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Qiushi: Dealing with Arguments against the Anti-corruption Campaign

Critics of China’s anti-corruption campaign have offered numerous arguments in favor of stopping the campaign. On May 15, 2015, Qiushi published a commentary rebutting critics’ remarks opposing the campaign. 

According to the commentary, as the anti-corruption campaign has progressed, “there have been some absurd arguments such as, ‘Anti-Corruption damages the image of the Communist Party.’ Those who hold this view believe that, as more corrupt officials are under investigation and more scandals are exposed, the public may develop a "no good people in the Party" feeling, causing people to question our Party. It may also result in the international community seeing the Party with an adverse view, thus damaging the Party’s reputation and image. This argument appears to protect the Party, but it actually harbors resentment [against the anti-corruption campaign], in an attempt to negate it and slow down the anti-corruption efforts. We must, therefore, firmly clarify our position.” 
The commentary dismissed those arguments against the anti-corruption campaign, stating that the "heavy blows" and "strong medicine" used in the anti-corruption campaign against a large number of leaders and the senior leaders in particular, has shown the public the firm opposition against corruption and the strong determination to build clean politics. The anti-corruption campaign has won applause both inside and outside of the Party and both domestically and abroad.
Source: Qiushi, May 15, 2016

Xi Jinping: Standardizing Police Operations

On May 20, 2016, Xi Jinping chaired the 24th Meeting of the Communist Party’s Central Leading Group for Deepening Overall Reform and delivered an important speech. At the meeting the “Opinion on Deepening the Standardization of Public Security Law Enforcement” was reviewed and passed. 

Xi emphasized that efforts must be spent to perfect the mechanism for police law enforcement to exercise power, and to build a complete law enforcement system, case system, and management system. He also stressed the need to achieve the police personnel’s professionalism, standardize police behavior, systemize the management of police operations and document the flow and process of the police in action. He stated that the police must be under strict supervision, and any outstanding problems must be solved, so that people can see fairness and justice in society through every police activity and every case that is handled. 
Source: Xinhua, May 20, 2016

Huanqiu: China Rejects the Cultural Revolution

On May 17, 2016, Huanqiu (Global Times) published a commentary stating that the 1981 Party document “The Resolution on a Number of Historical Issues Since the Founding of the Party” made an authoritative determination totally rejecting the "Cultural Revolution."  Since then, generations of Chinese leaders have all consistently supported the conclusion of the resolution; no dissenters have ever been reported in the Party’s documents. The commentary stated that completely rejecting the "Cultural Revolution" is not only an understanding throughout the Communist Party, but also a solid consensus of the entire Chinese society.

 “The ’Cultural Revolution’ will not be repeated in China. Those disastrous 10 years inflicted grave harm to China’s development, leaving a permanent wound in the life of the people.” 
"The commentary stated that there have always been different voices on the issue of the "Cultural Revolution," but as loud as some of them are, they are out of touch with the reality that the Chinese people are concerned about, and they will not be able make waves. 
“We said goodbye to the ‘Cultural Revolution’ a long time ago. We can say it again today. The ‘Cultural Revolution’ cannot and will not come back. China today no longer has a place for the ‘Cultural Revolution.’ As to the question of whether it will repeat itself, the answer is very clear. The collective thinking of the Chinese people is several levels higher and there is absolutely no way that people will ever allow the ‘Cultural Revolution’ to catch up with us and haunt us again.”  
Source: Huanqiu, May 17, 2016

People’s Daily: The Cultural Revolution Was Completely Wrong in Theory and in Practice

On May 17, 2016, the People’s Daily published a commentary stating that the "Cultural Revolution" was a mistake that should not be repeated. 

The commentary stated that the 1981 Party document, which was titled, “The Resolution on a Number of Historical Issues Since the Founding of the Party” conclusively determined that both the “Cultureal Revolution” and the “theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat” were totally wrong. “The political determination that the Resolution made about the ‘Cultural Revolution’ is unshakably authoritative.” 

“It was a mistake for the leader to launch the ‘Cultural Revolution,’ which was used by counter-revolutionary groups. It brought a severe disaster of domestic strife to the Party, the State, and the people of all nationalities. The harm it caused was comprehensive and grave. History has fully proved that the ‘Cultural Revolution’ was completely wrong in theory and in practice. It was not and could never be a revolution or social progress in any sense.” 

The article emphasized that mistakes like the "Cultural Revolution" will not and cannot be allowed to be repeated. It urged that [the people] must learn the lesson by heart and must resolutely prevent and resist interference from both the "left" and the "right" on the issue of the "Cultural Revolution". 

Source: People’s Daily, May 17, 2016

China to Further Control Land Use for Urbanization

On May 9, 2016, officials from the Ministry of Land and Resources explanained its thirteenth five-year plan, which was recently released. The plan covered the period from 2016 to 2020.  

