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Beijing Passed a “Maritime Traffic Safety Law,” Regulating Submarines and Nuclear Ships

In April, Beijing passed the “Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China” and started enforcing it on September 1.  According to the law, five types of foreign ships entering China’s territorial waters need to report to China’s Maritime Administration, including: submarines; nuclear-powered ships; ships carrying radioactive substances; ships carrying toxic and harmful substances such as oil, chemicals and liquefied gases in bulk; and other ships that may endanger the safety of China’s maritime traffic as stipulated by laws, administrative regulations or the State Council.

Beijing has taken several coral reef islands in the South China Sea and built them into permanent islands, thus expanding its claim to territorial water deep into South China Sea. Observers pointed out that the first two items in its must-report list – submarines and nuclear-powered ships – are likely to refer to U.S. naval ships.

Source: United Daily News, August 30, 2021

The CCP’s Propaganda Media Teaches U.S. Children about Critical Race Theory

The Mythinformed Tweeter reported that the China Global Television Network (CGTN), owned by the China Central Television (CCTV) has produced a cartoon to teach American children about Critical Race Theory. The cartoon said, “Racism is passed down from generation to generation.” It also has a scene showing a white boy telling a black boy, “You can’t be Spider-Man, you are black.” About that statement, in an article from Epoch Times a netizen points out, “The CCP did not even do its research, as the person portraying Spider-Man in the latest Spider-Man movie, Miles Morales, is in fact black.” Neither did CCTV explain how Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United Sates.

The U.S. government has designated CGTN as one of six “foreign missions” in the United States operated by the Chinese government, to warn the Americans that the content from the broadcasts is controlled by the CCP.

1. The Epoch Times, August 25, 2021
2. Mythinformed Account on Tweeter


China Expert: CCP’s Secret Agenda behind Its Crackdown on Chinese Companies

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has taken a large number of actions to crack down on Chinese companies in such businesses as tutoring, Internet, and food delivery. During an interview with the Epoch Times, Cheng Xiaonong, an expert on China issues, offered his views on Beijing’s secret agenda.

Cheng thinks Beijing is carrying out an agenda which he identifies as, “leaving the virtual business to return to real industry” (脱虚向实), without openly announcing it. The sectors that Beijing cracked down on are in the area of services, but not in the manufacturing industries which Beijing really wants to promote. China has a labor shortage for manufacturing jobs despite its having  increased salaries. The number of China’s peasants who took manufacturing jobs in 2020 was 78 million, a drop of 10 million from 2016. Cheng estimated that China will lose 20 million peasant workers by 2025. The tutoring business employs 10 million workers (many of whom have college degrees) and the food delivery business also employs 10 million. Beijing might want to cut those areas to drive more people toward manufacturing jobs. (Editor’s note: Beijing has also started a wave of converting universities to vocational schools to produce more high-skilled technicians).

Cheng also thinks that the CCP has a secret agenda to decouple itself from the U.S. It wants to reduce China’s dependency on U.S. technology, the U.S. market, and the U.S. dollar. Therefore, it dares to beat those Chinese companies listed on different U.S. stock markets and see their stock prices falling. It no longer cares what Wall Street and the American investors think of China anymore.

Source: Epoch Times, August 25, 2021

China’s United Front Work’s Efforts to Weaken India

The Epoch Times reported that it has received information from several sources that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using its United Front Work Department to lobby India’s scholars, news reporters, and companies. The goal is to weaken India and eventually force it to yield to the CCP.

The article reported several examples:

Some well-known Indian newspapers published whole-page commentaries by Sun Weidong, China’s Ambassador to India, on the issues of Tibet, Hong Kong, COVID-19, and the CCP’s 100th Anniversary. The purpose of these commentaries was to promote the CCP’s viewpoint. For example, The Hindu (one of India’s  main daily newspapers) published Sun’s commentary that Beijing’s passing the national security law in Hong Kong was good for India’s interests and therefore India should respect and support the CCP’s efforts in having passed this law in Hong Kong.

An anonymous New Delhi source said that China’s United Front Work Department has established groups to do lobbying in all key departments in every South Asian country.

The CCP is pushing its own leadership on Buddhism over its rival India. Ever since 2006, Beijing has hosted the World Buddhist Forum (WBF). The CCP controlled Panchen Lama gives a speech each time but the Dalai Lamar is never invited. Beijing even promoted its Belt & Road Initiative at the 2018 WBF conference.

Beijing is also promoting Lumbini in Nepal. Lumbini is the place where, according to Buddhist tradition, Queen Mahamayadevi gave birth to Siddhartha Gautama around 563. In promoting it as a main Buddhist site, Beijing is attempting to counter India which has the most important Buddhist pilgrimage centers. Beijing built the Zhong Hua Chinese Buddhist Monastery in Lumbini. The Asia Pacific Exchange and Cooperation (APEC) also has a 3-billion-dollar project for the Lumbini Recovery Plan.

