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Central Propaganda Department: Chinese Media Have the Responsibility and Obligation to Break the Hegemony of Western Media Discourse

In the opening speech at the China Internet Media Forum held in Guangzhou on Nov. 25, 2021, Shen Haixiong, the deputy minister of the Central Propaganda Department and director and editor-in-chief of China Central Radio and Television, stated that Chinese media have the responsibility and obligation to strive to increase their authority and influence in the international public opinion field and to break the long-standing “discourse hegemony” of Western media.

Shen Haixiong said that the Chinese media must promote the formation of an objective, fair, positive and healthy global public opinion ecology, and no longer allow political self-interest, racial discrimination, and ideological prejudice to dominate public opinion and mislead people.

Shen gave two examples of how to control the direction of public opinion.
Shen said that in response to Bloomberg’s false “global anti-(Sars-2) epidemic ranking” this year, China Central Radio and Television used its advantages to organize three rounds of overseas “polls of global netizen’s opinions on fighting the epidemic,” and released a series of influential reports and commentaries regarding the “tracing (of the viral origin) to the United States.”

Shen also said that in recent reports on the situation in Afghanistan, CCTV headquarters seized the exclusive rights, guaranteed the first release, controlled the discourse rights and defined the narratives. It also sent back a large number of exclusive videos of global news and became the main information source of global media. “The headquarters of CGTN microphone was the only media microphone on the stage of the Taliban’s first press conference after the withdrawal of the U.S. military. It continued to disclose the truth about the indiscriminate killings of innocents by the U.S. military, and delivered objective and true first-hand information to the world. It completely shattered the embarrassment that Chinese media could only transmit other media’s reports in international emergencies in the past.”

Source: Zhaobao, November 26, 2021

Xi Jinping: The International Situation Is Advantageous to China; There Are Still Important Opportunities to Build the “Belt and Road” Jointly

According to Xinhua News, on November 19, Xi Jinping attended the 3rd Symposium on “Belt and Road” Construction in Beijing  and delivered a speech. He said that, on the whole, the theme of the era of peace and development has not changed and the general direction of economic globalization has not changed. “The international situation for strategic development is advantageous to the mainland.” The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” still faces important opportunities. At the same time, the international environment for joint construction of the “Belt and Road” is becoming increasingly complex.

Source: China Times, November 25, 2021

Duowei: Biden Promised to Give Up Subverting China’s System. This Shows the Success of Beijing’s Struggle Strategy

Duowei, an Internet news portal stationed in North America and associated with Beijing’s grand propaganda plan, published an article claiming that Beijing won a battle in the struggle between China and the United States.
“The video meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping (on November 16 ) showed the success of Beijing’s struggle in the past few months against the arrogant attitude of the Biden administration.”

The article said, “Although the U.S. draft is extremely restrained and only displays three sections, the outside world can still find from the Chinese draft that the two sides have shown interest in strategic stability, diplomatic security, finance, economics and trade, and climate change. The U.S. willingness in the long-term to have full communication with China on almost all issues is positive in itself.”

The article continued, “During this meeting, Biden clearly recognized China as a major world leader, just like the United States. This is an important evaluation of China. It is not the America First from the Trump era, but China is also the world’s major leader, with whom the United States is willing to discuss issues.

“The Biden administration’s patience with China was not there from the beginning. After taking office, Washington elites such as Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan still displayed American arrogance, accusing China on the issue of the origin of the new Coronavirus, forcing China to yield using public opinion, and amplifying the human rights issue in Xinjiang into a cotton war, etc. These tactics were no different from the Trump era.

“The high-level meeting in Alaska in March ended unpleasantly. Beijing launched a counterattack ‘full of gunpowder.’ The United States ‘has no right to speak condescendingly with China, and the Chinese do not give a damn.’ The ‘old problems of the United States interfering in China’s internal affairs must be corrected.’ This was a loud warning from Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office. Biden’s climate envoy John Kerry (John Kerry) made his first visit to China in April. It was arranged to be in Shanghai, far away from the political center.”

The article claimed that “Beijing’s tough stance during the Alaska meeting and Kerry’s first visit to China made the Biden administration clearly realize that the original method of dealing with China is no longer applicable.”

The article concluded, “Many people are skeptical about China’s pursuit of an equal footing with the United States, believing that it is too presumptuous and too aggressive. Now it looks apparent that there is no need to worry at all. The American respect that China wants will not come automatically. The change in the United States needs to be forced by an external atmosphere. China has not passively endured all this, but is actively shaping up the situation. From hiding one’s capacity and biding one’s time, to acting proactively, then to daring to fight and being good at fighting, Beijing’s approach of responding to the challenges of the United States has begun to bear fruit.”

