiwan Referendum

On December 18, Taiwan held four referendums. The Kuomintang, the opposition party, proposed all four of them to challenge the current administration’s decision. The voting result, though close between yes and no, rejected all proposals.

The Information Operations Research Group (IORG), a Taipei-based research group focusing on the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) information manipulation and influence over Taiwan, found that the CCP conducted a heavy information war on one of the referendum topics: whether to ban imports of pork containing the leanness-enhancing additive ractopamine.

Researchers pointed out that the CCP took on the ractopamine pork issue to ruin the Taiwan-U.S. relationship. The Taiwan government approved the pork imports last year, to remove a block for a free trade deal with the U.S. where ractopamine is widely used.

The IORG report found that from April to November this year, there were eight main hot discussions on the referendums and all of them could be traced back to the CCP. Among them, seven were about the ractopamine pork. On April 10, Beijing’s media started spreading a rumor that “the U.S. gets money from Taiwan by selling ractopamine pork and weapons.” In May, when COVID cases increased in Taiwan, the CCP’s media said, “Even after buying the U.S. ractopamine pork and weapons, Taiwan still cannot get COVID vaccine from the U.S.” After the U.S. announced that it would donate 750,000 doses of vaccine to Taiwan, the CCP changed its story line to, “Because Taiwan bought the American ractopamine pork and weapons, it should get the American vaccines.”

Other CCP information manipulation on ractopamine pork included spreading incorrect or fake news without scientific backing. Some examples follow: “Hong Kong detected Taiwan pork with ractopamine severely exceeding the standard.” “Taiwan soldiers ate the American ractopamine pork,” “Over 160 countries banned ractopamine pork,” “Following netizen’s words, China’s media called the ractopamine pork ‘drugs.’”

Related postings on Chinascope:

Source: VOA, December 16, 2021

Some Provinces in China Cut Government Employees Salaries

Some Chinese netizens posted on the Internet that, starting in December, civil servants in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, and Fujian Provinces received notices of pay cuts of about twenty to thirty percent. Scholars believe that this phenomenon reflects the severity of China’s economic challenge, since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) puts the “officials (government employees)” in a much higher class than the normal citizens.

Some examples shared on the Internet include: the annual salary of a police station chief in Shanghai dropped from 350,000 yuan (US$ 55,000) to less than 200,000 yuan, and the salary of a civil servant was reduced from 240,000 yuan to 150,000 yuan. Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province announced cuts in staff positions as well as salaries without giving out reasons. Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai cut the performance bonus for civil servants, causing people’s annual income dropped from 300,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan, and in some cases, from 200,000 yuan to 150,000 yuan. Certain areas in Guangdong Province have stopped distributing civil servants’ subsidies for two months and teachers’ subsidies for one month.

According to Henan Business Daily, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection responded to an inquiry by saying that civil servants who drive taxis or deliver food after work are not considered disciplinary offences. Some netizens view this as the authorities allowing or encouraging ordinary civil servants to take part-time jobs in other industries after work.

Source: Radio Free Asia, December 9, 2021