The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), under the CCP’s United Front Works Department, directs many friendship associations in other countries. When the world criticized the CCP for its national security law in Hong Kong, many friendship associations in South Asia published a joint statement to support the CCP. Also, when Beijing and India had a border clash, the India-China Friendship Association stated that it was “making every effort to promote peace (with China) among Indians.”

Source: Epoch Times, July 31, 2021

Editors Resigned to Protest Scientific Journal Publishing Unethical Papers from China

Eight out of the 25 board members of the scientific journal, “Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine,” resigned recently to protest the journal’s publishing many articles that Chinese authors had written and which could lead to unethical or discriminating DNA profiling. The journal is published by Wiley, a world premier scientific publisher based in New Jersey.

Yves Moreau, a bio-information expert at the University of Leuven in Belgium found that, earlier this year, the journal published 18 papers with ethical issues. Some of the papers described genetic differences between ethnic groups, which the Chinese police could use for DNA profiling. Other papers relied on samples that Moreau suspected were taken without proper consent. Beijing wants to build a genetic library for all of the 700 million males in China and thus has collected DNA from all males, some with people’s consent and some by force.

In March, Moreau raised the issue to Suzanne Hart, the journal’s editor-in-chief. After not getting a meaningful answer, he raised the issue to the full board in June. Some board members also inquired of Suzanne Hart and eventually, eight out of the 25 board members resigned in protest.

1. Radio Free Asia, August 7, 2021
2. The Intercept, August 4, 2021

Propaganda: The Non-Existent Swiss Biologist Who Said China’s Lab Did Not Leak the Virus

In early August, Many of China’s state media, including Xinhua, People’s Daily, China News Agency, and Global Times, quoted Facebook about a Biologist named Wilson Edwards from Switzerland who stated that it is extremely unlikely that China’s lab leaked the COVID-19 virus. He worried that the World Health Organization lacks an independent scientific judgment and has become a political tool of the U.S. government.

However, on August 10, Switzerland’s Embassy in China issued an official statement that this was fake news. The statement said that Switzerland does not have a citizen whose name is Wilson Edwards, that no academic article was ever published by an author with that name, and that his Facebook account was created on July 24, 2021, with only one posting and three friends. This indicates that this account was not created for a social networking purpose.

Source: Liberty Times, August 11, 2021

Pandemic: COVID-19 Is Spreading in China (August 11, 2021, Update)

The COVID-19 virus keeps spreading in China. During the latest round of the outbreak, a total of 17 provinces have reported COVID-19 cases. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has hidden the real information, the actual number of those infected is unknown.

On August 9, Yangzhou City, Jiangzu Province reported 48 cases, with a cumulative total of 394 cases. Jiangsu Province sent 653 medical doctors and nurses and 2,260 COVID testers from other cities to Yangzhou. On August 11, Sun Chunlan, the Vice Premier of China, visited Yangzhou to check on the COVID-19 outbreak.

Zhengzhou City, Henan Province which just suffered a severe flood due to the government releasing water from a dam without informing people, also reported COVID-19 cases.

The CCP has been using an extreme lockdown method to create “zero” cases. Zhang Wenhong, the lead medical expert on the COVID-19 virus in Shanghai, recently suggested that more and more people feel the pandemic will not end soon. Therefore the world should learn to live with the virus. However, Gao Qiang, formerly of the Minister of Health, criticized this viewpoint.

1., August 11, 2021
2. China’s State Council Website, August 11, 2021
3. VOA, August 11, 2021

Related postings on Chinascope:

Pandemic: COVID-19 Delta Variant Is Spreading in China Since July

China’s “World’s First” Biological Experiments Violate Human Ethics

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has conducted several biological experiments which violate human ethics. While other countries have not done them because they are unethical, the CCP has been able to claim they are the “first in the world” to do them. Down the road, these experiments, as listed below, may jeopardize humanity.

  1. Make male rats pregnant. On June 9, BioRxiv published a research paper that researchers from the China Naval Medical University produced. It described and gave out the actual method to sacrifice three female rats to make one male rat pregnant.
  2. Human-monkey chimeric embryos. On April 15, a research team from Kunming University of Technology in China and the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in the United States developed embryos with cells originating from humans and also with cells originating from monkeys.
  3. Genetically modified fetuses. In late November 2018, Chinese scientist He Jiankui created a situation in which twin baby girls were born with modified genes.
  4.  Shi Zhengli and the Wuhan Institute of Virology worked on modifying the Coronavirus.

Source: Epoch Times, June 29, 2021