Source: Duowei, November 18, 2021全球/60269072/拜登承诺放弃颠覆中国体制这是北京斗争策略的成功

Global Times: It Is Imperative to Build a High-Tech “Non-American” System

China’s state-run media Global Times published an opinion article, calling for China to build a high-tech “non-U.S. system.”

The article said, “November 8th was the deadline for the U.S. government to ‘blackmail’ the commercial data of semiconductor companies. The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC) stated that it had ‘responded’ to the U.S. request, but emphasized that no customer-specific data was disclosed. It can be seen that this move by the U.S. government will not only impact the commercial reputation of TSMC and other foundries, but it will also affect the commercial safety of the entire upstream and downstream customers who use the foundries as a link. The U.S. government continues to intensify its political intervention in the global high-tech industry. The most far-reaching effect is for China to urge China, and also to warn all high-tech companies in the world, In order to get rid of the political hegemony of the United States. It is imperative to establish a global high-tech ‘non-U.S. system.’ There is no other way around it!”

“The global high-tech supply chain is chaotic. In addition to the (Covid-19) pandemic factor, the gross intervention of the US government is also to blame. The series of measures taken by the U.S. government not only dispelled China’s illusion of long-term dependence on U.S. core technology and industrial ecology. It also began to alert other countries: without getting rid of the U.S. monopoly and stepping out of the U.S. single-system technology route, it will be difficult to obtain true industrial independence.  … U.S. hegemony is deeply entrenched and difficult to shake off in the short term. The end of the U.S. unilateral monopoly in the high-tech field is the only way out. This is not only the only way for China’s high-tech, but also the only way for global high-tech.”

“The U.S. government’s intensified (intervention) has awakened more companies and countries around the world. To avoid political interference from the U.S. government, and to return the market, technology and science to their roots, the global high-tech industries must complete a revolutionary change — truly activate competition and get rid of the U.S. tech monopoly. On October 29, 2021, Huawei held a mobilization assembly entitled ‘No Retreat is the Road to Victory’ in the Songshan Lake Industrial Park. Ren Zhengfei (The Head of Huawei) clearly proclaimed: ‘Peace is achieved through a fight.’ Not only Huawei, but all high-tech industries in the world should give up illusions.”

Source: Global Times, November 9, 2021

Global Times: Hong Kong’s Anti-China Destabilizing Media Must Be Cleaned Up

China’s state-run media Global Times rejoiced over the resignation on November 1 of Zhong Peiquan as the editor-in-chief of the Hong Kong independent media Stance News (立场新闻). Global Times named Stance News as being an anti-China, Hong Kong-destabilizing media similar to Hong Kong’s “Apple Daily.”

The article said, “Over the years, the online media have often published biased or even fabricated reports on the SAR government and the mainland.” “In April, after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Stance News published an interview with the then Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association Xia Boyil. Xia claimed that this was the first time that a Hong Kong court sentenced a ‘Peaceful Unapproved Assembly’ to prison, and declared that, “If citizens cannot vent their grievances through peaceful demonstrations, they may eventually turn to violence,” downplaying the actions of violent mobs. In May, Stance News reprinted an article entitled, ‘Looking at the Future of the Hong Kong Resistance Movement from the Experience of the Irish Resistance,’ which compared Northern Irish militants with the so-called ‘Hong Kong Resistance’  and encouraged the mobs to ‘make a last stand.’”

Global Times indicated that, “Even though Zhong resigned, he can still be investigated by law enforcement agencies for related criminal responsibility.”

It concluded with a comment published in Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily. “The clean-up of Hong Kong’s anti-China forces is just the beginning. Some of the opposition’s public opinion tools and media are still intact. They only managed to be more restrained after the fall of the Apple Daily. The article said that it is not enough to eradicate Apple Daily now. The soil of the media industry must be changed. ‘Some media must separate themselves from their history and be politically sensible.”

Source: Global Times, November 8, 2021

Beijing Firms Up its Close Engagement with Afghan Taliban Government

On October 25th and 26th, during his visit to the Qatari capital of Doha, the Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with a delegation of the interim Afghan Taliban government. It was the first high-level engagement since the militant group took power in Kabul two months ago. On Monday (the 25th), Wang Yi met with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the acting deputy prime minister of the Afghan interim government. After their Tianjin meeting, it was their second meeting  in three months.