Although the second national land survey showed that farmland has increased overall, some areas may not be used for farming and will be degraded into forests. Other problems include a serious shortage of reserve resources and mounting pressure on farmland due to disasters and construction. China must ensure it has no less than 18.65 million mu of arable land for steady farming. 
In regulating land use, consistent with the capacity reduction requirement, the supply of land for the production of iron and steel, coal and other industries with excess capacity and "zombie companies" will be strictly controlled. Policies will be developed to encourage and support exit, conversion, and mergers and acquisitions. 
For cities with a higher real estate inventory, the supply of land for housing will be reduced and ultimately eliminated.  Where any construction has not yet started, the use of the land will be allowed to change to the construction of resettlement housing and apartments for rent.  
Source: People’s Daily, May 9, 2016

Xi Jinping: Anti-Corruption Campaign Improves China’s Image

On May 3, 2016, People’s Daily published the full text of the speech Xi Jinping’s gave on January 12, 2016, at the Sixth Plenary Session of the CCP Central Discipline Inspection Commission. The speech was 12, 000 Chinese characters in length. During the speech, Xi discussed how the anti-corruption campaign has helped China’s relationship with other countries.  

“Because we firmly oppose corruption, we have taken over the international moral high ground. In the past, the United States and other Western countries always created difficulties for us on the anti-corruption issue and constantly raised the so-called anti-corruption issues at the United Nations, the Group of Twenty, APEC, and on other occasions. Now, in one swoop, we have obtained strategic advantages in the international arena. We have strengthened international multilateral and bilateral cooperation against corruption. We have started the ‘heaven’s vengeance action’ to intensify the efforts to track down stolen goods and to bring to justice criminals who fled the country years ago. We have offered a series of initiatives on international cooperation to counter corruption including the initiative to build a new international anti-corruption order. In particular, we have increased pressure on the United States and other Western countries in terms of anti-corruption cooperation, asking them not to become a ‘safe paradise’ where corrupt elements can evade being held accountable. Criminal suspects that these countries initially think are cards in their hands to play against us have now become hot potatoes in their hands. Various countries admire our resolve to show our swords against corruption. Our anti-corruption actions have won the respect of the international community.”
“In 2015, a National Bureau of Statistics survey showed that 91.5 percent of the people expressed satisfaction with the effectiveness of the clean government and anti-corruption work. A Chinese Academy of Social Sciences survey showed that 93.7 percent of the leading cadres, 92.8 percent of ordinary cadres, 87.9 percent of corporate officers, and 86.9 percent of urban and rural residents in China expressed confidence in the anti-corruption campaign.” 

Source: People’s Daily, May 3, 2016 

Xi Jinping’s Recent Speeches Published in Full Text

On April 30, 2016, Qiushi, a semi-monthly publication of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), published the full text of Xi Jinping’s speech given at the CCP Central Party School on December 11, 2015. Other speeches published recently in full text include Xi’s speech at the Sixth Plenary Session of the CCP Central Discipline Inspection Commission in January 2016, and his speech at the Internet Security and Information Technology Forum on April 19, 2016. Analysts observed that the purpose of such publications is to avoid the State media’s manipulation of Xi’s words when quoting from his speeches and to allow a full understanding of his intent within the context of the entire speech. 

During his speech at the Party School in December 2016, Xi mentioned a number of the Party School’s problems. “The Party School is a school, but it is not an ordinary school. It is the school where the Party educates and trains its backbone personnel to govern the country. Thus it must meet higher political expectations. In the past, I heard reports that some people spread Western capitalist values when delivering lectures at the Party School; some with loose lips made improper comments about the Party and about State policies; some did nothing but nitpick and complain without having any basis; and others inappropriately participated in social events in the name of the Party School Although these phenomena occur among a small group of people, the impact is very bad. Problems like these cannot occur in the school!”  Xi asked that the Party School abide by the Party’s political discipline and rules, and said it should be in line with the CCP Central Committee. “If the Party School cannot be in line with the CCP Central Committee, how can it guide students to be in line with the CCP Central Committee?" 
Source: Qiushi, April 30, 2016

Millions of Migrant Workers Are Not Getting Paid

A report that the National Bureau of Statistics released revealed that over 2.7 million farmers-turned workers are still owed the wage payments they earned. 

According to the 2015 Migrant Workers Monitoring Survey Report, about 277.47 million farmers (migrant workers or farmers-turned workers) left their land and the countryside to work in towns and cities. About 1 percent of them, a 0.2 percentage point increase from the previous year, are waiting for the overdue wages that their employers have delayed paying them. The average amount of delayed wages is 9,788 yuan per worker, an increase of 277 yuan compared to a year ago. [According to the National Bureau of Statistics, disposable personal income per capita was 31,195 yuan in 2015.] 
Source: Xinhua, May 1, 2016