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SWAT Officer Becomes China’s New Role Model

On March 16, Hu Jintao, the President and Chair of CCP’s Central Military Commission, issued a directive to “vigorously carry forward the advanced deeds and lofty spirit of Comrade Shen Zhandong,” a SWAT officer who reportedly died from “overwork on the frontlines in maintaining stability in the Xinjiang region.” 

According to Xinhua, Shen’s death came in the early morning on January 30, when he finished his patrol mission and returned to his residence. He was posthumously awarded the "First Class Heroic Model in National Public Security Organs" and the "China Youth Medal." Zhou Yongkong, the country’s security czar, and Meng Jianzhu, the Minister of Public Security, called for national police forces to learn from Shen as another role model to advance the party’s political agenda. 
Source: Xinhua, March 16

China’s First Annual Report on the Internet Realtime-Public-Opinions Index

The 2009 Annual Report on the Internet Realtime-Public-Opinions Index, the first report of its kind, was published on March 18 by the Communication University of China and IRI Consulting.

The report concludes that Internet public opinions cover a wide variety of issues and hot topics, and have a long lasting and amplified social impact. The eight issues that have received the most concern among Chinese Internet users are: corruption, housing prices, employment, the household registration system, social security, food safety, medical insurance, and transportation safety. The report considers that incidents of economic or political policy, people’s livelihood, and corruption could potentially trigger large scale Internet public attention.
Source: China News Service, March 18, 2010

Maintaining Social Order as the 2010 Propaganda Priority of the Party

The Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs of China’s Communist Party recently issued its 2010 propaganda priorities. Effective practices and experiences of handling social stability will be highlighted in the propaganda: the resolution of social conflicts, improvement of the government reputation, grass-roots infrastructure for comprehensive management of the social order, promotion of the socialist rule of law and government efforts in resolving complaints.

Source: Xinhua, March 17, 2010

Xinhua Critical of the Book China Dream

Xinhua’s International Herald Leader stated that China’s hawks should be nonviolent, rational, responsible and not "savagely combative." "Whose dream is this China’s dream? Is it the dream and pursuit of the Chinese people? The Chinese people dreams for a powerful China but do not necessary have the aspiration to become the No. 1 military power and eventually dominate the world. The book may sell well but lacks professionalism. As known to all, the No. 1 military power in the world is the United States, with its largest inventory of nuclear weapons. Whatever nuclear weapons China possesses is nothing compared to the United States. To become No. 1 means to surpass the United States and produce more nuclear weapons. Is this what China should do?" "Irresponsible remarks may sometimes be manipulated, leading to devastating consequences." "Any clear-cut expressions should not ignore the complexity of reality. Nor should they disregard the national image in the international community and our national long term interests." 

Source: International Herald Leader, March 15, 2010

China Youth Daily: Rule of Law vs. Pressure from the Internet

A China Youth Daily article questioned the rule of law in the light of a series of recent arrests of online bloggers for their outspoken postings against the government. Earlier, on February 26, Mr. Chen from Yunxi County, Hubei Province was arrested for his “trouble-making” remarks on the Internet. In response to the public outcry on the Internet against the arrest, local police stated that they were "in strict accordance with the law" and the decision to arrest was reported to and approved by superiors “to uphold the law." After eight days of detention on charges of “insulting and defaming others,” Chen was released due to “pressure from the Internet,” said the Yunxi Public Security Bureau.

China Youth Daily questioned, “Now that the pressure from the Internet forced them to release the guy, then what exactly was the pressure that forced them to arrest the guy?”

Source: People’s Daily, reprint China Youth Daily, March 12, 2010

Red Flag Manuscript: The U.S. Threatens China’s Oil Imports

Red Flag Manuscript, a semi-monthly publication by Qiushi Magazine, published an article concerning China’s procurement of oil, which was written by a researcher from the Party Construction Research Institute, Communist Organization Department. The National Energy Commission, created on January 27, 2010, with Wen Jiabao as Director and Li Keqiang as the Deputy, is a clear indication that energy resources have become a top priority for China’s leaders.

The article claimed that U.S.’ control of the world’s oil supply and shipping routes are a potential threat to China’s procurement of energy resources. Not only is the U.S. well placed in the Middle East, but also is well established in the Caspian Sea through military cooperation with Azerbaijan and Armenia. Among the sixteen channels the US claims to control, three are directly linked to China’s survival. The U.S. patrols the Malacca strait with the excuse of anti-terrorism activities. this is a smoke screen and in reality it is to control China’s oil life-supply from the sea.

Source: Qiushi Magazine, February 26, 2010

Promoting Red Culture

During the National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, several representatives talked about developing and promoting the “Red Culture” (praising the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or its leaders or worshipping at the CCP’s historical sites from the wartime). Recently, many local governments have greatly promoted “red culture” including “red tourism,” “red movies,” “red songs,” and “red text messages.” Jiangxi Province allocated 30 billion yuan (near $5 billion dollar) to “Red Tourism” in 2009, a 25% increase over 2008.

The representatives suggested to change direction and use more attractive and catchy means instead of administrative orders to get people to buy into the “red culture.” Furthermore, redirection of Internet opinion by promoting “red culture” instead of “blocking” unwanted content is of importance. Most appropriately, developing “red culture” through innovation and new technologies should be a number one priority.

Source: Xinhua, March 11, 2010

China Sports Officials: Athletes Should Thank Their Country before Their Parents

China’s top sports officials advised to prioritize athlete’s educaion regarding virtue. They were infuriated that some athletes thanked their parents instead of their country after winning competitions.  

They especially pointed to Zhou Yang, the gold medalist of the women’s 1500 meter short track speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympic Game. Zhou Yang’s speech of “(My winning) can bring my dad and mom a better life,” moved many people.  

Yu Zaiqing, Deputy Director of the State Physical Cultural Administration and Vice President of International Olympic Committee said that Zhou Yang should have first thanked the country and secondly her parents. Yu argued that it was the country that was responsible for Zhou’s competitive abilities, providing for and subsidizing her training.

Yu’s criticism drew a hot discussion on the Internet and text messages flew back and forth. The netizens were overwhelmingly in support of Zhou Yang.

Source: China News Service, March 8, 2010