In an article titled, “At this Critical Time, the Taliban Made a Promise to China with Ten Words,” which was in the leading online news media Net Ease, the Chinese media highly touted Wang Yi’s meeting with Baradar. In the news photo showing Wangyi and Baradar greeting each other with an elbow, the caption described, “The news photo is interesting. Wang Yi in a suit and leather shoes stretched out his left elbow, and the Taliban leader Baradar in fluttering robes stretched out his right elbow. Baradar, a bearded man smiled, and Wang Yi, who was wearing a mask, smiled too. …”

The article began with the statement, “On October 25th, we met in Qatar. It was almost 3 months since the last meeting in Tianjin.”

Then it added cheerfully, “Three months ago, the Taliban only occupied half of the country. Baradar led a delegation to visit China. It was also the first public visit to China by the leadership of the Taliban, which attracted worldwide attention.

“Three months later, the Taliban had become the masters of all of Afghanistan and Baradar also served as the acting deputy prime minister of the interim government. He and Wang Yi met again.”

The article then highlighted the meeting with Baradar’s message.
It said, “According to the press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during the second meeting, the Taliban made a clear promise.

“Please note this passage from Baradar:

“Baradar emphasized that China is an important neighboring country of Afghanistan and he is grateful for the respect and friendliness shown by China during these difficult times in Afghanistan. Pursuing a policy of friendship with China is Atta’s firm choice (Atta Muhammad Nur, a main political power in Afghanistan) and hopes to strengthen cooperation with China in various fields. Atta attaches great importance to China’s security concerns and will resolutely fulfill its commitments, and will never allow anyone or any force to use Afghanistan’s territory to do things that endanger China.”

The Article repeated Baradar’s message with the following statement:

“The meaning is also very clear:

1. We thank China for its respect and friendship to Afghanistan during the difficult period in Afghanistan.

2. The Afghan Taliban have always pursued friendship with China and hope to strengthen cooperation in various fields.

3. Regarding China’s security concerns, (Baradar promises) that the Taliban will resolutely fulfill their commitments and deliver what they have promised.”

The article was republished by a number of other top online media such as Sina, Sohu, etc.

Source: Net Ease, October 27, 2021

Development and Reform Commission: Private Capital Shall not Engage in News Gathering, Editing and Broadcasting Business!

According to the website of the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission publicly solicited opinions on the “Market Access Negative List (2021 Edition)” on the 8th of October. The draft mentions that it is forbidden to conduct news and media-related businesses in violation of regulations.

1. Private capital shall not engage in the news gathering, editing and broadcasting business.

2. Private capital shall not invest in the establishment and operation of news organizations, including but not limited to news agencies, newspaper publishing companies, radio and television broadcasting organizations, radio and television stations, and Internet news information collection, editing and publishing service organizations.

3. Private capital shall not operate the layout, news frequency, news channel, column, or public accounts owned by news organizations.

4. Private capital shall not engage in live broadcast services of activities and events involving politics, the economy, the military, diplomacy, major society, culture, science and technology, health, education, sports, and other related political directions, public opinion orientations, and value orientations.

5. Private capital shall not introduce news released by overseas entities.

6. Private capital shall not hold forums or summits and award selection activities in the field of news and public opinion.

Source: Xinhua, October 9, 2021

Related Article: China to Ban Private Capital in the News Business


Alibaba’s Ant Group Has Sold All Its Shares in Caixin Media, According to Report

Chinese Internet giant Tencent posted news that Netease originally reported saying  that Ant Group (which Alibaba owns) has recently sold all of its shares in Caixin Media and completely withdrawn from investment. According to publicly available information, Caixin Media had previously introduced external investors such as Zhejiang Shu Culture, Tencent, CMC Capital, and Ant Group through A, B, C, and D rounds of financing. As of now, Ant, Zheshu Culture, and others. have disappeared from the list of Caixin shareholders. Tencent still holds a small number of Caixin shares through the Shenzhen Litong Industrial Investment Fund.

{Note: Caixin Media is a private all-media group that provides financial news and information services.  Hu Shuli, the former editor-in-chief of Caixin magazine was the founder. It is said that former Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan is one of the backers of Caixin Media.}

Also, on September 23, Alibaba sold all of its shares of Mango Excellent Media, a major TV-based entertainment media in Shanghai, at a loss of over 2 billion yuan (US$ 310 million).

1. Tencent, October 12, 2021
2. Sina, September 24, 2021